Don't get screwed by account merger and consolidation

Same thing happened to be, I lost a $40 blizzcon mount. I am sure there is some legal BS I glossed over like literally everyone does that says it was 100% my fault and that by itself is double BS but it’s also why I don’t even try to fight it because it would be pointless.

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I’ll never understand why people never follow through on this. If you tell someone you’re done responding to them, it really helps if you, you know, stop responding to them.


This is why you NEVER touch account merging or acc-anything. Keep your accounts separated forever from your other accs and spouses accounts.


What I cant figure out is just how stupid blizzard thinks we were believing they were actually working on an ignore feature for the forums.

NO ONE reads the whole TOS except the lawyers who wrote it.
Anyone who says they do is lying.
We just click the box and agree and only find out we’re screwed when something actually happens.

A very large payment service had a bad habit of TAKING money out of users accounts if they unknowingly accepted a stolen credit card and never returning that money even if the matter was resolved.
it was all there in the fine print, but who reads all that crap except for lawyers…no one.

Errr… You do understand that I was essentially calling you out for making a big show about no longer engaging with a specific poster, then immediately responding to them, right?

And now you call me a liar. So rude. It isn’t that long, it isn’t that complicated, and anyone who doesn’t read a legally-binding agreement before they sign it obviously doesn’t suffer from an overabundance of intelligence.


I read it. >.>


The need to expand their ‘list’ of crap that that cant be moved to include random stuff that will probably lost

" Click to agree with what? No one reads terms of service, studies confirm"
Only a quarter of the 543 students even bothered to look at the fine print. But “look” is not “read”: on average, these more careful joiners spent around a minute with the thousands of words that make up NameDrop’s privacy and service agreements. And then they all agreed to them.

theguardian. com/technology/2017/mar/03/terms-of-service-online-contracts-fine-print

“No one” doesn’t include me in their study. I read them for video games. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Edit: of course, I’m also old. And weird. I just feel like I should read the game ones, so I do.


I believe you. Just making a point that people dont as a rule read every word of the ToS. They skim thru.

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Lord knows I don’t for every app I download. LOL

I dont in general. State laws usually supercede most of the treacherous crap they can put into a ToS anyway and since Im not a lawyer theyd probably slip something past me anyway.

Blizzard and companies like Paypal KNOW that we arent reading the ToS with any real effort.

As a side note I do think its pretty rotten of them to not just give me EVERYTHING I earned and paid for when i move a WoW account from one Btag to another.
Just feels cheap and dishonest, but thats probably just me.

I THINK the way it works is that you only get the stuff that was on ONE of the bnet accounts.

So if they took everything from Bnet A and merged it INTO Bnet B, you only get the account bound stuff that is on Bnet B. You lose any account bound stuff on Bnet A (that stays with A).

So you needed to choose which one you wanted to keep.

If Bnet A was your main account with most of your account bound stuff on it and you wanted everything from B on A (meaning, you would lose B’s account bound stuff), then I would escalate to a manager and explain that somehow what you wanted got done in reverse. Maybe they can assist and put everything on A.

But afaik, you don’t get to keep all the account bound stuff that was on A and B when you merge.

I feel like it’s a bug when they moved your stuff. Still crappy, but sounds bugged.

yeah…that was the reason why I thought long and hard before having them do it. Trying to make sure that the WoW that was moved was the one I was willing to lose stuff on.
I was assured by the rep that NOTHING would be lost on the account being moved TO.
I believe the rep really believed that, I dont thknk they were intentionally deceptive or anything, but clearly that wasnt true in the end.

Ive got to spent thousands replacing mounts on the main account that WASNT moved that were lost somehow…and who knows how that monk was moved to the wrong WoW account.
And it was just the one character…which is freaky odd.

learning experience that I hope will help others know to just keep their accounts as they are. dont move WoWs accounts between btags unless one has no choice.

I’m currently seeing if it’s possible to move my main characters back to my main account but if it has been deleted… that might not be possible.

I do truly hope I can re-obtain my main account and just forget about “merging” the accounts and I do truly hope the Blizz reps take their time and explain what occurs when you are doing a “merger” as i was never warned, notified or even hinted at losing all my data. I’m a vanilla baby so quite literally losing all my collection from so many years feels like terrible but I’m trying not to be dramatic, it just plainly sucks.

They should create a 3rd account and lock the first 2 to ensure that both accounts where mearged into the 3rd account properly. They should only delete the first 2 accounts once approval of the owner of those accounts has been given, ONLY after they allow an inspection of the 3rd account’s properties.

That’s how it should be done. NO if’s ends or BUT’s. They are playing with the values on shares of property that are not fully theirs.

(BTW I am sorry that happened to you OP. /hugs, I hope they un-do it)

I find that in life, never take what somebody says over the phone as gospel. Always take what is written down as gospel.

#### Transfer Effects

Will not move

Unused character boosts
Items in the Collections Journal including mounts, pets, toys, wardrobe items, and heirlooms
Account-bound achievements
Honor Level

So again, this is a life lesson here. If somebody is telling you over the phone something that contradicts what is specifically written down, never take the person over the phone at their word. I realize that is frustrating to hear, but that’s really just life… and life sucks sometimes. I wish you luck on getting the items restored. I wouldn’t count on it happening though.

You missed the point.

What that article says is true and did happen. The things from the second Bmet account didn’t transfer as they weren’t supposed to. And that was fine.

But Taienna is missing things from the first account now that shouldn’t be gone and one of the first account’s characters was moved for no reason.

The way that article works is this:

Bnet1: WoW1

Bnet2: WoW1

Which turns into…

Bnet1: WoW1 - Wow2


But that’s not what happened for Taienna.

Say this is what was on those accounts:

Bnet1 has:

  • 6 mounts, 6 mogs
  • WoW1 with 4 characters

Bnet2 has:

  • 4 mounts, 3 mogs
  • WoW1 with 2 characters

When the transfer happened, this occurred:

Bnet1 now has:

  • 2 mounts, 1 mog
  • WoW1 with 3 characters
  • WoW2 with 3 characters

Bnet2 now has:

  • 4 mounts, 3 mogs

This is what should have happened according to the article and the rep:

Bnet1 should have:

  • 6 mounts, 6 mogs
  • WoW1 with 4 characters
  • WoW2 with 2 characters

Bnet2 should have:

  • 4 mounts, 3 mogs

Do you see the difference in what happened and what was supposed to happen?