Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

The amount of drama in this thread period

I want to go back to talking about why HMT are way cooler than people give them credit for

But every other time I look at this thread it’s back to burning down in flames

I was gonna make a big ole post about how dumb a lot of this is… but isn’t the goal to stay on topic :wink: hehehhe

My classic alt that I want to main? But leveling is time consuming in classic. I dunno… I post regularly on this toon.

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One thing I like about HMT is that as far as druids go all the forms naturally occur in Highmountain, unlike Bloodhoof (Mulgore?) tauren who got to level 10 and were like AHHHHHH WHAT HAPPENED TO ME DON’T LOOK AT ME I’M A FREAK.

“You win again gravity”.

What I say each time I trip and fall… which it’s all too often when you’re as clumsy as I am.

Agreed, let’s revive a debate from earlier:

Hair for vulpera, yay or nay?


this threads NEEDS JESUS MAMA. lol…

Anyways, gimmi as many options as possible for customization.

give blood elf VE options and vice versa.

Im really not playing this game to be trapped in some sweaty, smelly persons phantasy world where void elves cant look like their leader. cannot relate.


I have to agree unfortunately, it’s like every time it dies down it flares right back up like gasoline and matches.

HMT and Zandalari druid forms are better because they came after the time that Blizzard was terrified of cool druids forms.

Why is a tauren or Darkspear turning into a stag instead of something like a kodo or raptor?


You’ll have to take that up with the Blizzard devs, sadly.

THATS A HARD ONE. That one looks like a mini Karen. But on the flip side… its so dumb its cute. Maybe if they had lil tuffs like the taurens do?


I love this, I want my Vulpera hair. Lol. I can pretend like everyone else and say I demand my Vulpera hair. Lol.

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I said it

I have tattoos IRL… and if they really wanna keep with that, " make it unique to you" kinda vibe I can get down and dirty with some belf tattoos… or even tattoos for all the races that don’t have any


“Excuse me! I want to talk to the Warchief! I will not wear a rep tabard! No! No! It’s against my human rights! LET ME TALK TO YOUR WARCHIEF!”

I know I’m slow but how did I miss this? :rofl:

Maybe a bun? Buns?



How about a foxtail?

I can see it now… a little vulpera running into the AH or into a key, with THAT hair… and they ask to speak to the manager because what they needed was gone… or they weren’t allowed in because they were a vulpera


Alrighty y’all I’m getting back on wow. If you need me I’ll check in again in a few hours

I don’t know, I just can’t get past like I said earlier that Vulpera don’t have hair options and Worgen, Tauren, Pandaren and Draenei do. Lol.

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Excuse me! -yip- I need to speak to the manager right now! What do you mean I need a leash!? -yiiiiip-

I wish I could describe the look I’m giving you right now.

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A racial glyph with the forms you suggested would be great.