Dont preorder if you're expecting the xmog

Antagonize you? By providing a link of proof, exactly like you asked for?

Man, you just aren’t pleased with anything now, are you? Sweetfury indeed, but needs more sweet.


Like I said… 1 person… 1 account… Congrats you proved somebody can win the lottery. Where is Grumbles so he can hand you a cookie. Jeez…


At least cookies are sweet! >:(


the only people here that are pleased, is blizzard fleecing so many people out of their money.


The description even says “the mount that offers you the quest to get the gear”, or something like that. The advert warns you that it’s a quest to obtain it, not an in game mailed to you set. :confounded:

The flying mount grants a quest for the Vestments of the Eternal Traveler transmog set.


If you havent burnt the free 120 boost yet, you could always just refund the purchase. It’s alright that we sometimes jump the gun on things in the heat of the moment. Maybe next time you’ll wait more than 5 minutes after an announcement to get a better handle on the bonus rewards and how they’re given out.

I’m perfectly fine with my purchase and I’ll have plenty of time to get those things during my casual play sessions over the next week or so.

Would it of been nice to just get the mog straight up? Sure. But I’m not gonna sweat a minor quest that will complete itself while I play the game organically.

I mean, I understand the 80 price is somewhat steep. However, we’re getting a mount, pet, boost, weapon enchant, early access to more race/class combos and a free month of wow ontop of that quest for the mog.

The money you paid for gave you an awful lot. Maybe it would’ve been better had they just handed it out like they’ve done with everything over the past 2 expansions. But maybe they thought it would give you some excitement to go out and do dungeons or grind in groups with your fellow gamers for a mog.

I can only speculate on why they made this decision, but only they actually know.

So I’ll say it again, if you feel cheated on your pre purchase you can always ask for a refund. They could’ve just made us wait until shadowlands release to get said mog, least we have the option to get it and wear it early.

Pre purchases are always a gamble and you should never go into one expecting your money to give you everything right off the bat. We don’t even have the option to make the new dk race combos yet either.

Plus the description on how it would be obtained was in writing. It called for a quest and while the quest might not be preferable to most, it is a quest nonetheless.


RNG gating something we paid for is utter bullsht. Yes, it says there is a quest. One would reasonably assume it would be a dumb little lore quest, but no. Consider this expac refunded.


A wannabe Robotic Priest

You got what you paid for. You got a mount that also opened a quest chain for you.


If this is how they want to handle a pre-order bonus, I dread to see how they will handle actual gearing. lol

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Let’s look at what your 80 gets you.

Month of wow - 15 bucks
Mount - 25 bucks (but this one spawns a guy for you to earn an extra reward)
Pet - 10 bucks
Cosmetic chant - 10ish? (based on the transmog helms from way back.)
Character boost - 60
Toy - 10

So your 80 dollars got you 130 dollars worth of stuff and an additional quest to earn a full cosmetic set and visual hearthstone to boot. Even if the cosmetic wasn’t there, this is still more value than the asking price for something you’ll own anyways if you intend to keep playing for years to come.

That’s how I came to my decision to purchase it when I wasn’t sure about said quest.

Do with it what you will.


Guess they gotta get in that endless grinding before they stop the endless grinding in Shadowlands.

Never fails GD will complain about everything even the littlest stuff I am in no hurry whatsoever to unlock the transmog since I figure just by playing the game as casual as I do it will be done.

If this is the hill you all want to die on be my guest but I have learned to pick which hill I will die on and this isn’t it.


Yeah, Blizzards giant hill made of preorder money.

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So you guys are paying Blizzard extra money so you can farm extra hours for a mog.

EDIT: Who am I to talk. I bought the expensive edition as well. lol


The mog looks pretty dope though. One of the only reasons i bought it.

“It’s my transmog and I want it now!”

I’m not in a hurry here myself, just instantly thought of those commercials reading the thread.

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Yep, it does look good.

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I dont mind the quest but it shouldn’t be impossible to do.


I tapped out for the evening at 20 echoes after about 3+ hours of farming. After reading the comments on wowhead, I focused my slaughter at the Blood Gate and Freehold. Freehold seemed to be more generous but it’s all RNG in the end.