
This toon and three other horde alts are on Argent Dawn. My three alliance toons are on ER.

I almost always post in forums on this toon, my main, first toon I started. Started in Argent Dawn bc my girlfriend wanted me to play in the same realm she was in.

When I started making alts, I wanted my alliance ones to be in the lowest alliance RP realms possible. Thus, Earthen Ring!

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This is Sia’s main Alliance alt, but I try not to post on alts cause it’s weird.

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I get your point Xenkore.

Adding to the conversation. Is merging the solution? Bringing more people to ER does not mean that they will be likely to RP, PVE, or anything with you. Each of them might also have guilds, ideas, RL stuff, timezone, friends, etc. so many factors that don’t align with you. Blizzard magical-merge-wand won’t fix the issues we face like the AH. Those problems need other solutions.

Why haven’t we been merged already? I am pretty sure Blizzard has the stats. Moderators have seen our posts for sure! Maybe, as I saw in another post, what we need is transparency on why we haven’t been merged. Maybe there is a number associated, the time zone, limitation on the physical infrastructure (doubtfully), or something we don’t know.

Maybe we need better community tools further than what is available. Maybe expand the chat / communities to be cross realm? I like the ER Discord idea. Break the servers forum silos is another idea. Create Guild / Community informational web pages hosted on the forums or somewhere official.

There is also responsibility in YOU to create a community and be where you want to be. Look at AIE as an example. The server limitations didn’t hinder their ability to create a big Community. They use social media, addons, podcasts, their website, and much more.


Why haven’t we been merged already? I am pretty sure Blizzard has the stats. Moderators have seen our posts for sure! Maybe, as I saw in another post, what we need is transparency on why we haven’t been merged. Maybe there is a number associated, the time zone, limitation on the physical infrastructure (doubtfully), or something we don’t know.

I think there’s substantial common ground here in that we need answers.

I’m going to speculate as to why we haven’t had a resolution since there’s a vacuum of information – The amount of time spent to solve the issue would probably be a disproportionate use of Blizzard resources (time spent) to solve a problem experienced by such a small number of players relative to the total subscriber base.

We literally could just be so small that it’s not worth Blizzard’s time to address the problem. I dunno.

The answer to this question has been the goal of every thread that’s been created on the topic.

Do I want a merge? Yes.

Would I settle for an answer either way? Yes.

We just want clarity so we can decide if we should stay or leave.

  • Server Connections in Modern WoW

    • The team paused the process when Shadowlands launched because the expansion had a huge effect on server populations.
    • The team will continue to use server connections once server populations become a notable issue.


I understand the want for more community, however after grouping with some of the other servers in the warmode crowd I have to agree that ER offers it’s own insulation from the derogatory crowds. While running through the main cities or hubs is not nearly as grandiose as it was back in our classic days on the server (ZG corrupted blood on this server, anyone else remember that?) I would much rather have the quiet that isn’t other servers chats. I think what everyone here is missing is the old respectable community of RPers that actually made the ER community what it was.

To me, it seems as though those people have moved out and on to other things that don’t include the WoW RP scene, and I find it extremely rare to run into actual people that want to mildly RP in the open world from any servers. Merging ER will get you bodies, I’m not sure it will get you actual RPers or bring back the RP of old - the new generation doesn’t seem to care for or have any interest in fostering or growing old or new connections regarding that.

For all that I have said, I have never actually sat down and written more of a story than that of my shaman being an old, wizened warlord who has grown soft in his old age (back when flagging was a thing I always ran around flagged to exemplify this - Peri never traded the first blow, having fought for so long)


I agree 100% with Peri.

I would like to go back to the early version of Wow. When you had to walk to the dungeons. Two hours or more to complete LBRS. PVP was open, and so many good stuff. We have Classic now. For me it’s not the same. Even if I go back to the Classic Server, the people that I used to raid with won’t be there. sad

Cities are empty not because our pop is low. We have new ways to group and summon, queue for dungeons, battlegrounds, etc. Most people hang out around Oribos or their Covenants’ Hubs and that’s where they should be. I feel like there are sooooo many zones now that the world seems bigger than when we started. The RP scene is not dead but its not glorious. As Peri mentioned mentioned maybe the new generation is not that into it.

I will never disclose my RP character or what I do, but I do it from times to times. I might even be closer to some of you more than you think!


I’m a bit late to the party here, but what on earth are you selling?

I’m looking at some of my old toons on this realm and trying to open up a bit of my guild bank, and nothing is selling at all.

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I’ve been browsing the realm forums looking for a new realm due to the one I’ve been on forever(Dragonmaw) being merged. The merge completely ruined everything I loved about the realm. It kind of bums me out that you guys seem to have something unique here and a lot of people are trying to ruin it with a merge. I had heard good things about Earthen Ring from everyone I had asked and was really considering it a good fit for what I was looking for but now that I’ve read these threads and it seems the majority of people here are dead set on merging I will have to pass. Keep up the good fight to those trying to keep the realm as it is.

