
In the pro merge ER thread it appears that some of the players shouting out for merges actually remedied their own situation by running max level characters on Wyrmrest AND Emerald Dream.

No need for any merges now.

For the Alliance!

Nothing was remedied when I said I had max level characters on Wyrmrest and Emerald Dream. Iā€™ve had those characters for many, many years and still hold the belief that Earthen Ring needs to be merged.

This has been my home since retail launched and I donā€™t plan on abandoning my server of nearly 17 years for ā€œgreenerā€ pastures. I simply want Blizzard to water our pasture to bring back the life it once had.

#mergeEarthenRing #connectEarthenRing #saveEarthenRing

If itā€™s more population that you seek, it seems you have already found them on other servers.

Posting several merge threads will surely deter any players looking for a new home from considering Earthen Ring.

Cheers. :slightly_smiling_face:

And garner Blizzardā€™s attention, which was the goal in the first place.


No need to spoil the quiet respectful atmosphere of Earthen Ring.

Say no to a realm merge.

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Please donā€™t fall for the pitfalls that come with a merge. ER has plenty to offer on its own merits. Friendly people. A stable economy that isnā€™t suffering from constant undercutting and erosion of AH prices and respectful players who really enjoy the game.

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Most of the people pushing for a server connection are people with established credibility on the server. Frankly Iā€™ve never heard of you dude, and you donā€™t even play on ER. Respectfully, that pretty much disqualifies your opinion on this issue to me.


I do play on ER. Have been checking out this community with a few alts since SL dropped.

I am just a player looking to make a serious move to a nicer realm. My opinion matters. The fact that you start with ā€œrespectfullyā€ and end with ā€œyour opinion doesnā€™t matterā€ tells me that you only respect players if they agree with your point of view.

How very closed-minded and elitist of you. Way to be inclusive.

Itā€™s a good thing that, so far, not everyone Iā€™ve met on ER thinks like you do.


So major guilds left during a crappy xpac in WoD. Major guilds left realms at that time all over the WoW community. Why would anybody want to come here? ER members backing a merge donā€™t even know if there is an ER discord yet weā€™re being told that there is a huge movement to merge on discord.

What have any of the pro merger crowd done to promote Earthen Ring in a positive light? What have any of the ā€œold guardā€ done to try and rebuild a sadly lost community? Is Citibank really a representative of how this realm treats anybody looking to move to ER? I hope not.

People need to see the whole picture even if yā€™all disagree with my point of view.

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Why would anybody want to come here? ER members backing a merge donā€™t even know if there is an ER discord yet

The person you are vagueposting about from another thread said they were new to ER. You cannot expect them to know everything about the server after a short period. All they did was answer one personā€™s post asking about a community Discord honestly, with the info they had. I replied shortly after with more information because Iā€™ve been here forever and also happened to know more, but my reply and subsequent information was ignored in your post here. Please donā€™t exaggerate by using one cherry-picked line to support your point of view. You are entitled to your opinion but not entitled to step on a new person to the server to try and support it.

Hereā€™s more info about ER Discords so misinformation isnā€™t spread. Itā€™s also my reply to the same thread.


weā€™re being told that there is a huge movement to merge on discord.

There is a fairly large movement. There are a handful of guild Discords with allies who have cross-posted and coordinated with one another about using the forums and in-game suggestion tool. It has been going for some months. Iā€™m not sure if I would classify it as ā€œhuge,ā€ as my guild Discord is just short of 200 members and I canā€™t speak for numbers of others or every place itā€™s been posted because Iā€™m not a member of every ER guild Discord. But the movement is there and still active.

What have any of the pro merger crowd done to promote Earthen Ring in a positive light?

This feels diminutive at best. Just because you do not see it in front of your nose does not mean it hasnā€™t happened or continues to happen. For one slice of it, which I offer at the risk for you to cherry pick as well ā€“ but I post on my GM main, for the purpose of accountability and transparency so have at it ā€“ see my 2-year post history of events, realm cross-posting to invite CRZ neighbors, and other moments of bonding as best I can here on the forums. I unfortunately only have 2 years of post history on this particular account since Blizzardā€™s forum revamp two years back, but my habit of posting on the forums didnā€™t just kick off November 2018. Also, if you wonder why this character is level 51, my in-game main this expac has been Claret. Iā€™m just better known as Arialynn around here so I keep it simple.

You can also check the post history of other frequent pro-merger folks who also use the forums to communicate events and support one another. The Court of Lions is another great example of a group that puts in its all to the server and bringing all the people they can.

Off-forum, Templars often posted recruitment threads on places such as Reddit to get folks to come here and extolling the virtues of our server, and you can find our post history there.

EDIT: A casual site search of Reddit also turned up posts by the Court of Lions as recently as 5 days ago recruiting to ER and their mission of new roleplayer outreach. We are not doing nothing, but nor should it be required of us to help ourselves to some level of judgmental degree in order to have our opinions of wanting a merge be worthy.

What have any of the ā€œold guardā€ done to try and rebuild a sadly lost community?

See above. And.

Honestly, this is a rather crappy way to shift the convo from Blizzard being mute on communication and server merging vs. blaming us and our own daily efforts to make this place fun for the folks we actively engage with. To this day, we continue to stay connected with one another and host events for those who are still here. Every day, I work hard to maintain an engaging guild and inter-guild environment where I play part as leader. Frankly, itā€™s been a second full-time job and even moreso since the server got smaller, and comments like this are just willfully ignorant and piss people off more than continue a conversation towards understanding. If you want to understand, donā€™t levy accusations or ā€œyou havenā€™t done enough to help yourselfā€ insults if you can easily be disproven. Just holy crap, what a way to get people mad at you when a forum search could have answered your accusation thinly masquerading as a question.

