Dont remove water elemental from frost mages

Lol greatly improve frost survivability? Aren’t they one of the most if not most survivable ranged dps? 2x ice block, 2x invis, 30s rune, alter time, blink x2

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lol my rp character uses the elemental for gameplay and for fun. that sucks not all of us wanna do max dps. i like my water pet and i even used his cc ability on my own so boo. retail mages are such boring trash lmao


I know there’s lore support and it’s been there since the Stone Age, but it’s always felt weird to me that a mage would go around with a summoned pet.

It feels warlock-y to me. Specially considering these elementals tend to be enemies we find around the world.

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i love my ele.

i don’t care about cookie cutter specs, i like to do things my own way.
it’s my lil friend, always by my side…
i don’t want it so it can only come out “some of the time” :sob:


I’m talking about solo viability here.
Invis. is out of the question.
Ice Barrier has a considerable CD and is not even 20% HP.

Blink? Rune? What?

We have the 2x Ice Block for 80% heal twice with 30s intervals.

Those tools are useless against beefier enemies, like the Zaralek Caverns ones.

Can’t do anything on the elite area, while pretty much any of my other characters, with lower ilvl, can roflpwn it on at least one spec.

We need the “cannon” part of the glass cannon gameplay back, and some way to avoid getting hit for 80k melee slaps if they want the spec to be fragile.

As usual, if you can’t snare, root or freeze an enemy, you are a free kill as Frost.


If you solo as Frost with glacial spike or PvP, elemental is a must.


I always hated the water ele being a permanent pet. I was very unhappy the day they made it stick around rather than be a cooldown. The introduction of lonely winter was most welcome, but I was then still disappointed to not have access to the moist friend at all anymore. But it was a trade off I accepted. So reading the news that it is being tied into icy veins making it once again a cooldown made me very happy indeed.

It wasn’t until later that I saw the full update and read that it was also being removed as a permanent pet. That made me less happy. It sucks big time for the people who like their pet. It really takes away from my enjoyment of getting what I want. I hope it doesn’t get removed. I hope it sticks around as an option, and instead for those players icy veins could just also empower the elemental. Kind of like how higher ranks of the spell in WC3 summoned a stronger elemental.


First sentence = 100% false.

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Fixed via edit, thanks for the corrections!

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I remember water elemental was originally just a cooldown and not a permanent pet way back when.

Then glyphs came along and you could make it permanent.

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So why remove it? Just…rework the pet. Make it viable.


Always thought it was strange that they never gave mage water elementals some sort of taunt ability. I guess they didn’t want it being like a voidwalker idk.

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Up to now I’m still bothered why it isn’t a Frost Elemental


Who ever is making these changes isn’t thinking clearly. They have a system right in front of them that they are not looking at correctly.
Their double talent where you can have one or the other. Keep the water elemental or have the option to make it only spawn during icy veins.

Issue is getting this obvious info the the person working on mage but that is next to impossible since they don’t bother looking at every bit of feedback and only skim things.


They are removing observer from warlocks too ;(


If they get rid of the water elemental what will happen to the half dozen glyphs that slightly change its size or color


it deleted. just like observer glyph.


They have already messed with them. Many times. At one time you could pick whatever pet you wanted and they would have aspec you could select for each one. Now they are preset as to what type of pet they are. It has really limited the ability to be individual. Everyone uses Faultline for most things. I hope this mage change is not a glimpse of what is to come for all other classes. Also notice they are going back to adding 100,000s of mana back to mana pools coming up. Didn’t they just take that all away not long ago?

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How come I never see any mages with Water Elementals out? If Water Elementals been around since Warcraft II, what happened?

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I think it makes more sense in the lore for the Water Elemental to be a cooldown, but I completely understand the unhappiness over having a pet removed. I don’t know why Blizz keeps trying to remove pets.

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