Dont be fooled with Shattering Throw

There are a ton of defensives in the game with little counterplay that have either been dumbed down or folded multiple defensives into one. Ignore Pain is really where you draw the line? A warrior is sacrificing doing damage for a shield that will probably essentially work out to be less than Shield of Vengeance, and it doesn’t have the utility of being a mini-karma.

Ice Barrier, not Ice Block. You know, the Frost Mage spell that gives you a big absorb shield on a 25s cooldown? Only unlike Ignore Pain it’s a true absorb shield and only costs you a GCD.

I was trying to make the point that if Ice Barrier isn’t broken, Ignore Pain certainly isn’t. And if you can’t even remember what Ice Barrier is then that kinda proves that point.


I see what you mean but our playstyle is literally based around having the bubble. Once bubble is gone we don’t have anything. Also bubble has a 3 or 5 min cd depending on spec. Again BE arcane torrent already takes BoP away. So fighting a BE now means i have no defensives just because.

Other classes still have ones that are viable. Also if they bring back mass dispell take bubble off. That means between just 1 BE warrior and 1 BE priest they have 4 ways to take away my only defensives.

You have Divine Protection, and that’s just counting the pure defensives. You have a number of utility and healing cooldowns that easily allow you to survive, avoid being locked down, and just pump out heals that simply cannot be dps’d through. Even with literally one class now having a counter to your bubble, you’re still one of the most survivable classes out there.


I am going to do some bgs and arena and not use BoP or bubble and see how that goes. I am curious how dependent holy paladins are in BoP ane bubble.

From the sound of it you seem to think it wont be a big deal at all. I am thinking priest warrior mage combo in 3s if they are all BE will suck big time with all the dispels of buffs ny bubble and BoP.

You might consider an edit of your OP to help minimize the spread of disinformation

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Literally only 2 classes will be able to break your divine shield. Priest, and warrior. No, your class does not revolve around bubble. It’s a very strong defensive, the best in the game actually, so it only makes sense for them to add some sort of counterplay to it.

I can tell by your statements without even checking your profile you lack any meaningful PvP experience. Shattering throw and Mass Dispel are both able to be countered. And nobody really plays BE anymore in PvP, most play Orc for the stun reduction.

And you definitely have nothing to worry about as far as priests and warriors being on the same team in arenas. It doesn’t happen because they go terrible together. If you’re a warrior, priest is the last healer you want healing you.


What an interesting read… For starters, get off your high horse. No one in these forums owe you or anyone else anything for your responses, you do that on your own will. I did not force you to come into a thread that I created to waste your time. Most likely you came into these forums because you are bored, like many others in here, its a Public Gaming Forum.

Secondly, I don’t care what you or others think of me, I don’t know you nor do I care, I don’t need your opinions or advice, I posted this thread on behalf on what I read on the PTRs a while back. It was an assumption I made and I am grateful for those who updated me, however those posting immature comments will be treated the same way back. Iv been on these forums long enough to know the patterns and systems people use in here.

Yikes, you still think about this? Man, your feelings were hurt. I’d have been gentler if I realized you actually cared that much.


This! I want every class’s utility, but I want it to basically do a free rampage at the same time. :rofl:

When you reply with nonsense like this and expect others to take your posts seriously makes me question you.

Calling the kettle black it seems.

Lol, that post is a direct reply to Auzz’s own jest. It is a joke. It’s not supposed to be taken seriously. Literally everyone else reading this thread has realized that.

Indeed, but I am a silver fork in this analogy.


Great! I look forward to my bubbles being shattered with no consequences.

How ironic, thinking your bubble shouldn’t be shattered without consequence when literally you can bubble with no consequence.

Let me break this down for you. You have an 8 second full immunity defensive cooldown in which you can still take full action with no limitations. You can attack, heal, move, etc. No other class in the game has a defensive cooldown that powerful. The only thing similar is mages’ Ice Block, and they can’t do anything while they’re sitting in it. Every other class has some sort of counterplay to their defensives. Warriors can be disarmed and they can’t use DBTS or Storm Bolt, or stunned during DBTS (can’t parry while stunned), or attacked from behind (can’t parry attacks from behind either), monks can have their Karma broken easily, rogues can be attacked from behind with Evasion up (can’t dodge attacks from behind). Literally every class has some sort of counterplay to their defensive CDs. Imagine being so entitled as a pally that you feel you should be the only class with 0 counterplay to your defensive CD and it should just be a free “I WIN” button. Let me guess, you also probably think you should explode for 250k damage to everyone around you and heal yourself to full instantly when you activate bubble? Reminder: there are only TWO out of TWELVE classes that will be able to break your bubble, and they can both be easily avoided.


At this point your over the top, Sky=Falling responses to this lead me to think you’re either trolling or not very good at Paladin.

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Just because” its a useful racial in that situation.

Like an Undead doesnt break Fear “Just because”. Theres a reason its there. I mean, you made it sound like your confused as to why or what your even talking about.

Also, its not your only defensive. You still have Divine Shield plus whatever healing/utility/mobility your specced into as well as the rest of your classes design to take advantage of.

Sure, Warrior Shattering Throw will have to be played around but its no different than any other thing.

Yeah, this is the point Im making. Bubble is good but it needs some counterplay. It will still be undoubtedly extremely powerful.

Plus Shattering Throw itself can be countered, or you can Hammer it until your partner get the stun(if you want to toss hammer around just so).

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You mean your looking forward to failing to update your playstyle and play around the fact that Bubble has more counter play now? There fixed*


Doesnt it remove the invincibility on a target? I thought it breaks invincibility and does heavy dmg to shields. I dont know if it removes every shield 100%. that would be really good against Heal Monk shield thingy they do.

My ExPlOsIvE tRaP eXpLoDeS fOr 0 dAmAgE fUg DiS gAmE!!1!

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I’d probably feel less bad about this if ret couldn’t do 80k while being completely invulnerable…

Excuse me but u have alot more than just the immunity bubble and it takes 3 mins to get the throw back unless we spec into it