Done using war bank

I have noticed yet again that items are missing from my war bank. Are these just randomly deleted to simulate the losses of war? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have posted a bug, submitted a post in the bug report forums, and now I want to warn all of you.

Do NOT put precious items in your warbank. I have lost multiple items on numerous occasions. Usually three slots at a time from the second and third tabs. The last time was just materials but I no longer trust it. I have since removed ALL items from my war bank until Blizzard acknowledges an issue and fixes it. While highly unlikely Iā€™d love to have my items restored as well.

But how do you know itā€™s missing!?

I suspected items would go missing when I first started filling my war bank. Slots would be empty that I thought I filled. I would resort it and keep goingā€¦ until I noticed slots missing when I wasnā€™t moving items any longer.

At that point I started to take screenshots any time I used my warbank. This has allowed me to identify and catalog the lost items for the last 3 times my warbank has ā€œeatenā€ items.

I hope you all take care with the warbank. It is not working as intended and I have yet to identify a rhyme or reason. My only speculation is accessing from characters on different realms.

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could you post these screenshots?

I see very, very minimal posts about this issue happening, and never had anyone I know make the same reports, maybe itā€™s a you issue.

Iā€™ve accidentally resorted the items in the bank which moves them between tabs (for some reason even when I have them locked). Could that be your issue?

Iā€™m gonna sort some mats out in mine tonight specifically for testing until release. Weird if this is an actual thing with nobody reporting it

Do any of the problems involve stacks of ā€œunique(x)ā€ items? (there was an issue a while back where they wouldnā€™t show up if bank+bags exceeded ā€œxā€ but I havenā€™t tested in the past few days if its still an issue)


Yeah weā€™re going to need proof bud.

I can post some screenshots. My bug report is here:

Missing this last round:
180 x Tidespray Linen
262 x Shalā€™Dorei Silk
8 x Sumptuous Fur

Nope - these were just cloth across 3 expansions.

Iā€™ve also avoided doing any crafting too as Iā€™m either in Remix or doing Radiant Echoes.

If itā€™s just a ā€œmeā€ thing then great, no one else needs to worry. I do have a very old account so anything is possible.

Thatā€™s what void storage is for.

Of course! How could I be so silly? A feature that is a new set of bank slots will certainly not be for placing items. :person_facepalming:

As far as screenshots goā€¦ letā€™s see if I can post them. (of course I canā€™t. thanks forums)

I noticed it was missing here (as of this morning)

I know it was there when I was moving items between realms (as of last night)

Alsoā€¦ Iā€™m clearly invested in War Banks - I bought 3 tabs. Iā€™m telling you all itā€™s not ready for prime time. You do not have to believe me. Iā€™m a heavy abuser of banks, mailboxes, item storageā€¦ I keep everything. I started out heavily using the war bank and Iā€™ve lost items because of it. I thought with the last patch this week it might be in the clear, finallyā€¦ but this morning proved me wrong.

Of course, your mileage may vary, but my only motive here is to share a word of caution. You donā€™t have to believe me.

You specified precious items. Thatā€™s what void storage is for. Long term deposits of things you donā€™t plan to ever get rid of. Iā€™m curious what ticks your boxes of both precious and needing to be shared with your warband.

Why are you trying to make an argument? I used the word precious for emphasis. As soon as I learned items gone missing I stopped putting precious items in there.

Pet charms, for example, all 2k or so of themā€¦ got them out asap. Those are precious. That quantity is high to me.

Regardless - the point is not void storage vs war bank and what makes sense to share with my ā€œwar bandā€ or just store in a storage facility. It is absolutely that the war bank eats items - that ALONE is the concern.

Iā€™m scared of putting in more than like 500k at a time on the off chance it gets eaten. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

Itā€™s unique items.

Log onto a character that doesnā€™t have any of those unique items and they should reappear. If not, using the clean up button brings them back.

Thanks for the heads-up :+1:

So far Iā€™ve only done ā€œtestā€ deposits of gold (ā€¦putting in like 10-50 gold) before making a larger deposit, so far havenā€™t lost any gold - but Iā€™m paranoid of having deposits ā€œsuddenly disappearā€ with all these complain posts about items vanishing popping up :eyes:

Gold and regular items are fine. Itā€™s only unique items that youā€™ll see disappear. But they do still exist.

Not in my case. The last round was nothing but cloth materials.

I think itā€™s really about realm swapping. I thought it was doing so while heavily using it so I backed off. I wasnā€™t doing anything this morning other than checking it and dropping in new radiant echo gearā€¦ when I noticed a slot was empty. That was the kicker for me this round.

I havenā€™t seen any issues with this one - been using big round numbers to keep track so Iā€™ll know if anything is up (that and my copious selection of screenshots).

Iā€™ve had no issues with this type of thing. Did you make sure to do a cache deletion and a full UI reset to rule out any addons bugging things out?

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Thankfully the gold transfer functionality seems to be working for now (knock on wood)

Considering how slow/dry farming gold is this expansion, I would be PISSED if I deposited sayā€¦ 400-500k gold into the bank and it suddenly disappeared due to a bug :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Not at all. Doing that now - that would be somethingā€¦

Unfortunately nothing in there. Iā€™m not a heavy add-on user but I figured it would be worth a shot. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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