DON"T NERF lvl 60 Raids Day 1

STOP CATTERING TO THE WORLD FIRST TRY HARDS. NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY COMPLAIN… Give us at least a week or two before nerfing the raids at 60… SO, many of those guilds went in with 13mages,2locks, 5priest… Mages are 4th to 6th on top of dmg meter… It’s like GM’s play in their guilds or They only listen to a select few for input… This is why information is passed quickly before they nerf it for others . Anyone who says they data mine this… is part of the rat infestation. WHY DO U THINK THESE GUILD CLEARED INSTANTLY AFTER THE NERF>>>>>>>… Doesn’t matter if its a health nerf… Its catering to only a certain crowd … I know we want it to be casual, But it can be casual after the first two weeks… Let everyone have a chance at your intended content


The nerfs are for the casuals. The sweats can grind it out. Dad guilds will be crushed under the weight of these. Dad guilds still probably struggle with Eranikus - imagine if that fight had x4 the amount of health it does now, lol.

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I do agree it can be nerfed at a certain point. The first 2 to 3 weeks are the most fun in a Fresh phase… Don’t make people crush the content in 1 day and say im bored… Give it the true classic feel. Also, 95% of the community is a dad guild.

My expectation is they are gonna release MC with bosses having 1 trillion HP and you need the full tier set from MC to kill them.

Getting gear from Their instance, to clear the instance, makes the most since to me. Using their weapons and armor against them feels more savage of a play to me

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I mean that’s just normal progression in my mind. You can only kill the first boss or maybe the first 2 with prebis, then everything else you need loot from the first 2 and it’s like stepping stone progression basically.

OG MC you go in there with greens and clear the entire instance cept for maybe Rag.

The skill-gap is simply too large. It’s simply too large. Player skill absolutely dwarfs any advantage from gear.

My dude, plenty of guilds were struggling with Eranikus for weeks. I think my brother’s guild just got their raid clear below the two hour mark and this is the 5th reset. ST has what you’re asking for, for the dad guilds / average pleb guilds.

That’s what will make 60 raids extra special when you receive loot. Make it hard enough that you have to join a guild to progress together. Build a community

Aggrend has been pretty explicit that this is not going to be treated like Mythic level content. It just isn’t.

Everytime the first clear the Raids, Soooo many people just say the game is dead… This time was Day 1

Blizzard do not listen to these raving lunatics and nerf appropriately.

Its MC. Relax guys…

Just buff rag so you have to deal with the sons, and also so you need full FR or wrath of rag one shots you or something. Also, remove the FR buff out of UBRS. That way Thorium Brotherhood rep isn’t a waste of time and every dad guild doesn’t smash rag on the first lockout.

I know it’s not going to happen. I’m just questioning my life choices getting TB rep when I know I’m wasting my time lol

I imagine they’ll have to.

They will have to completely change how encounters work in MC. They already tried to make it harder in Season of Mastery.

Majordomo and Ragnaros will be pumped up if I had to guess. Beyond that, I dunno.

I mean, for 60 content it makes sense.
But for level up content that has such a short shelf life, having content most people won’t see in the first lock out inaccessible to portion of the player base just doesn’t work, that’s why it was understandably nerfed.

Level up phases have been around 7 weeks, so remove 1 week for people not hitting max level, that’s 6, now remove 2 to retain difficulty now down to 4.
That’s not many runs of a raid with a 7 day lock out.

My post is more about how the first month should feel. Every game nowadays have a 3 week cycle, where it dies and retains a player base. They need to make the first couple of weeks to retain the most fun and Classic experience with lvl 60 being the start of the end of SOD. SOD will most like have a massive return of Players since 60 will be max lvl. Unless they change or add lvls to it. THIS FIRST LVL 60 RAID and endgame content needs to be what people have waited for… In previous fresh starts, i found the First raid of max lvl has had the most Rat players that swap games after the first 3 weeks and just leave the game in dust to not return phase 2 of endgame. (Its like an adrenaline rush for them).

You probably won’t have a high enough population at day 1.

Imagine the out rage on here if they gave MC bosses just 3 mechanics, y’all would be in tears hard stuck on Lucifron lmfao.