Well this is a load of nonsense. But even if it wasn’t, this somehow equates to sending death threats to a voice actor over something she had no control over in a video game? The logic here is weak at the very least.
I can’t even say that I’m surprised anymore.
Lena Headey was frequently harassed in public by people who hated Cersei Lannister (her character on Game of Thrones). She had people curse at her, come up to her and get aggressive in the grocery store, etc. She had people call her vile names and some of them got so in-her-face that she was actually frightened.
What is WRONG with people?
Ugh people on a power trip like “Oh I’m tougher than this CHARACTER because I scared the woman that played her. Hurdedur”
I can’t even begin to find a logic in that. I mean, the character was so well played that you hated her…so you would think that the actress should be praised for her work.
And let’s get real: Most of the women on television and in movies are TINY. It’s like a rule or something. /eye roll. Lena Headey probably weighs 100 pounds with a wet woolen blanket draped over her, but full grown adult men would aggress on her in public as though she were actually Cersei. I cannot imagine.
RIGHT?! I LOVE when an actor or voice actor can get me to be all “Okay I hate you but I also love it whenever you’re on screen”
If Walking Dead wasn’t so garbage I would just watch Negen. ( I mean cmon he’s hot )
I hope these people making death threats are being punished. Even if there is no actual intent it is insane for someone to think they can do such a thing especially due to a game
GIRL! (If you’re not a female…DUDE!)
Watch Supernatural’s first couple of seasons. He plays the dad. Yes…he is hot.
I think it’s actually a little easier to listen for negative/positive connotations in the corporate media than it is to verify random often fabricated or mislabeled stuff people retweet around twitter. Even Trump deletes his own tweets from time to time because he doesn’t realize what he tweeted. For instance, we know fox hates democrats, and cnn hates republicans, and MSNBC REALLY hates republicans, RT focuses on international news to distract from domestic problems, AlJazeera is big on social justice but wouldn’t mind if israel disappeared, CBS and ABC try to be more balanced but often highlights the fluffiest numbers to make things look more interesting…
And to the best of my knowledge none of them think Coronavirus was part of an elaborate plot to assasinate the president, they all agree the earth is round and the moon is not a hologram. And Biden didn’t endorse Trump, he in fact said ‘you can only re-elect trump [if you want something bad to happen]’. And when twitter’s media moderator flags something as manipulated media, but WH press secretary insists it was not, I’ll believe Twitter’s media moderator all the way. (So even twitter isn’t going to be as ‘raw’ as people might like.)
And I can verify on foxnews and cbs youtube video comments! And sometimes that seth meyer channel!
I’m male but I understand your use of “GIRL!” lol
Seriously tho a good voice actor can have people entranced.
This guys voice got people crushing on a freaking EEL
man I just started liking Abby and you have to sour her for me by telling me she’s jaina too? Neil really can’t do anything right :c
Okay…totally off-topic, and I don’t mean to veer too far off because this is serious and I’m appalled that Laura Bailey has been threatened.
But OMG, I have a guildie. His voice is butter. I have been trying to convince him to look into voiceover work for almost a decade. I mean…seriously. I’d listen to him read an instruction manual for a toaster. Just saying.
Hey man sometimes it just be like that.
That isn’t the point, the point is you are being fed a narrative by every news channel you watch, while twitter is much more raw. You don’t go on twitter and look at one video of something happening, it’s when you see the same scenario from multiple independent posters that you see things as they are actually happening.
It doesn’t mean twitter is the only source of truth, but it undercuts what you see on tv news over and over. All through the pandemic and protests I turned on news stations and saw them framing things completely differently than what I saw video footage of from multiple regular people.
I turn on tv news and there is an immediate feeling of them trying to convince me of something (FOX and CNN are two prime examples). Sure, it happens on twitter too but that is up to you to put in the effort to dig deeper, compare and contrast, and try to put together a more realistic picture of events as they occurred.
Okay seriously what is wrong with you. The character is quite literally the most unlikable secondary protagonist in the history of AAA.
Oh no famous character killed her dad who was going to kill much loved character to maybe save humanity. This certainly justified torturing them to death after they save you. Meanwhile let’s make you even more unlikable and have you get on with your pregnant friends bf. Seriously I don’t get how anyone can like that character even her so called altrustic actions are just trying to reclaim her own innocence. Also much loved character can’t play guitar anymore because of this person.
end spoilers
All of that said anyone who threatens a voice actor over this is an absolute idiot. Abby still sucks hard.
Okay Karen.
Pretty sure they were joking mate. Calm down
I’m going to stress this right now that I am in no way shape or form condoning people making death threats and do agree those who make them should face legal consequences for doing so.
That out of the way, I live in an area with a local Cult which a few celebrities are members of(J.Z. Knight’s Ramtha School of Enlightenment). As such, I’ve gotten to party with a few famous people and their kids and talk to them about these kinds of subjects. The reality is, if you’re famous, you get death threats. It’s just a part of the business. Most don’t take them seriously because it’s usually just angry people venting and not thinking about what they’re doing, but it’s also a bit of an “insider secret” that if you want some good publicity, you make a big deal about it. Especially if a project you worked on is especially getting hammered in reviews or is performing badly.
It just annoys me to watch people defend a crappy character purely because of the politics of some of those opposing said character.
Hey man if people like her then fine lets just not be jerks about it.
Disagreements are normal. If we all thought the same, life would be horrendously boring. Again just don’t try and insult each other over it. A lot of people do that already with media.