If it is like this, then the 1 free water walking consumable isn’t an improvement because you’re then buying, even at a discount, more consumables for each character or to change effects between characters.
If you didn’t unlock the Water Strider, it’s still no improvement since you’ll have to go back and rep farm to be able to buy the consumables. Which will presumably be the case for the others as well.
Meanwhile, I have a keybound flying mount that should by default be able to glide and hover over water in no flying content without farming rep and buying consumables.
Daze isn’t a problem for me. I can get gliders from my WoD garrison. I can also Heroic Leap to avoid fall damage.
I don’t really see this adding any game changing functionality except for players who want to ride off the edge of places like Legion Dalaran on their $5M longboi and parachute down.
My question about the water walking mount thing, how is going to work with the DK ability that gives mounts water walking? So will DK have the advantage of being able to equip all their mounts with other features since they can already make their mounts water walk, or will they nerf that ability?
You are right. For those that didnt read what was said. If you have the rep for the Waterstrider, you can acquire a waterstriding trait for free on that character. Additional waterstriding equipment will be “heavily discounted”.
Now you are happy with “free” which is fine. We dont know what “heavily discounted” means. and THAT price c9ould be akin to “free” for most. We dont know know what NON discounted prices are either… so there is a lot of “sky is falling” over nothing at this point.
That still doesn’t address the difference in how they’re treating one special mount over another. That is my gripe. Treat them all the same, one way or the other.
Either the Sky Golem needs to lose its ability, or the Striders need to keep theirs and not be affected by the mount equipment.
We have Goblin Gliders, Bardings, the thing that lets you gather while mounted, parachutes, and existing water walking spells, potions and effects already implemented in the game.
I don’t care for the water strider so I didn’t farm the rep while current. I’m not going to go back and farm the rep in order to buy multiple consumables now either.
They could have added glide baseline to all flying mounts and made Water Walking via the strider unlock character or account based.
This is just another system aimed at getting people to grind reps and spend gold.
That’s the thing, this is only the start of that system. Once the PTR goes live and the datamining spam posts start flowing, we’ll see what else they neglected to mention.
My guess is because we could go right back to the Water Strider mount being the only one worth using. Having water walking and a slot for no daze would make it “overpowered,” so to speak. I’m a DK so I’ll get this anyways.
Can i mount on my water strider and use a barding so i can walk on water and not be dazed at the same time? If not this is a huge nerf, and a mistake. This is one thing i’m upset about.
Now I will have to spend thousands of gold to switch between the two or just have no daze equipped and swim when ever i get to water. Seems to me this is nothing but another ploy to slow us down more.
Because we all know Blizzard believes the more time we play the more fun we have and it looks good to the board.
I’m not saying there’s a problem with that. I think it’s a great start to the system. I’m saying that, right now, there’s a problem with how they’re treating the mounts.
Can i mount on my water strider and use a barding so i can walk on water and not be dazed at the same time? If not this is a huge nerf. Now I have to choose between the 2, so yes Blizzard is taking my water striders ability away.
Edit: I read a blue post about the ability being taken away- but will receive a free fair of water walking shoes. So technically, the ability will still exist but will take up a equipment slot.
It’s not hard to under stand, i know i will still be able to walk on water on any mount, It’s the fact that if i choose water walking i will be dazed and dismounted on land every time you run thru mobs.