Don’t We Need a PvP Stat for SL?

Resilience worked just fine. What are you on about? People who had resilience were tanky, People who dind’t have resilience were glass canons. It was a win Win. Pve players got to do their big pve damage in pvp, but in return they took big pvp damage.

Granted, pve gear was out of hand at certain points and was so powerful resilience didn’t matter. but those were extreme cases.

This is wrong too, though. MoP and WoD both had nearly 0 PvE items that were BiS in PvP and Legion didn’t have gear at all. The last time PvE gear was really influential in PvP before BFA was the final season of Cata, 8 years ago. We had 3 expansions where PvP gear was BiS in PvP and easy to acquire or didn’t even matter (Legion).

Sure, TBC, Wrath and the last season of Cata had a lot of PvE gear. But even then there were tradeoffs for using it, aside from legendaries. But it hadn’t been like that for years and years, so people bringing it up like it is just how the game is supposed to be doesn’t make any sense. The game moved on since Cata, it is just regressing in BFA.

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I think people misinterpreted my statement.

I don’t see the problem, the game has been that way since the dawn of time

I meant items from raids being valuable and sometimes a bis item for PvP

Don’t backtrack it doesn’t look good. You were wrong let’s move on.

Good example is Shadowbringer on Warrior and DKs in Wrath.

There is a difference between a warrior using a pve weapon and trinket to round out their gear set and someone using all slots filled with pve items.

I don’t expect to see mythic raiders and high key runners in my bgs and arenas, because I won’t be doing them anymore. I haven’t prepurchased the expansion, and I’ll only buy it if it turns out to be unexpectedly fun.

Alright relax. I was wrong.

Free easy pvp wins and welfare loot are the reward for playing the game right, ie being top raiders and keypushers. Anyone else who queues is just cannon fodder for their premades.

As a PvPer, I’d rather not have a separate stat for PvP. I’d rather gear acquired from PvP focus on stats I need for that content, whilst still being usable, though disadvantaged, for raids.

Similarly, I’d like to be able to put gear I get via PvE content to use in PvE.

I don’t want a separate set for each activity and spec.

A “tiny niche” that millions of players used to subscribe to spam bgs. But 2 million was a minority back then…

Turning PvP into a playground for raiders is another one of those strategies for getting rid of degenerate gameplay. Better that no one play the game than people continue to play in some way was always fine until suddenly it retroactively became “degenerate” and needed to be eradicated.

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I still don’t understand how PvP power, pvp talents and resilience will is bad for pvp?

You mention a barrier, which I don’t agree with.
You mention better gear for pvp which is good, but I still don’t see why those three are bad for pvp.

Explain please.
How are pvp talents bad for pvp? That would be a place to start.

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According to Blood Elves:

“They ARE High Elves. Blood Elves ARE High Elves.”

So… Void Elves ARE High Elves. They’re just magic touched, like the Blood Elves were with the fel.

I do PVP and used to do M+. I agree that PVP specific stats are bad for PVP. However:

30-40 threes matches is likely less than 5 hours. That’s the same as it takes to cap in random battlegrounds or other methods. In addition, in M+, you have to restore your key by a level each week, and there are also failed runs that deplete your key, so while you an “cap” in M+ in an hour if you’re lucky, realistically it’s several hours. The time required is not unreasonable.

You could arguably reduce the Conquest required to cap to 300 or 400, but really what’s driving the excessive time to maintain PVP gear now is that you additionally have to grind Benthic, and now Corruption.

Some kind of power balancing between PvE/PvP gear should exist, but I personally don’t like resilience at all. It feels like a “junk” or “filler” stat – not as in “it does nothing” but more like “what it does is dreadfully boring and its presence sucks budget away from stats that are more fun, but it’s required”. Versatility kinda feels that way to me right now actually… some specs need it, but as a stat that is a straight % increase to damage it’s incredibly dull.

This +100000000000

And the fact this is even debated after all these years is why PvP will always be the biggest dumpster fire in all of WoW.

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Isn’t Versatility the “PvP” stat?

This is going to be a terrible idea as very little thought has gone into it but here it is…

What if PvP and PvE gear was only for those activities to a degree. PvP gear works in PvP instances and the open world while Dungeon and Raid gear works in Dungeons/Raids as well as the open world.


I mean, that’s what Orcords of Orcnor PvP gear was – it had a base ilevel based on the tier of PvP gear you used (Crafted, BG’s, high-end arena/RBG gear…), and the ilevel of the gear increased by an additional 15-30 when in a PvP instance (Ashran, BGs, RBGs)… but not open world PvP.

Dear Brocknor…Why!?
Sorry I missed the memo 5 years ago; why is pvp resilience bad?

Why is pvp power bad? (Like early MoP)

Why is a 2 set pvp trinket bonus bad? (Like in WoD)

Why are 2 and 4 set pvp bonuses bad? (Like in MoP)

What are the other solutions you suggest that would end this dumpster fire of pvp?

There’s an easy solution… cap the ilvl pve gear can be at in pvp. With only pvp gear able to break the ilvl limit.

Simple problem. Simple solution.

Hey blizz want more ideas? Hire me i can work from home cheap.

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Why do posts like this always come from people who don’t even play the game? You have 3 M+s done, you’ve never even set foot in a raid, and you have no games played this season. Why should anyone care what you have to say about PvP when you don’t even play ranked PvP (even casually)? Why should anyone care what you think about M+ or raiding when you don’t even do it?

Is that aimed at me? Buddy this isn’t he only character i play. But pvp is fun when it’s on a near equal ground. It is not fun when like in classic facing a full naxx clear team while in dungeon blues like in classic.

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