I think our disagreements ultimately come from you choosing this server on the basis of it being quiet, whereas I continue to choose this server on the basis of not wanting to leave and be separated from friends, or rupturing a large community I built and maintained over 10 years. They are opposing ideas and we are going to clash on how to resolve it, but treating us like weā€™re at fault for our own misfortunes while also not listening to our experiences/reasons why we want a merge is disingenuous and you can do better. I genuinely think us being merged with a few small servers in the same boat as ER would create a server environment better for the whole, and youā€™d still be on a small(er) server compared to the mega giants so many have moved to. Win-win.


These are just honest observations and nothing more. If Iā€™ve struck a nerve then good.

Earthen Ring has a clean slate. A blank canvas. A start over card if you will. The realm is not contaminated with toxic players and people standing around Stormwind not contributing to an inclusive community.

Reaching out on other platforms like Reddit is a great start. However, you as a GM understand that there is a forum right here backed by Blizzard. Right off the bat, people looking around (for many reasons) are greeted with merge posts being bumped by you and a few others.

Not many Alliance postings about any kind of RP night or story night or guild recruitment. All things that are important to any Role Player. The top of this forum is full of merge posts though.

8000 views on the main merge post.

Again, where do you think all those people viewing the merge posts are going if not coming here? Something doesnā€™t add up.

Itā€™s not hard to focus realm recruitment efforts right here in the Earthen Ring forum. Itā€™s a new XPac. Give new players and those looking for something different an inviting forum that is not plastered with cries for a merge that may never come.

Not having a realm centered discord is fine. It just means that everybody looking for a home has to come here to the ER forum. Being hit with far more merge posts than normal gameplay posts is not very helpful to all the players looking.

Just observations.

Look. Iā€™m not a bad person and I believe that none of you are bad people. Weā€™re all trying to do the best we can with the hand weā€™ve been dealt. Itā€™s not easy but life is way too short to be angry.

Best wishes and kinder regards.

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As someone who has played on this server for the last 16+ years.

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As someone who has played on this server for the last 16+ years.


The glorious Vanilla times wont come back! We have Classic servers now.
Trying to build a Community? Find like-minded individuals ? There are lots of outside forums, websites, and even the Communities feature in wow. Merging and bringing more people wont build a Community it is just a number.


The communities feature is limited to realm, and to faction. Alliance is outweighed by Horde, so how does this help? Building a community is by increasing and welcoming more in, but it can be done better by a server merge.



I didnā€™t join Earthen Ring in 2005 to be alone. I rolled here to create a story with all of the other people. I will not spends hundreds of dollars to take 16+ years of RP characters and move them from the place that I call home. Call me sentimental, but this is the server with all my friends, all my memories, and all my stories.

That is why we continue to ask Blizzard for a Connection.

I want my home to feel less like an abandoned town.

#SaveEarthenRing #MergeEarthenRing #ConnectEarthenRing


Yes, we are.


People donā€™t come here for RP for the same reason people donā€™t come here for PvP or anything else. You want PvE? You go to a populated server with a large community in that scene. You want RP? You go to a populated server with a large community in that scene. You want PvP? You go to a populated server with a large community in that sceneā€¦ or at least a battlegroup. ER just isnā€™t those things.

Additionally, I can maybe forgive your comment about ā€œWhat are the existing people doing to advertise ER,ā€ if you acknowledge that itā€™s not our job or responsibility to save it. Itā€™s Blizzardā€™s. Now, COULD we do stuff ANYWAY? Yes, and we have and still do. However, your phrasing was insulting to all the effort that I and others have put in. Last tier, our guild nearly full cleared Mythic with 11/12, and on Horde side, Blood Fist DID it and got 12/12 (cheers to or Blood Fist friends). This fact, combined with using the various recruitment tools available allowed us to try to recruit people. But you know what SO MANY of them said? ā€œSorry, serverā€™s too dead. Thanks for reaching out.ā€ Add to that, our economy is a MESS. Your gold would go SO MUCH further in other places that offer everything we do, just better, and Iā€™ve had people turn me down for that purpose, too.

In spite of all of this, some of us have indeed made communities and expanded our guilds, but it remains an ever-present and uphill battle to do so, whereas other servers have it the other way aroundā€¦ Where we have to practically beg for players, other guilds on better servers are being begged, themselves.

I fully agree that we offer something niche. But you have to understand, Iā€™ve been playing this game for almost 16 years now, and Iā€™ve heard people say that they joined ER because it was quiet a total of 3 times. I remember each time it happened. As the server stands now, things ARE okay, but this has happened before, and I see evidence that it will shrink back down. Not only are we already losing people due to them realizing how much more time theyā€™d have to invest for any reward at all, but people that only like to raid are also seeing that the game is not looking to change any time soon for the content they like. Donā€™t have time to M+ or PvP? Prepare to get sat, because your gear will be garbage next to those that do. PvE matters, too. This may be an RP server, but the PvEers have been fighting to keep it going, too.

As for making a Realm Discord, that could be a good idea. Something Iā€™ve never thought of, so thanks for the tip. I can talk to a few folks about it and see if maybe we can get that done.


I should also go on record as saying that I am ALL FOR there being quiet, low pop serversā€¦ BUT, on the condition that you KNOW specifically thatā€™s what youā€™re getting into when you join it, and it being constructed specifically to serve that purpose. ER was not. If I go to roll on a Low Realm Cap server, I would think a notice popping up somewhere on screen telling me about what that means and to be sure thatā€™s what I want would be nice, since thatā€™d also help ensure the server was populated by like-minded individuals.



If Earthen Ring ever did get merged and pop went to high or full Iā€™d transfer my alts off of it to the lowest pop server available.


Thankfully youā€™re on Argent Dawn so at least your main is already there.