Don't mind me just gankin some lowbies

still killed, cloak then vanish, the dk didnt have a chancee of finding me UWU


I think ive killed 1 botter over and over LOL

Hey ma! Look at me! I’m good at the game too! I killed a lvl 31 gnome!


That freakin noobs name though! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


wow OP knows how to trigger GD

I would have let him live just for the name alone. :smile:


When you don’t have anything better to do, do whatever alleviates the boredom, I guess?


Agreed. I’m not going to lie, I spend a decent chunk of time terrorizing levelers while I’m boxing. I have no issue camping them with a character or two either, I’ll just send the other characters to do whatever while I wait for them to respawn on the couple characters that I left there and kill them again, I’ll camp the same person for an hour if they let me. I have no problem being a horrible person in war mode since they destroyed WPvP and ruined server communities.

Did you come on here to gloat? Because you also didn’t post on your main so I can’t trash talk your gear.

Killing Gnomes is one of your sacred duties.

Impressive display of skill :open_mouth:


nice gear

Thank you.

what’s great about this?

In Shadowlands, leveling is SO FAST, that 99% won’t even USE WARMODE ever again, and toxic no-life overcompensating bully trolls won’t have anything to do in WOW ! I LOVE IT (and no, i’ve never been ganked, never have used pvp nor warmode)


The tears

t h e t e a r s

If you dont like getting ganked then stay out of warmode PERIOD

Im not even flying around im just stealthed in an area not my fault they come tome UWU

Join the Horde and Gank for the cool side, nothing beats getting screwed with for hours by the classic undead rogue

I like alliance. /shrug

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I like gankinh too but I don’t as many hate messages like in legion

I agree. Regardless of how pathetic ganking lowbies is youre not ALLOWED to get mad if it happens. Turn it off if u dont like it :slight_smile: