I do not support the #mergeEarthenRing. I like how the server is at the moment.
There are connected realms with less population.
I do not support the #mergeEarthenRing. I like how the server is at the moment.
There are connected realms with less population.
Bump for no login queues!
Bump for no lag during world boss / world events !
Mob Tagging not a Population issue it is a quest design issue.
Missing wPVP, dead NPCs, etc? PVP Servers are that way >>>>>
I respect you have differing opinions and hope you understand I’m not making any attempt to invalidate how you feel on the issue.
With that said, I don’t think the opposition to merging Earthen Ring should be perceived as a group of a significant size in comparison to the people who are a) supportive of a merge or b) indifferent altogether.
For those worried about queues, Moon Guard doesn’t even have them.
Not always the choice of the many is the right choice.
I thought we were trying to qq here about the server status and not transfer. #butmyfriendsarehere uwu
Hi all!
I’ve played WoW since WotLK. I call Emerald Dream home and have been there since beginning of Legion. It’s a great realm with great people. Part of the draw to ED was RP/PvP and I know many came there for the Alliance to Horde ratio that WAS very even at one point.
I would caution the cry for a merge. My reasoning is quite simple. Sharding has COMPLETELY changed the face of this game. The other issue is that with higher “populations” you get a LOT more toxicity in the player base. It has gotten so bad on ED that the majority of the good people around have completely turned to Discord for EVERYTHING except for maintaining guild recruitment threads on the WoW forums.
I have visited Earthen Ring many, many times over the last xpac. I maintain a couple of low level alts here. While walking into Stormwind and not seeing a bustling crowd is a bit odd at first, I have come to appreciate the fact that if I need to use trade chat for “business” and general chat for “general” info, I’m not competing with political flame jobs and I won’t get blasted with sexually explicit comments on what to do with myself. Lol!
Server mergers are a double-edged sword. Tread cautiously.
If you haven’t done so already I would suggest visiting Goldshire on Moon Guard then ask yourself if that is really something you want to be merged with. Lol!
Maybe I’ll begin seeing some of y’all around on ER.
I’m a transfer in (transferred here to level in peace for the xpac) and I would also caution you all about server merging.
Easy, peaceful questing?
A trade chat you can actually use and won’t annoy you to death?
Getting a decent price for your goods on the AH?
I jumped over to a couple other RP servers the other night, scouted around a bit on the more populated ones, was instantly slammed with political trade wars in chat and horribly low prices for goods on the AH.
My dears, are you certain this is what you want?
“My dears, are you certain this is what you want?”
Yes, without question.
I would say you might be better off transferring, that way if the grass isn’t any greener, as you believe it to be, you can always come back to the tranquility of this server.
A merge is a one way ticket, no going back, if they do this, what you have here, it will all be over.
I understand the concerns that come with a server merge and I think they’re valid. That said, Earthen Ring used to be one of the most populated roleplay servers and that’s what we’re interested in getting back.
This is an MMO, after all, and in my humble opinion it’s best enjoyed with others.
Paying 300k for something that sells for 70k? Pricele… I mean Tranquil.
As a buyer I could see your point.
Flip side of that is I’ve been making 100k a month off your AH since coming over.
Normally I jump to a low pop RP server to level in peace then jump back but with the economy the way it is here and the horde do quite well in BGs here, I’m finding it hard to want to make the jump again.
Don’t get me wrong, I do empathize with you all wanting a larger population, I’m just pointing out that what you have here currently is a rare gem, largely unspoiled by the masses of degenerates that populate this game.
It is not just ER that is suffering from a lack of RP. ED used to be very steady with RP events until the toxic anti-RP troublemakers took over and began crashing RP events. It forced most of the RP community to transfer to WRA and those that stuck around disappeared behind Discord.
Go check out Emerald Dream for an evening. It is sad what has been allowed to take over the in game community there.
Tread very carefully on calls for a server merger.
I don’t have a way to magically add 7k views on this post (Oddly enough 7k it’s approx the 60% of the population of the server. I thought this realm was dead and not that many came to the forums. Something is not quite right.) What I can give you is more facts.
Looking to tame that rare pet! ER is you stress free home. Do you want to work on that elusive mount? Yes, it’s easier in our server.
ER is a stress free gaming experience with a friendly group of people unlike any of those bigger realms.
I re-rolled here from FS/SH/TB and this is Miles better.