Classic = Vanilla ALL of Vanilla. Why are you trying to stretch out a game that’s nothing more than a nostalgia piece? Do I got to wait for seasons of Giligan’s island to be released? No. This isn’t something new.
There’s still a lot to do besides grinding purples.
I wonder how many of the people clamouring for more content grinded out the Reps for their profession specific recipes, or even bothered to level up their professions in the first place.
Yes two months, that’s hardly instant gratification. Especially since all they’ve actually released is 3 relatively short dungeons and we don’t have an exact date on phase 2 yet.
This is Classic. This is the content plan, to mirror the progression and power curve of Vanilla. There are myriads of things affected by every update. You guys are amazing in your self-entitlement and myopia. Honestly, it’s an instructive thing to witness.
Phases are a compromise for the people who wanted progressive patches which we aren’t getting. And while they might simulate the power curve somewhat(at least in terms of gear obviously we have 1.12 classes) blizzard never claimed they would be simulating the release timing of vanilla.
How is buying something with gold that you have to farm instant gear?
But in general i prefer to just get my gear in dungeons or raids which is also hardly instant gear.
What do you think the content plan is? Have you watched or read anything about this game before jumping all over the forums? How wrong can you be with a straight face?
Yes, that is true. They never did state specific timings. But what is the point of a six phase roll out plan except to mimic the power curve of Vanilla (which that blue posts states)? That power curve is directly related to the pace of the game, and the moment to moment gameplay. Classic was designed from the ground up for a deeper, slower curve than Retail is now. That’s the whole point.
If a vocal minority of frankly monumentally entitled, petulant baby-gamers rush through everything (exploiting bugged raid experience mechanics to do so, and poop-socking the first 2 weeks just to be “first”) and then demand more content - too bad for them. The core player base is enjoying the ride, and that ride is directly impacted by the raising of any power ceiling.
Classic is not BfA. Deal with it, and stop trying to poison the pond for the rest of us.
But it’s not a vocal minority of people. You don’t seem to understand this. Even last week there were lots of people who were already 60 and MC/Ony were already being cleared in pugs.
As such people are ready for more content, and not just a small minority of people who rushed.
At some point the people like you who leveled excessively slowly become the whiny entitled vocal minority when you want to delay content just because you don’t want it.
Clearing content != ready for the next set.
Most people that are clearing MC/Ony probably don’t have more than 3-4 pieces of gear from those raids, barring MTs in serious guilds that are trying to “push content”.
My guy, the guys who claimed to be “sooooo excited” spent their time exploiting the game in massive raids spamming dungeons while mostly afk. They didn’t even re experience the game, they charged through it. These are 100% not the people we should be catering to on any level. Now they are releveling character by having their guilds boost them with their 60s while they AFK. OHHHHH MAN LOOK AT THAT PASSION!! WHOOOWHEEE they must TRULY LOVE THE GAME LETS CATER TO THESE GUYS!
No, many of us are having a blast trying multiple classes we never did. Were fishing, were exploring everything, were doing the off quests that you think were “silly and omg why isn’t it super convenient so I can RUSHHHHHH TO END GAME”. Were running dungeons to get all the gear. We are leveling every profession to re experience and even see things we never did before. Those crazy long quests in Arathi most people skip? Yeah, thats what the actual fans who want to relive this game are doing. The exploiters, boosters, and guys who rushed who still can’t tell you a thing about most of the quests because they literally dont seem to even enjoy the game in a “real” sense its more of a “look how elite I am” sense, yeah, im sorry, they aren’t us.
You don’t know what the numbers are. No-one does but Blizzard. A third party sure doesn’t, no matter what “numbers” they release. My (and others) anecdotal evidence from LFG and most guilds is by far the majority of people playing the game haven’t even hit 50, let alone 60. If you’re hanging out in guilds and with people who have powered through, you will only see that. That is not the majority.
But it’s not even about hitting 60. It’s about the pace of the game. There is a huge amount to do at 60. Classic is not just about raiding. Many of those of us playing have laughed at Retail babies who came across and tried to dash through dungeons as they do in BfA. They get smashed. Third wipe in they begin listening to the rest of the group, prepping for encounters, pulling carefully, strategizing and CCing. Honestly, it’s been beautiful payback, and satisfying when they get it and see the gameplay for what it is.
This is the exactly the same dynamic. Leave Classic alone and let it be.
I will not be surprised to see P2 within the next two weeks.
They stated that they wanted to remove layering before P2, they’ve all but done away with layering.
I’m going off of that blizz post that was linked where they talked about power creep.
Why are you pretending that “We cleared MC, give us BWL NAO” is any more of a valid stance than mine?
Right only blizzard knows so your claim that there’s only a small portion of people ready for content has about as much weight as my claim that there’s a large portion of people.
Other than the fact that blizzard already released Diremaul and seems to be prepping for phase 2, which kinds of gives more weight to the position that there really are large chunks of people ready for phase 2.
And phase 2 won’t stop you from doing any of those things.
Because content should be gated by how hard it is and how geared you need to be to do it. Not some arbitrary number of weeks, that’s the kind of time gating retail uses and it sucks.