Don't mind me just gankin some lowbies

your missing out on the potential salt harvest caused by eating their dead bodies

Ah a man of culture I see. May I recommend the drustvar ritual knife toy that prevents the person you ganked from releasing right away.

wHERE do you get that :open_mouth:

i wish senpai would gank me…


Wow I’m so impressed with you OP, you are an absolute god at PvP. Everyone must be so amazed when they see you in Orgrimmar.

It’s a chest on the big mountain in drustvar you solve the lock to get the toy.

I doubt he is old enough to drive, and if he is old enough, the test to get licensed is too hard!

You have to leave stealth to kill, fraidycat.:rofl:

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I GOT IT beware your souls is mine

You mean you killed the level 69 and than vanished like a chicken? No wait sorry, that’s offensive to chickens.

The level 120 could also be new and not have much health, either way a level 69 dies by accident if a max level has enough horrible corruption hear.

IF you don’t like being ganked then dont put warmode on. I am an equality type of guy. I do not discriminate. If they didn’t want to be ganked when they arent at full level or geared then stay off warmode if not you dyin P E R I O D

If you got a problem with that take it to management. I don’t make the rules. If I see you can be killed, you are dyin.

Indeed. Get out to warmode. The stress is likely bad for your health. They could give double experience and every time it took me three times as long to complete due to gankers, well, that’s why I’ve never so much as turned it on.

This, warmode is for full grown men. Not for soy milk. Only the premium milk.

If you can’t handle that then, I think you should just turn it off and say good bye to the bonus xp and other bonuses because clearly you can’t handle it.

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If only you were Tauren that would’ve got weird real fast. :laughing: Totally agree though, ever since they made it fully optional so there are no longer people on pvp servers playing with friends and hating it, disliking war mode is as easy as shutting it off and leveling more efficiently to make up for it. You can’t complain about something you signed up for and can quit at any time.

Exactly. [quote=“Conocybe-sisters-of-elune, post:55, topic:591997”]
You can’t complain about something you signed up for and can quit at any time.


Turn it off if you don’t like being ganked. /shrug

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I did a lot of warmode while leveling a couple of characters recently, I mined while waiting for queues. My first was a female Draenei holy paladin, she died once when I walked away from a flight and was afk on landing. This one time I was fighting 3-4 level ?? mobs and a horde player came in and killed them for me.

The second was a male Worgen MM Hunter, he had a different experience. Once I hit TBC I decided WM wasn’t worth while with all the deaths. Had one good fight with someone only 6 levels higher than me, an alliance guardian saved me once from getting serial killed by a horde 120.

I for one i’m astonished more people don’t use warmode , it’s such a fun experience , i still can’t figure out why pvp servers died

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Oh, than why did you kill the low level and not play with his friends?

I didn’t know being on warmode requires me to play with friends or not kill low levels.
I didn’t know being on warmode means that I can’t kill low levels.

Please, you want the bonus, but you also want to not get ganked? Too bad. get out of warmode if you don’t like it.