Dont preorder if you're expecting the xmog

Doesn’t show up but I have it on. Four hours of straight farming in a group of five at Blood Gate. I got about 10k from selling all the greens and junk and two purples. I think the longest I went wthout seeing one was an hour. It’s done and over so I’m happy.

They should’ve had a Legendary Edition that unlocks it right away for another $20 bucks. :joy:


Let’s see. Kill random life and the “strong” ones will drop Echos that go towards this appearance. So play the game. Pay attention a little more to rares…and just carry on and eventually I will get it. Now the rep time gate…/shudder

But you do it every expansion :thinking:

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pretty sure this is the first xpac that has a mog attached to a quest.

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They are a company, that makes games for profit. But wait, how dare they make money…

lol i love the people that pay bills with hugs and kisses


You grind every expansion all expansion long.

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are those the same people that save the world and cure diseases with thoughts and prayers?


Hahahahahaha I imagine so!

A good place to get echos is the blood gate near nazmir. Just make a party and have everyone aoe.

you people complain about literally anything huh?

Normally, I’d agree with your sentiment but this is a bit much. I just dropped almost 90 bones with the allure that there would be some in-game goodies for us now, the transmog being one of them, only to find out that to get the thing I just paid $90 (I know, it includes other things), I have a 4 - 10 hour grind in front of me. Can you imagine Blizz selling the Blizzcon virtual ticket with its goodies only for purchasers to find out that in order to get the yeti onesie you had to kill every yeti in Drustvar and the Waning Glacier in Tiragarde for hours on end? Seems silly, right?


You guys are such suckers, ordering expansions based off pretty pink princess transmogs instead of actual content or gameplay.


I farmed it in 2hours at the bloodgate in nazmir. I don’t think that’s bad tbh.

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Good thing it’s not then.


You make it sound like the two are mutually exclusive. I like transmog, mounts, toys, etc. AND I like good content and gameplay. Two things can be true at once.

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The Blizzard White Knights are out in full force. Do the Blizzard White Knights guys get a bonus for encouraging people to buy things then telling them it’s their own fault for buying? I only ask because I’m seeing this trend around the forum.


Jesus…it says right at the item description you’ll have to run a quest for it.

Get over it.

Includes everything in the Base Edition, plus instant access to a Level 120 Character Boost and the Ensorcelled Everwyrm flying mount. The flying mount grants a quest for the Vestments of the Eternal Traveler transmog set.


No, I don’t get shillbucks…but I also don’t mind telling people they’re being idiotic if they don’t read a product description, buy the product anyway, then complain that they got exactly what the product description says they would.


OP changed his story. Now he’s not mad it’s a quest, but that the quest requires him to push buttons and loot things, and takes longer than 12 seconds :roll_eyes: