Early this morning I was so tired I had to sleep. I logged out in Torghast after my run. Now I can not login. It just states the world server is down. I am able to log into my other characters and enter Torghast but I can no longer access my Mage.
Might want to look into this blizzard.
Same on multiple toons…
There is a long thread this one will no doubt be merged into “World server is down” issues.
I just want to play! Have they fixed this for anyone or am I now without for the rest of the weekend since it is a holiday weekend.
Same problem. I logged out in Torghast Tower of the Damned this mornig before maintenance. Now when I try to sign back it just says World Servers are down. Blizzard - please fix this ASAP - Thanks. 
Same logged in after maintenance then went to zone into torgast for quest and it just stays on load screen
Yes I just want to play as well. I have a few days off of work and Blizzard keeps doing server maintenance and now this. Expansion was delay for a month to fix any known problems and issues and now they are creating problems. Please fix so we can play. Don’t want to waste anymore time on this nonsense.
yep same here just got the quest to go to Thorghast jumped through the port and stuck on loading screen
What is really frustrating is their in game support has gone to Crap! It is all automated there is no way to submit a ticket anymore. There is no option under How would you categorize your issue? For “Issue not listed”! There is no way to submit any kind of ticket in game for this, instead we are stuck going to a form and complaining about it.
If this is a known issue Blizzard you may want to put something up stating that you are aware of this and are working on it! On the launcher or in the game on the login screen. It seems the top 3 posts are all about this issue after Maintenance.
Same, Stuck in a endless portal/loading loop