Don’t We Need a PvP Stat for SL?

Sorry to break it to you, but it is. You literally cant change my mind either. I’ve been hurt too many times before.

Ok. I don’t need to change your mind. Because your opinion is subjective to you. I was responding to a completely different person that was making that claim.

However, for me, it’s the exclusive reason I play the game and nothing you can say will change my mind, say it’s therefore undoubtedly more than a “mini-game”.

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I’m sorry what?

Wrath, Cata and MoP all had PvP stats and are universally lauded in the PvP community as the best PvP expansions the game has had.


So I guess it’s my bad on the “change my mind” part, but objectively, pvp is a mini game. It has been a mini game for years. Just a tiny niche for a selective few to enjoy.

You are just being blind to it because you love it, and that’s okay… I was in your shoes once, but year after year, xpac after xpac I’ve finally faced my denial and accepted the mini game for what it is. A small, uncared for, unneeded and completely disregarded aspect of the game simply existing because the word “war” is in the title of WoW.

Stop making stuff up.

Players were fine with PvP stats. Dragonslayer Ion decided to remove them.

His reasoning?

Dragonslayers being too lazy to farm a PvP set.

PvP stats worked fine from 2007 to 2014. In WoD two PvP trinkets reduced damage by 10%.


The only time pvp was a mini game was end of Vanilla , but pvp got much bigger right after that .


The thing is, even with the gear scaling damage, someone who is 470 is going to outright beat someone who is 450 no matter what. Unless the person who is 470 doesn’t know how to use their class in pvp.

i don’t think that’s what happened at all

they dropped gear entirely in legion in favor of templates and then removed templates AND pvp stats as a gimmick to increase cross participation

pve gear being required for competitive pvp just bolsters pve participation as well as encourages mythic raiders to dabble in pvp since their gear overtakes skill by a disgusting amount

pvp stat is the right play and what a majority of players would want
it would just diminish pvp oritented players participation in m+ / weekly pve caps which would be a net loss in blizzards eyes


PvP never stopped being a mini game. Each season there was something that you needed from PvE to compete.

Each season a new class got buffed, another one nerfed, and one that sat the bench for sometimes quite literally expansions.

I didnt play tbc, but I hear mace stun was op. I hear resilience was hella low in the first season so it didnt do anything.

Wrath dks were so strong for the first 2 seasons a majority of dks got free gladiator from 2s. Toppled with icc trinkets and shadowmourn.

Cata s9 and s10 were actually balanced, but s10 had a mid season mmr reset without resetting rating so anyone who was higher ranked didnt need to play again. They also had 2 set 3 set bonus for classes that could double stack resil twice. Thinking of disc priest who wore 3 set disc, 2 set shadow for again double the resil of all other classes had available.

S11 brought DS trinkets like vial and cunning, effectively crippling any and all rbg teams without it. Same for weapons like girth that made tentacles that both slowed players and did massive damage.

MoP had thirst for blood 5 stack which one shot players, hunters had stampeding where after a certain threshold would 1 shot players also.

Monks would orb bot and go unreported or unbanned for all seasons of mop. Enhance shamans would 1 shot with ascendance season 15.

Elite gear was also higher itlvl in mop, making it a gate keeper for people sub 2200. The elite weapons from a previous season was higher itlvl, thus saving you conquest points and gearing even faster.

WoD was also down right broken with some classes, but arguably one of the best gearing systems that was introduced mid mop.

I cant speak for legion, but it sounded like once again mythic gear was better. Same for bfa.

PvP never had more than 2 seasons outside of s9 and s10 where balance was actually decent and there was no op pve trinkets

There was never a time where hotfixes came within a reasonable time (thinking less than 3 months)

It was always neglected. It never came first

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Will just see in shadowlands where players will play less and less of pvp . No need to do pvp when pve player will have better gear than pvp players . What is the point of doing pvp ? There is no fun getting your butt kicked by another player who raids or do M+ . Most pvp players would just give up on pvp .

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And they did. That’s the sad part. Pvp has been on a downward spiral since mop. Arena mate tracked all the people for all the seasons, but iirc (I would have to double check), the pvp player base got smaller and smaller after mop, and it never got bigger.

I think that’s one of the reasons why titles are not % based anymore, and now anyone can theoretically be a gladiator. To incentivize more people to pvp…

It’s funny because imo, I think that actually hurt the playerbase more. Titles were cool because it was % based. I didnt mind elite gear going from 2200 to 2k, to 1800 because rewards are needed.

But they also removed some awards like “pvp red enchant”, along with making some tabard as low as 2200, and others as high as 2600. There was no consistancy. Just ruining the pvp participation. Theres absolutely no reason why the primal, wild and warmongering tabard needed to be 2600 rating and above. Probably less than 1% of the pvp population at the time got it, considering glad was 2713 in warmongering season.

Few pvp rewards, few incentives. PvP is dead and won’t be back anytime soon

We got classic and high elves, he can’t no us if we’re loud enough.


By “people” you mean the marketing guys that use spreadsheets to make RNG gear drops more addicting, right?


Maybe I misremember Wrath, but I thought a lot of people didn’t like resilience due to some imbalance issues for quite a few different classes when it stacked high.

I don’t really have much of an opinion on it anyway. My commitment to PvP was simply farming honor for gear to past gearscore checks back in the day.

I had a lot of fun doing AV in Wrath, personally.

Personally I’ve always found PvP enjoyable as a casual player of the game.

Except for 8.3. Corruption makes it very not fun.

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Wait what, is there a new drug? This is a wild claim lol.


What about a similar PVP Gearing system like what we saw in WoD?

The pvp gearing was fine in MoP, then Blizzard decided that they wanted PvP to be more accessible, players hated that, then they just threw the pvp gearing systems out the window.

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Really because im doing it on my holy pally, so i’d say you are very much so wrong.