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We were never trying to ruin anything. We used to be the largest original roleplay server in the game and that’s what the people who are pushing for a merge loved about this server.

The good news is that you no longer need to worry about the largest roleplaying guild on the server pushing for a merge. As of March 26th the Templars of the Rose transferred to a more populated server and will no longer be actively trying to breathe life back into the realm we’ve fought so hard for over the past six and a half years.

If you’re looking for a quiet realm, you’ve got it.


I understand what you’re trying to say, but it’s in bad faith. There’s no real communities to protect, anymore. With RP servers, merges can be dicey because individual servers will have specific cultures set up or have establishments that are recognized, like many had with that old bar that was in the Park district in SW back in the day. ER no longer has any of that. It’s all gone. Merging wouldn’t diminish anything. Even being forced into the culture of a different server would still mean more RP for those that want that, and more players to play the game with otherwise. Where we are now, it’s a no-lose proposition. Well, except for Blizz. They’d lose on that xfer money, which given recent reporting, is looking more and more like the real reason they haven’t merged us.

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To sell product, you need to have two things. Something to sell, which you have I assume, and people to sell to. We are sorely lacking in the latter.

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It’s not just a problem for y’all. Blizzard has FUBAR’d large parts of their game and it seems to be more of an issue for RP realms like ED and ER.

Be glad you all don’t have a bunch of self-proclaimed “Celebrities” complaining about how things used to be and aren’t anymore. All they do is troll mindlessly instead of using constructive means to communicate their dissatisfaction with the current state of the game.

It’s laughable over on ED.

Anyhow. Keep fighting the good fight y’all.


I can’t imagine anyone having more server transfers purchased than me. I’m a traveler and frequent realm hopper as it’s fun for me to see new server/s and enjoy the game. I currently have a toon here and have to say it’s one of the more enjoyable quiet RP realms. I would say don’t merge, ER is a quiet little gem of a server.


You know, we actually did, but they all transferred or quit. xD

…Wouldn’t it be better, then, if the solution were to let anyone on Earthen Ring have a free one-time transfer for each of their Earthen Ring characters, to any server they like? That way, the people who want out can leave, and the people who want to keep the pristine, merge-free environment of Earthen Ring as it is now, can stay. Seems like the much more rational option to make everyone happy instead of destroying literally the last non-merged RP realm in America. There are people who enjoy what this realm has to offer, specifically because it’s unmerged.

Why take that away?



That would destroy the groups that’ve come together if Blizz created a diaspora like that. You’d screw the majority for the minority. It would make more sense to offer passage off server to the people that want a small server experience, and specifically make new small servers. Earthen Ring being merged doesn’t just benefit Earthen Ring, and it’s not a selfish ask. We’d also benefit where ever we get merged to. We’re trying to protect communities and the interests of players looking to enjoy the MMO aspects of the game without leaving their friends. Requesting those people be the ones to leave for so that there’s a quiet server, however, is a selfish ask, purely.

New expansion. We didn’t get merged. To continue the conversation…

Global AH fixed the issue of mats?
Crafting Orders and Professions an issue on Blizz court?
Is the RP tag preventing people from joining ER?

Global AH for only certain things doesn’t help our economy quite as much as we need, imo. Crafting Orders launching the way they did permanently ruined the system, basically. I know they’re planning on reducing the amount of public orders a single player can fill, but personal orders are the problem - the AH players just win and there’s not much that can change that now. The damage’s been done. If you wanted to be a crafter but NOT play the AH, sorry, you were too late to the party, and now everyone has their go to crafter and doesn’t wanna bother with that system anymore. Or, they keep everything in guild, so hopefully you’re in an active one and are filling a niche no one else is? Good luck with that. You’ll have to get really lucky and be the only person to get a rare plan and not have the AH guy in the guild have already bought it. It’s not awful for guilded players, but it doesn’t do enough to make meaningful change and improve our economy. Blizz flubbed the low pops again, surprise surprise.

As for the RP tag, I dunno. That’s part of it from a PvE, PvP perspective, but I think being low pop is the bigger issue, broadly speaking. If given the choice, I’d remove the RP tag from the server altogether. Blizz aren’t doing anything to revitalize the RP here, and we shouldn’t pay them to xfer, so, I dunno. /shrug

It’d be nice to have something positive on the server front to be happy about for a change. All these nice changes they made to the game, and still can’t really enjoy a lot of them for realizing “Hey, these people I’m playing with in the world are not people I know or should bother getting to know because they’re not on my server,” or “Gosh, it’d be nice if there were public orders,” or “HOW MUCH IS THAT!? Wow, my wallet is REALLY losing weight FAST,” or “Gee, I wonder what it’s like to be on a server Blizz remembers?”

I got hilariously lucky and got the Lariat recipe and was able to recoup some gold, but just imagining having to buy some of the things on our server without being on the cutting edge when the economy was developing… I hope you like doing races over and over on alts.