Don't get screwed by account merger and consolidation

Things were moved off of Bnet2, not Bnet1.

That quote means there’s no more access to things on Bnet2 once they’re moved off of that account. Not Bnet1.

The WoW account loses access to the stuff on the Bnet2 account and gains access to the stuff on Bnet1 that still has active WoW licenses that are used.

Nowhere does it state characters get moved from one WoW license to another and the account gaining the WoW license should most definitely not be losing anything and nowhere does it state that is what happens.

Be thankful they did the merge. I tried to move my sons account (he’s grown) that only contained a level 32 character with no gold, no achieves, no mounts nothing worthwile, but a manager at the CS dept decided there was no way he was going to allow this merge to happen. I guess he was afraid that somehow this would be a bad thing for Blizzard to do.

Still cant understand why they didnt do it. Since the WoW accounts even have to be paid separately it couldnt even be a cost savings issue. So either the manager was having a bad day or just bad at their job…


OOOOOOOH. Now I see the issue. Yea Blizz should fix that big time and it’s a massive (insert word of your choosing here) move for Blizz not to fix that. That isn’t warned about in the support article at all.

Dang, that’s horrible. I’d leave and never turn back. I’m sorry you didn’t know about it, neither did I though. Im glad I saw this post, I will never deal with that nonsense, lol!

Yeah… it took me a bit to understand what had happened as well. Hehe. It is a mess. And that’s something that shouldn’t happen at all, so it makes it even worse.

Here is my problem though. Like Taienna who said this happened to them? No mention of it on the Customer Support forum. Only thread was asking feasability of it, and a poster warned about loss of items even.

The OP? No record of posting at all on the customer support forum.

I mean if this stuff actually happened, why aren’t they raising herk about it in the CS forums? Nothing can be done about it in general, but they may have recourse in the CS forums because that makes this public in an area that something might be able to be done about it. Blue won’t respond here, but something of this magnitude would get some sort of response in the CS forums that we can ALL see… and I wanna see a blue response on this.

Taienna called customer service about it, which was a good way to go.

And some people don’t think to post in CS. I know it makes sense to us to do so, but we aren’t everyone, I suppose.

It’s a good way to go until it’s not. I’d say making a stink about it on the CS forums is now the best route to go, because it will make Blizz actually accountable in a very public eye manner on the issue. They both need to make their case precisely and politely on the CS forums. If it’s an actual Blizz screw-up that occurred, I bet Blizz will fix it when it’s in view of everybody on the CS forums.

They’ll hopefully fix the articles that way, I hope. Good to encourage it. :slightly_smiling_face:

If the articles need fixing, yea it’s a good way to get them fixed. I doubt the articles need fixing, where the deletions occurred seems so backwards to my IT Analyst Brain that I can’t imagine it was intended to work the way that happened.

They are paid dude, dont worry. It is very much a real thing.

That’s terrible. They should have added mounts and pets together.

I’d leave too, that is very unacceptable customer service.

It was easily exploitable, that’s why.

step 1. create new battle net account with same name
step 2. move character/wow license to new account
step 3. new account now has all rare mounts, pets. titles etc as the old account has
step 4. sell new account for much dollars
step 5. repeat until blizzard fixes the exploit, which they did


Random but that mog looks really good on your female worgen


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That is rough man. One of my tasks at work is account merging for business type data. I imagine the amout of fields in one of our accounts are gargantuan, and spot checking which account wins the merge (if it works the way I think it does) likely depends on something very simple. In my case the “winner” is often a default choice by the existence of specific details.

On a WOW account I expect it’s probably simplified to hell just to make the process viable for a customer service rep…and if that’s the case I would expect extremely thorough cross-corroboration with the customer first.

Sorry man. If I lost my collections I would absolutely walk away.

I don’t get it:

So did they move the wrong account to the wrong account?

It sounds like that is what happened, either due to the player or Blizzard.

That’s why Blizzard deletes the old account? On their support site they literally say combine multiple accounts into one. AKA delete old accounts and put everything into one.

That’s literally the whole purpose of merging accounts.

Odd, I would have assumed that “merging” would have meant to combine the two accounts and thus the collections between the two would have been combined as well. If all they did was copy your characters from one account to the other, that isn’t an account merger. That is a simple character transfer…

I would be a bit pissed off as well if I was you. If nothing else they should have asked you which account you wanted to remain after the “merger”. At least that way you could have keep your main account and merged the alt one into it.

Blizzard absolutely messed up on this one. I did something similar several years ago. What I did was physically move any trad-able battle pets and any other trad-able items that I wanted from one account to another before I even contacted Blizzard about moving one license to another battlenet account. I lost a few mounts from the 2nd account (which were tied to the 2nd Bnet account) but I didn’t loose a single item from my 1st Bnet account.

Something went horribly wrong in the transfer that is for sure. Loosing items from the 2nd account would be possible since they are tied to the Bnet account, but nothing from the 1st Bnet account should have disappeared.

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