Don't Know What To Do With My Gold

Make a variety of banking alts with guild banks, wait to see if player housing is indeed coming, then stockpile quite literally every crafting mat from every expansion of the game.

Alternately, just buy a bunch of BMAH boxes because reasons?

and here I am just swiping my credit card every time I run out of gold.

Put every realm on a giant spinning wheel and whatever it lands on, make and pay for a level 60 boost with bnet credit. Take your gold and recap yourself.

See what new adventures are there on this literally random server. If you like it, use your bnet balance to get some wow tokens for that realm and have at it!

Edit: bonus points if you do the same thing with the races so it’s random on if you get horde or alliance.

You could always do something evil, make people do whatever you want…in return for gold.

Sounds like you just need to create another toon and gold cap them.

Must be nice to be on a realm with those kinds of leggo prices, and people actually buy them too.

The prices are more than fair for BiS gear.

It’s not that hard to come up with things like buying mounts,gear, pets, toys,etc?

Initially, until I built enough gold to where it became more efficient to buy it off the AH.

It’s a snowball effect. As you get more gold, you can make it much more quickly by not farming stuff yourself.

I do still make the mats, such as enchanted hides/silks and shadowghast ingots, but the raw materials for those comes from the AH.

Depends on the market you are getting into and mat prices. I often go from just enough gold to buy 5000 herbs to half a million gold in a few hours when I spend all my gold on my wife/collections stuff. Decide if you wanna sell a lot for less gold or a few slow moving things for more gold. (You can and should do both but if you’re not the patient type don’t get into certain markets)

You could give your gold to me.
You could donate it to the poor people of Ukraine.
I love First World problems.
Its like a celebrity complaining that their mansion doesn’t come in the proper shade of turquoise.
Honestly is having too much gold really an issue for you?
In Ff7 I watched poor people literally get crushed in the Sector 7 slums.

Mr beak, even if you spent literally all your gold right now it doesn’t take much at all to make it all back. The biggest reason most people don’t have gold is because they don’t want to make effort to make gold. You now know what it takes to make tons of gold. If you keep applying the knowledge you’ll never be poor in game again.

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Open a RothIRA with the First National Bank of Azeroth :+1:

Donate some of it to a poor DK. She’ll find a use for it.

:blue_square: :white_square_button: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:


Depends on his situation, what happens when you have gold cap and you kill a mob and try to loot it?

mr beak, please join

this is the sister discord of the one you were spamming to join in the other thread. a lot of the same people.

Have you tried putting on fancy clothes mogs and then making fun of the poors?

I just wanted to read the drama.

Give it to me and I will use it to bully gnomes.