Dont be upset by no rdf

I’ll go back to Retail before I play Cata again. :face_vomiting:


Cata is where Classic ends and Retail starts.


3 years of Classic without LFD has already given us this information.


I would agree with that sentiment. Cataclysm was….rough.

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I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed in little baby Blizzard the small indie company who failed his homework.

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Jokes on them. I’ll just go play pservers or FF14.


they also had “no plans” for faction and race change

they said often in 9.0 there are no ripcords. to many features that were even in beta had bad feedback. covenant swaps, crap conduit change setup, whole bunch of bad stuff.

9.2 found some ripcords. 9.2.5 even more.

more fun stuff. AOE cap. this will stay!

later on in 9…aoe capped removed, except for outlaw rogue (guess they had too much fun in BFA). and a diminishing return mechanic put in. past x mobs…damage reduced.

Now going bfa. long ago we saw the darkshore content in ptr. after doing a long scenario to make Tyrande even stronger…she gets KO’d by nathanos. and the forums lit up. as this made no sense. even non fan boys of night elves were going wtf?!

that darkshore ending got changed. to a draw…better than the loss. not by much…but better.

Why are there zero citations if they said it often?

Ion does video more lol. we aren’t going to youtube all his clips for a minute second marker.

Ion makes it harder than brian. Brian tweets so you can search for words. Why ion is way better at the game.

its that lawyer training you see. black and white gets argued more and easier.

Ion goes I said words,yes…but you seem to have a meaning for them I did not have in mind.

Like old legacy raids will work like they did presquish. that was said in video. he did not say he deemed legion not 100% legacy as we found out. technically he has correct for non legion legacy. ICC is still a weekly one shot run to fail at invincible, again.

Can you not try to waifu blizzard. Thanks.

i think it’s more like phase 3 actually… or phase 4.

Subscription boosts are not profit? Because there are plenty of people that are going to drop away after the initial wave, because levelling their alt is still a lonely business.

And I know 2 people who could have gotten that Arthas nostalgia bug.

told them no lfr…and no.

them I told them I can’t even boost you for free, out of pure communal friendship once in while. no became NO!.

they did no lfd as day 1 players. they…liked it. A lot. they left around mop. It wasn’t rdf that made them drop. they hated cata then mop had them go yeah…we done.

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