Don't Know What To Do With My Gold

Hehe yep. It’s like real life isn’t it

First world problems.

Something something boot straps

there wasn’t any that i saw. there was tons of it in DMs though XD

also i legit would like to talk to you about ah pvping and i don’t have you on anything myself so i figured inviting you to a discord would seem less weird than giving you my btag or whatever considering how we’ve previously interacted. lol

Ugh today felt horrible.

Horrible sales (like 500k total, that’s it), and I managed to finally hit up the Mad Mechant which drained a few mil. Picked up the frost UDE tabard for 1.3 mil and now the Flag of Ownership is about to be mine.

I’m down 5 mil for the day and it feels horrible.

what should i invest in to make more gold if im not into crafting
i don’t want to give up my engineering tinkers

I can’t speak to that - all of my gold came from professions.

Give it to me

damn man
so it would behoove me to have an army of alts dedicated to crafting?

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It depends what you define as an army. But, I will say I have alts with all professions, and I dualbox with one toon at an AH and in trade chat at all times.

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lol…Im under a million total for my main bnet/wow accounts and I have nothing in mind for it either. I cant bring myself to waste it for token since the game is so cheap to play anyway. Takes longer to make the gold for the token than it does to make the IRL money unless Im flipping and Im really not in the mood for abusing the AH right now, lol.

do you have all those really rare mounts? Something Rhino I saw for like 10 million a while back. Could blow it on that lol

Yup have the Rhino :slight_smile: I’m still missing a good chunk of TCG mounts, but they’re pretty rare in the BMAH or AH. I’m keeping my eyes open for them.

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Yet another thread by Humanbeak bragging about his first world problems.

That’s cool you made all that gold.

I’m always willing to help out I can probably find a non-capped char on my account if I look hard enough that can take a few mil off your hands.