Don't attack, cause I know ya'll like to tussle...but a WOD Remix

Would be the perfect time to introduce an updated and modernized Garrison, designed to be less central and essential to the Expansion itself (like removing the Mine and Herb gardens and replacing them with something else fun) but more Evergreen and permanently useful. and maybe add some of the cosmetic features that were originally cut.

Maybe even at the end of the Remix, it gets moved to somewhere on Azeroth when your character converts over.

Just a thought.


That’d be fun.

Wod had a ton of great mogs. Unlike mop

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Sounds like fun to me. But add follower dungeons with a warband option.

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But that isn’t remix. You’re asking or a WoD remake.
Remix isn’t supposed to do a bunch of heavy lifting or overhauls. It’s just the content made relevant and easier to farm.

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Wod would do fine as a remix.
Why? Because the big part that made it bad was the massive content droughts.

So if it was all patches of content available from day one, then mashed into 3 months. Highly viable and would be fun.


Ngl I’d love a SL or Legion remix for transmog purposes.

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they should do one Remix a year, do em in order starting with MOP, then WOD next and so on.

then come back around and do TBC, WOTLK and Cataclysm.

WoD had some nice armor/weapons, so be cool to get different colors of them

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Imo, WoD would be a good contender for Remix like MoP was.

These expansions were treated unfairly, judged by their covers, but given a chance to replay them, folks will discover they were actually pretty good for their time.

Also, we get to avoid the content drought issues entirely, which is one of the main issues for both of 'em.

WoD had bad support but I enjoyed it overall.

I’d love if they went cheeky and had the Garrison be a means of player power.

WOD had excellent leveling content, remix for it could work.

I disagree. wod got the rating it deserved. good leveling, jack all to do after that.


Mists removed the farm. But the Garrison is still a quest hub and you can’t change the entirety of the expansion to move it to another zone.


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I would play it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I know exactly why that response.

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Yes… yes you do.


Let my sub lapse.

For a limited time event? Why bother?

I would like them to address the horrendous level scaling in this game before they do another remix.


Not just different colour, but lots of iron horde gear that was never made available to players. I would like to have it.

Yeah, WoD Remix would be peak I think. As cool as MoP is for the story, pre-WoD gear textures are just dogcrap and I can’t deal with them anymore. Even WoD stuff looks kinda flat, but it’s still miles better than older stuff.
So a good bit of cool mogs and stuff from WoD, cool recolors.