DON"T NERF lvl 60 Raids Day 1

From this point forward on a game client level, melee is meta and will always perform best, with Warrior/Rogue/Hunter being in the top 3 DPS and Paladin/Shaman/Druid fighting for 4-6 place, with I think feral taking 4th place in time as leather has superior itemization.

It’s just how the game was made. So you’re right about them taking a bunch of casters in and failing because they are dumb. HOWEVER, I disagree with you on making raids harder. ST is too hard for the average player and it will certainly kill SoD if they keep doing this because they aren’t balancing PvP at all. I want SoD to succeed, because I adore the concept of directly competing with Project Ascension and finishing story/content they never got a chance to do in Vanilla.

There are still premades that are stuck at 6/8. I just joined a guild-hosted group and people there had BFD gear and lvl 37 greens. The top dps was at 500. We wiped to Eranikus 3 times and then people had to go.

Back in when Vanilla classic came out, MC was beaten by a bunch of level 58s-60s wearing greens and blues. MC is braindead to those who aren’t face rollers.

My understanding is most Vanilla raids are relatively easy until AQ 40 and Naxx. (?)

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If MC isn’t cleared by the world first guilds when they are level 58 its overtuned.

ST is still overtuned for an average pug.

Have they said they are retuning MC or the old raids?
I guess that would be interesting but I’d rather see them unchanged and get demolished by casuals with world buffs, new/better itemized gear and runes.

They can give us new raids each phase at 60 to experience a challenge.

Nerfs for the try hards? No, they’re for the classic andys complaining.

If the try-hards decide to do the raid on day 1, it’ll get done day 1. The content isn’t going to be challenging.

Pretty much. There’ll still be guilds dissolving because of BWL though.

I do think a lot of people overplay how easy vanilla raids are though because: (1) warriors were just broken in classic, and stacking more warriors could make up for a lot of bad play; (2) world buffs; (3) sappers; and (4) there’s a lot of people who never made it past anub in naxx who’ll probably still tell you how pro they are and how ez all content was. You know, it’s that whole syndrome where everyone you talk to nowadays just happened to be a multiglad and were personal friends with Kungen back in the day lol

If they don’t rebalance the 40 mans, and they keep all the world buffs, it’s going to be a cakewalk, especially with our runes. Which will be kind of lame if everything is too easy and puggable by a bunch of people doing 200 dps in under an hour

The only time they have ever catered to the world first crowd was back in Legion when all the servers were down like they always were for on launch day to get ready for release, but then people started noticing people playing on live servers when none of the rest of us could log in and were posting clips of streamers playing on servers that were listed as down. That has never happened since.

And that hardly did them any benefit anyhow.