Don't Know What To Do With My Gold

Do what most extremely rich people do…Try to take over the world (Auction house)

play the BMAH. win all the random junk. who knows. maybe you will get something nice.

The problem I have with doing that is there are a lot of people who don’t even want to login to make gold, and I don’t want gold to end up going to those types. The “can someone lend me 10 gold so I can learn level 10 riding” types.

off key voice

“Buy Tovi a Longboi”


Ok seriously you could buy the numerous battle pets I have the AH right now. They’re level 25 and never been used.


Plate leggos are 30k on my server how are you making anything lol

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I’m not sure what you mean. I just craft and sell them?

Yesterday was very slow though. I didn’t do so well :frowning:

I mean the margin is still there at a 30k price point?

Buying the mats was that much iirc for the 262

I’ll hold on to it for safe keepin

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Are you able to use gold to purchase mounts, pets and mog from the Blizzard store?

If so, you could buy any mounts, pets and mog you don’t have from there.

Have em all except the celestial mog and dragon pet. Waiting for them to go on sale first.

And yet people still cry about paying for repairs.

Personally, I think there should be a better balance between income and costs.

Deathroll. The solution is always to gamble.

There really, really, really needs to be a goblin casino in this game.

Imagine being a booster and coming to the forums for validation that your life isn’t a complete waste and someone, somewhere, actually envies you.

UK laws

shakes fist

I have a question, do people with profession who make good gold with it actually farm mats for hours like pick herbs/mining or skinning?

Rockstar doesn’t seem to have a problem with their GTAO casino.

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True. Maybe I’m overthinking it. Because I’ve heard the reason we don’t have one is muh laws. But who knows.

You are clearly making gold for the joy of making gold. There’s really no upper limit on it.

If i were you i would be more worried of being a hoarder :slight_smile: It’s video game currency. Be wasteful. Buy multiple expensive pets. It’ll actually be an investment. Spectral tiger pet was 35k a couple of years back… now it’s > 500k. I bought so many of the BFA world drop mounts when the bots made them cheap that i’ve had to do nothing for gold this entire expansion. Am nowhere close to you though.

Yeah yeah it’s a video game, I get it :stuck_out_tongue:

I just don’t want to spend too much and lock myself out of whatever gold-making system there will be in 10.0. I’m really digging this profession kick though, even if it’s making it next to impossible to play other parts of the game.

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