Dont be upset by no rdf

Watching Bloom scramble after blatantly breaching ToS is hilarious :joy:


The incredible developers of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King launching on September 26th have stated there are no plans to currently put Random Dungeon Finder into the game.

If you have feedback for the LFG tool currently on the beta servers, please let us know!

We are happy to listen to your feedback!


Considering Iā€™ve heard nothing but bad about Cata, this would be hilarious lol. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this does happen ngl.

I was originally very much against race and faction changes as they were not in the spirit of the game, but the latest blue post has really made me think otherwise!

I also used to call the retail looking for group tool an ā€œabominationā€ and wanted no part of it in classic WoW, however the latest blue post has me thoroughly excited to test out the new version made specifically for WOTLK!

We are incredibly blessed!!


This dude really spends all day typing out ironic messages, huh?

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If its ironic to be excited for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King launching on September 26th then I guess I am!

And yes, although I am on here often, thats what comes with my level of influence on the game. You dont get this kind of power and influence sitting on the sidelines friend!

See you in Northrend!

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I think this comes down to not understanding how much others can value something that you donā€™t.

Iā€™ve played with and without RDF on Warmane PServers, around 5 years of playing on them overall, and I can say first hand that Iā€™ve seen the issues that arise when thereā€™s no RDF. So I obviously would prefer RDF over not having one.

And while you might downplay dungeons as ā€œJust one of many featuresā€, it is personally one of my favorite parts of Wrath. Doesnā€™t need to be everyoneā€™s, but Iā€™ve probably done over 1,000 heroics on Warmane over the years and still love doing them. It isnā€™t like Vanilla/TBC where you do them every now and then, you do them a LOT in Wrath, especially if you have alts.


Iā€™m so happy I decided not to pre-order Dragonlands. Itā€™s a gimmick that will undoubtedly suck, just like the rest of Blizzardā€™s ideas since Legion.

Iā€™ll probably be playing FFXIV. Iā€™m still waiting to see if Blizzard will have a proper battleground queue with xp for Wrath Classic. If not, Iā€™m done with Blizzard games, like Iā€™m done with Amazon games. New World and Lost Ark are terrible! Just like Iā€™m done with EA who ruined both Mythic Entertainment and Bioware.

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gotta stretch that covid check

Some people care more about some things than others. If Blizzard keeps the battleground queues anchored to major cities, Iā€™m out. I already cancelled my sub, because theyā€™ve been silent on the subject. No one can even test it on beta or ptr. So, Iā€™m guessing they are leaving the system as horrible as what we have currently. Iā€™ll probably resub FFXIV today or tomorrow, either way. Blizzard doesnā€™t communicate, they donā€™t listen, they donā€™t care. They hate their customers and only want to squeeze as much money as possible, quality of life improvements be forgotten.


Yes, people put more value in certain things than do other people. Water is also wet.

I merely stated an opinion that people saying they wonā€™t sub or they will quit because of the feature not being in game is disingenuous. if Jon likes dungeons as much as he said, I doubt no RDF will prevent him from playing - I like running heroics too, and no RDF wonā€™t prevent me from doing so or enjoying other features in the game.

As previously stated, I hate spamming for groups and going over bulletin board and I would prefer RDF be in the game. Are some people going to quit or not-resub over it? sure. Is everyone who is threatening to quit or not-resub going to? x for doubt.

Still no dual spec in tbcc?

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this is some popcorn stuff right here. the LFD saga is insane. more divisive than necrophelia

Further, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen one person give a good reason why RDF being out of the game is good for the game besides regurgitating what Brian Birmingham said about his stupid encounter in WC.

Just being a fence sitter, but curious as for the reasons.

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Cata is AMAZING for PvP. #1 expansion imo

I donā€™t even know what he said, but I bet itā€™s stupid.


His example of the social interactions we would be missing out on with RDF was messaging a warrior if he was a tank, and the warrior confirming he indeed was.

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the real rdf is the friends we made along the way :slight_smile:

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lol, yeah I remember reading about that now. Epic levels of fail. They lie all the time. For instance, the faction changesā€¦I donā€™t even remember why they said they changed their minds, but it had nothing to do with that. All lies. Someone in charge said, ā€œwe can sell lots of faction changes in the store - put it in!ā€ Thatā€™s all that happened.

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Oh of course, that is purely money based. I cannot blame them though, they are a company whose purpose is to make money.

To be a fly on the wall when they are discussing these features would be somethingā€¦

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