Don't release the content too fast, please

Blizzard, don’t release the content too fast please. 3-4 months per phase should be fine, even in P1.

The fastest guild will have to gear 40 players, meaning 17 gear slots x 40 = 680 loots in each phase.

We have enought to do with level 1-60, profession, pre-raid gear, raid gear, leveling an alt, PvP…

Everyone have their favorite phase, so let everyone the time to enjoy their favorite one

Let’s make Classic (and our fun) last at least 2 years !
If Classic is a sucess we’ll be playing while they work on TBC/WOTLK.


But I want it all now now now! :sunglasses:


Thats what she said?


3 loots per boss so that’s maybe 20 weeks of each raid, not counting Fury/druids that barely gets upgrades until BWL.

No thanks.

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Do you guys really want the whole content as soon as possible or you are trolling me :slight_smile: ?

Not having the whole content available too fast just increase the lifespan of the game you like.

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There’s a lot of gear missing from MC in phase 1, it just feels incomplete without some of the content.

Id rather have the content available for me to go at whatever pace I want rather than it being artificially time gated like retail wow.


I’m content with a longer release schedule.

Edit: as long as layering is removed quickly, and I don’t want the release schedule to be TOO long, at least at first.


What ? I heard only few items were gated not “a lot” ?

I think that the difference between retail and Classic is the fact that even with a time gate, being fully geared from the actual phase take a lot of time no matter how much you play


Domo doesn’t drop the benediction or rhok’delar parts. A few weapons and rings are missing that are the main reason classes want to BE in MC. It’s gonna mostly be tier gear.

It won’t prevent them to get all the gear still available, i think :slight_smile:

And it’s not like if those items will never be available !
We’ll just having to wait few weeks ! We weren’t asking Vanilla just to, “rush” the content, no ?


That’s the timegating hole that BfA fell into. No thanks, I’d prefer MC with it’s full loot table.

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From Ion Hazzikostas in the video entitled “WoW Classic Interview w/ Ion Hazzikostas & Calia Schie” at time 9:35-10:40 :

Q: Any more information on the length/release schedule for Phases

A: Try to keep it a bit flexible. If you were to ask me to ballpark a random number, I’d say for the first couple: probably around a couple of months. Part of it is that we don’t want people to feel ridiculously pressured to powerlevel if they want to participate in the next steps. But it’s something where we don’t want to lay out a rigid schedule ahead of time because we want to remain flexible looking at how the community is advancing. If people are still working their way through Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub and only a handful of guilds feel like they’ve defeated Nefarion, and even then they still have tons and tons of gear that they want we don’t want to rush Ahn’Qiraj out and kind of undercut that experience if most players aren’t ready for it. So I think I would say Phase 1 to 2 would probably be one of the faster progressions because we would want to get Dire Maul out there, the beginnings of the PvP system, a couple of world bosses. And then beyond that it’s just going to be watching how players are dealing with the content.

So it really depends on how the community as a whole clears the content.

If I were them, I’d definitely err on the side of making the phases take a little longer than necessary to accommodate players with adult schedules and such, but I think they’ll pace it just fine. Besides, there will likely be new servers opened later on that go through this same progression chain. If nothing else, that will keep Classic alive.


Ion gave a good answer then :slight_smile:
I just hope that phase 1 & 2 won’t last only 2 months, we have a lot of thing to do : level to 60 and pre raid gear and doing MC/Ony which take a bit more than 1 or 2 months for the biggest part of players


Im with releasing phase 2 quickly and then every 3-4 months from there.

It wont take us super long to kill bosses like it took in Vanilla because we were all still learning.

Since blizzard insists on time gating the PvP system I want a rapid release schedule. I will not raid at all. All I care about is PvP and getting at least rank 13


I’ll focus on PvP too.

But i don’t need rewards to enjoy the PvP.
In Classic if you want to be efficient and optimized in PvP you have to PvE.
Except if you want to be 2 shoots everytime, during your rank’s grind.

Just wanted to put a note here too. The “life of the game” is not related to how fast the content is released. The content is the content and will always be there. Even if they released all content at launch, it would still be there 5 years from now, because Classic isn’t changing. That’s the big difference between Classic and Retail, there are no time limits. Couple that with a requirement to do each tier before the next instead of skipping ahead, and you can safely say that the content will be there for a long time.

The life of Classic will be dictated by the players. If players treat it as Retail, and quit when they content has been done once or twice, then it’s going to be a short choppy life.

But I remember in Vanilla spending nearly a year clearing MC every week. Partly because I formed a raid group from my current group’s bench in BWL to start in MC over again, but even still, spending 6 months in MC is going to be the reality of the first two phases. Whether Classic stays strong or they feel compelled to release BWL early, will come down to whether people are still clearing every week or have “Retailed” it and unsubbed between dungeons.

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It absolutely does… If anything has been shown by other companies doing these things (daybreak looking at you) it’s that once all content is unlocked and becomes easily farmed the playerbase drops off sharply till the next set of progression/fresh servers are released. You can also burn out or demoralize people by dropping content out far to fast so they feel like there is no downtime and they are always in a rush. We have also seen the opposite happen if you release far to slowly players get bored and find something else to do