What i only a bush per post
Once upon a time, Blizzard had these same sentiments. Before World of Warcraft became this crazy, successful game they were also a group of developers and artists who wanted to tell an epic tale of fantasy and adventure through the means of an MMORPG. Amazing how success and greed can change a person or company, isn’t it?
Retail WoW stopped being and RPG long ago and barely counts as an MMO these days with the exception of instancing. World of Warcraft is one of the few PC games that uses all three forms of monetization to profit from and fund their game with. They have a buy-to-play box price, a monthly subscription, AND a cash shop. Their success has changed their core values from creating and maintaining a fantasy world that they can tell some epic stories with to making as much money from their IP that they can. You can see this through the recent layoffs they have had to make each year to “maintain” the company value along with their change in attitude towards customer service and the policing of their servers; both of which are viewed as “revenue losses” by the business.
I remember a time when you could put in a ticket in the game and actually speak with a GM in game about your issue. In some cases, I even got a joke or some banter from the GM as well. Anyone else remember those times? I remember when gold buying and selling was a bannable offense rather than being tolerated to the point that people can openly admit doing it without fear of repercussions. I remember a company that was more concerned with gameplay and the adventure of the journey in their world than they were with how much money they could make from it. Blizzard wasn’t always this greedy. It is a change that has come from their successes.
So while I admire Ashes of Creation’s message of, “we will walk the walk”, I think it will remain to be seen if they can also maintain that exemplary attitude in the wake of success. And if they can resist the temptations of greed and avarice. It will probably help that they won’t have to (hopefully) lay off hundreds of their employees every year to afford their CEO like Blizzard currently does, but time will tell.
For what profits a man who gains the whole world but loses his soul…
What are you talking about? Gold tokens, leveling boosts!!! Give me a break dude
Pro tip ashes of creation will has a shop as well that sounds like it will have basically the same cosmetic stuff as WoW’s. They haven’t announced whether it will have services yet but I’m betting on yes.
Thing is, if its not literal pay to win, who cares? Race change, appearance change, store mounts, none of that is what ruined wow and turned it into retail.
So when they say ‘no pay to win’ maybe they mean it.
I dont really care, I only have time for Classic/TBC, but…yeah, whatever.
They’re not ignoring everything, they disagree with you. There’s a big difference.
Just another future dead MMO full of empty promises.
I’d love it if it wasn’t, but too many games have broken my heart. I still hurt for TERA.
You’re probably right, but like you said there only 1 allowed per account. This really isn’t abusable. With how long it takes to level, $60 is a price reduction compared to paying for dungeon boosts lol. In retail where it takes 3 hours to level up it’s ridiculous
Yeah well, we weren’t talking about the wow after the shattering were we.
I really don’t give a damn if you have a boost, have at it. I do believe we should be offered servers more in line with that era. That means before boosting.
Oh, and I find it amusing that you believe an argument stating that a level 58 is stronger that a level one is invalid. You can play semantics till you are blue in the face, it doesn’t change that fact. The boost offers you that power. I have never once called it PTW, that’s rubbish, I have said it’s an advantage.
Go enjoy your one boost lol
Who said we were? Vanilla WoW. Most of the content was End Game. You couldn’t hit the PvP grind for rank really until 60, due to how honor brackets worked. All of the content progression for PvE was raids locked in max level raid instances.
This continues in TBC. Most of the PvP content is Arenas, which are only done at max level, and all of the PvE progression is Heroic Dungeons and Raids. Which will require 70. Leveling is what you spend the LEAST amount of time doing in any and all iterations of WoW. Assuming you played from the get go.
My Shaman is 60, my mage is 60, my druid is 60. Anyone who’s been playing classic enough to have some sort of attachment to the game is 60. A 58 in greens with no gold isn’t a “win” to me. Certainly isn’t stronger. I don’t care who gets them. It won’t impact the game at all.
Question, because no one at all has answered this for me. Were you angry that RAF had built in FREE boosting including gifted levels, and a mount? If you want to nix the boost, are you cool with RAF taking its place honestly? Or do you realize how much worst that would actually be for the game due to how that WAS abused.
Really, you tried to flag this as trolling? Incredible.
No kidding, problem is I was talking about a 58 in comparison to a 1. You are talking about something completely different 58 to 60. So you’re trying to invalidate that a 1 is weaker than a 58 with that? I think you could do better.
So what exactly is your problem. You don’t like that I’d rather play a fresh server? You obviously wouldn’t be interested, so what’s it to you?
Angry? lol it’s a game man. tbh I didn’t hear about it until after it was over. We didn’t have a launcher full of adverts then.
Again, I never said that, stop with that rubbish.
I am talking about the level range where people ACTUALLY play the game. Comparing a 58 to a level 1 isn’t relevant, nearly the entire player base for classic is 60, or on multiple 60s.
You are fine to play on a fresh server, but realistically you know it won’t happen, as with Vanilla → Cata, fresh servers launched with expansions become ghost towns rapidly, so blizzard stopped rolling them out. They already have multiple dead classic servers, they aren’t going to make more.
…did you play in TBC? Everyone was running two accounts to buy themselves a Zhevra. It was the games first RMT mount.
It is because that is where you boost to unless you level. You are comparing something completely different and it has nothing to do with that. The choice is, log in at 1 and play or boost to 58 and play. The 58 has an advantage in power over the 1. That you want to discuss level 60 has nothing to do with that.
I started playing about 5 months into BC. I was a noob leveling with family and friends. We were not in a rush, so why would we care about this feature. Not everyone is a sweaty tryhard.
God this is so stupid. The prime argument against boosting, the argument you are making, is that boosting is “Pay 2 Win”. This requires that buying this boost, gives you an advantage over the existing majority of the player base. It doesn’t. The existing player base is 60, or multiple 60s at this point, in raid gear.
A person boosting is no threat to any of the folks out there pugging Naxx. They aren’t “winning” anything for this to be a P2W scenario. They have no advantage. You are creating an arbitrary scenario that isn’t applicable in order toto argue. A level 58 in greens isn’t winning anything. The vast majority of players are 60, not level 1.
Yes, you are still arguing a completely different point. It IS stupid, I agree.
I have not once posted that boosts are pay to win. Where are you getting that? Saying that boosts are an advantage is NOT saying P2W. It is saying that starting at 58 is an advantage over starting at 1. It saves you time and it gives you more power. Is it really that hard to understand?
Gee, no kidding.
But this is where you move the goal post and change the discussion. I wasn’t discussing the power difference between a Naxx geared player, or a level 60 to a boosted 58. The fact that you have to change the discussion to validate your opinion is telling.
No, I was comparing the power of a 58 to a 1. You are the one making up an arbitrary scenario involving raiders and level 60’s.
Give it a rest already.
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