Dont remove water elemental from frost mages

That ability is ICONIC to mages. It has been an ability since Warcraft 2. Seems silly to remove it now.


It will be embedded into Icy Veins, not outright removed.

At least that’s their current plan.


I don’t know about any of you but I’ve been going lonely winter the last few expansions and can’t really remember the elemental being very powerful outside of TBC when it froze stuff automatically. If it pops up during icy veins I will use it more than I am using it now, so there’s that.


Resto shaman want an elemental :frowning:


one of the reasons i like having a water elemental present was for when i played where i had bad internet: if the elemental behaved oddly, like not move or assist, then i knew i was in a lag spike and would probably be dc’ed soon


Yeah… was gunna say. Frost has been running lonely winter for a long time now.

I think the last time I used the wele on my mage was in Cata, maybe MoP?


Are they trying to cut down on pets?

Because unless water elementals go nuts in the story, I don’t…understand the reasoning for taking away a much needed leveling assist for mages.


You know, there was a time in WoW when frost didn’t have an elemental pet.

That aside, I found it most useful in PvP for the second frost nova. Not sure if that’s going away under this redesign, but at a minimum, it looks like it will only be available during the icy veins window, which is not good.


I haven’t played a mage that hasn’t specced to get rid of it in years.

They always had the pet.
(EDIT: Pet was added in TBC, I joined in TBC, hence, the mistake. I stand corrected.)
It was a CD too before.

There are 2 downsides of removing the pet:

  • Freeze: The second, ranged, 8s root frost nova is vital in PvP and helps solo play a lot. Now that regular nova got nerfed to 6s for no reason, that makes a significant difference.

  • Threat: In solo play, the pet works as a source of threat diversion that can save your life in many situations when paired with good positioning, mirror image (you lose all threat for the whole duration of the spell, even if the images die, if your pet is up) and Ice Block.

I hope they buff mirror images to be much more useful, like the torghast ones at least, or greatly improve mages’ overall survivability with this nerf.


Been going Lonely Winter here. Just seems better to me.


The canary in the coal mine.


To be fair that’s a brilliant use of it.

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Just shorten the CD of Mirror Image.

I can’t remember using it regularly since Wrath, if I’m honest.

Probably either warlords (when everyone was playing Arcane), or if you played glacial spike at the very tail end of BFA when everyone was playing Fire.

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Don’t remove it. Balance the pet dmg or abilities with Lonely Winter.

Even if it’s a cd being tied to Icy Veins without Icy Propulsion, it will hell long. Plus having Freeze each 3 minutes really sucks.

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Next thing you know they’d be removing Hunter pets just because.

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I think they felt it made the frost mage play too much like a warlock. Having said that, my frost mage has been using Lonely Winter since he’s had it, so…

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I feel that Resto shaman already have a lot going, thematically.

Nature healing, water healing, totem healing, buffs and spirits and bears oh my.