Don't mind me just gankin some lowbies

No, no I’m not. You’re reaching to act like anything I said was meant as a real world endorsement of violence because you don’t have any real points to make.


How is killing lowbies in a VIRTUAL GAME where no one is getting hurt even close to what you said?

Again, I hope you do understand that World of Warcraft is a GAME and not real life. And I hope you understand that there IS A DIFFERENCE


Literally Nobody:

Anon: Look at me. Me so strong. Get out of Warmode if you don’t like it git gud

Anon after a while: Blizzard you killed World PvP. How dare you? You gave them a easy way out called Warmode


I hope you understand that’s a analogy. Jesus Christ, you’re dense. I said it to mock what you said and you’re trying so desperately to equate it to real life violence. lmao

That’s what this guy isn’t getting when I made my analogy of a grown man beating up kids and then asking for praise and he’s trying OH SO HARD to make it sound like I’m endorsing real world violence when actually what I’m saying is ganking noobs is akin to fighting children…smh.

More likely he drinks Starbucks and joins in protests over the weekend.


I understand what you were implying, BUT my point is, you made a huge leap from that to hurting living things. WHICH is like comparing to apples to oranges.

That is what I am inferring to you.

A better analogy would be, if I also like to go back to low level zones and kill the enemy NPCs. not HURTING REAL LIFE LIVING THINGS.

Protests…on his keyboard at home then asks strangers to validate him.

Posters like the OP are spoilt brats who think World PvP is the best only while griefing others and cry like weirdos when they make threads like:

“OMG no one in Warmode. Warmode killed World PvP”

“Bring back PvP servers”

“Muh nostalgia. Muh World PvP is the bestest ever feature in WoW”

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No I did not. You’re the one making the leap. Killing noobs when you’re much higher level is akin to fighting children as a grown adult. Neither can really hurt you much and you then have the audacity to act like some toughguy. lol

:roll_eyes:[quote=“Kuwu-moon-guard, post:93, topic:591997”]
No I did not. You’re the one making the leap.

I didn’t compare killing lowbies to hurting living things that cant protect themselves. YOU DID. I

CASE in point.

If you want an analogy, the perfect one for this is me going to a low level zone where I go back and kill low level enemy npcs.


Apples to oranges. I really hope you see the difference with what a virtual game is than real life.

Meh. WoW PvP really isnt much to write home about. I liked PvP in Ultima Online. You could be fully looted and even lose your house keys. The PK vs Anti Pker wars, then they brought in notoriety to combat the PKs, if you killed too many other players in non self defense you couldn’t go into towns, ect. BUT clever people like my brothers and others would look for AOE spells and run into them, then the game would think they were attacked and they’d find the caster and kill them. Hilarity ensues.

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No not case in point. You really are in THEORY (not literally) doing the same thing. But you cannot grasp this. Noobs cannot really defend themselves against a max level PC, much as a child cannot defend itself against an adult. My analogy is fine. You’re just trying to make it something its not to create your strawman win button.

OP doesn’t realize that he’s contributing to the problem where it punches him back in the face.

It’s glorious. I can’t wait to see when he cries about no one being in Warmode.

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No, i grasped what you meant or implied. But What I DONT understand is how you can leap from virtual game to real life when there is A HUGE DIFFERENCE.

ONE is online where when I kill your avatar you are still alright and alive breathing.

The other is causing physical harm to an actual living thing.

That’s what you don’t grasp.

I even provided you a better analogy.

Except you didn’t. When you kill those low level NPCs they usually call for guards. A low level player definitely is more akin to a child on its own. You’re still not getting the praise you wanted though with this thread btw.

huh??? a level 2 boar outside orgrimmar can not call guards hello?

No a low level player is not akin to a child. A child is a real life human life. a low level player avatar is just a bunch of pixels that has no value outside the game.

I hope you understand that.

You’re implying I want a praise.

And you’re not the only one! That’s why I’ve stopped participating in War Mode.

10/10, OP.

Every single person took the bait.

I actually am not trolling. I literally spent atleast 6 hours just ganking. HA.