I’d prefer that. If people are bothered about being ranked in randoms? Fair enough. Nerf all gear to ilvl200 or below.
Just don’t hammer ranking as a way of getting gear that’s useful for all end game content.
I’d prefer that. If people are bothered about being ranked in randoms? Fair enough. Nerf all gear to ilvl200 or below.
Just don’t hammer ranking as a way of getting gear that’s useful for all end game content.
If they had a PvP stat like resil, this wouldn’t be as much of an issue. The stat gain from 200+ PvP gear would still be crazy tho.
Their hands are kind of tied with M+ players enjoying the push for higher and higher keys so they need the main stat/stam gains at the 200+ gear level to push further, even considering skill. Doesnt translate well into PvP, so from what ive read this will be a good change.
So sort of like wod… Only one pvp set for unranked pvp… Let’s say for easy math it’s 200. Your conquest just turns into unranked 200 when u que for random and epics and squirmishes. And for everything else, ranked, arena, raids, m+, questing… It is how it is. No scaling. I could live with that. That would allow guys to play random bgs and not be crushed by guys in ranked gear. Not sure why a ranked would bother… I just don’t have time for random bgs with all the crap we need to do
^^ The only time I’ve done randoms recently is for a world quest. And… they’re horrible. Kind of similar to LFG raiding on the more complicated bosses.
It’s not really the gear; it’s the lack of communication and players doing anything bar zerging. People ghost flags constantly, go afk, ignore tactics and so on. Gear is about all that matters if both sides are playing badly so hey, if Blizzard want to flatten all of it down for those matches? I guess that’s okay.
Just don’t destroy PvP as a way of gearing for all end game content. If Blizzard do I’m pretty sure the participation in rated PvP will plummet.
I would agree with that to a point but I would still prefer if the gear did have a umbrella stat that gave a players pvp acquired gear more effective in that setting.
for sure it would be a much better experience overall with just those changes alone.
Just scale everything to ilvl 200…pve and pvp gear. But only in unranked pvp. Otherwise we need two sets pve and pvp and this isn’t an alt friendly xpac even though that’s what they hyped it as
I didnt play WoD, so i thought the same. now that im hearing how WoD gearing was, that’s absolutely perfect. Maybe if they had easier gearing for PvE (and i dont feel these valor tokens are going to help enough if the upgrade path is locked behind an insane achievement) then the system for SL would work. But to save themselves a headache for now and the future, where their main focus can just be on pve balancing (since they always so very often just balance for max gear anyways), then WoD pvp gear should come to stay.
As long as wod scaling doesn’t affect the whole game. Which is why I mentioned only scaling in unranked pvp. That seems to be the issue. Guys in high gear squish guys in low gear. So level the playing field in unranked only pvp. Don’t let it change things in the rest of the game
we’d be exactly where we are now though… boosters going crazy destroying the lower brackets in rated. pvp has always had such bad rewards. this wouldnt lower the playing field in any way. everyone plays rated to raise rating for the higher rated gear. May as well let them do the idea of changing gear similar to WoD style. This would literally only affect pvp. sure… it would give you an ilvl to start m0 dungeons and maybe heroic raids, but you still would have to work for the rest of the gear. You’d have the option of doing heroic dungeons/LFR/pvp to get gear ready for m0/heroic/mythic raids. Yes?
I haven’t had a single problem with the current system. This sounds like a punishment for mains and people who take the extra time and effort to gear well. This only increases the ability for FOTM rerolls and less class agency.
I don’t have time to grind two separate sets for pve and pvp. This will only harm players who pvp AND pve like me. If it happens, looks like i unsub again.
You literally have all 226 pvp gear, and have some time spent in raids/mythic dungeons. You even got 2200 (you only need 2100) in RBGs a few weeks ago. you absolutely have time to grind 2 sets of gear. you literally have no reason to not have the time by now to be grinding out pve stuff if you havent been doing so by now. pvp gear in WOD methods would be exponentionally faster to gear than it is now, and all that time you wasted trying to get pvp gear would have been able to be spent on getting pve gear. by all means unsub, you wont be missed if you think it’ll be that bad lol.
If they want to reduce the effectiveness of pvp gear in pve, then they damn well had better reduce the effectiveness of pve gear in pvp.
I tire of this entitlement that pvers feel they are eligible for.
Cringy AF is people boosting the hell out of 2s n 3s with people who are already full 220 when you are trying to pvp even with you 197 honor set and you just get demolished due to mongo burst meta smash all buttons at once.
Two nerfs will make it right, right?
The arguments against WoD gearing in here are so far off base it’s incredible.
Clearly these people have not played during WoD.
Saying that WoD gearing is anything like Legion or BfA is straight up false.
Saying you won’t have time to gear for PVE is also straight up false.
Saying that it creates an artificial barrier for people to get into PvP is false.
Saying the current gearing system is great for PVP is also just wrong.
I am sorry, but the disconnect in here at times is unreal.
I just hope that Blizzard does not bring back WoD gearing like they brought back vendors in SL (with a weird twist that makes things worse). If they stay true to WoD gearing, we are all in for a treat. Even the folks in here thinking it will make things worse.
Well, yeah, that’s the logic. Honor PvP gear=Heroics, CQ PvP gear=Mythic in PvP. In PvE, Honor PvP gear < Heroics, CQ PvP gear < Mythic.
this has nothing to do with what was said.
The current system does separate trash from the elite whether you want to believe it or not. It’s just unfairly punishing to those who are towards the opposite side of Elite.
If you don’t think or believe you’re trash, then you’d most likely be able to achieve the gear.
bad players will always be separated from good players. SL just rewards you, which is obviously the problem with this system
Oh man, I wish I had this now. It is a pain in the butt to gear alts currently just hearing all that made me excited
I was upset when they got rid of it. They should’ve kept it forever. I had such a good time queuing as whatever I wanted to play because it didn’t take a million years to gear one character back then.
We shouldn’t have to gear for pvp at all.