They should only last a few weeks at most. Don’t rush into a server transfer that you will later regret.
A few weeks??? But I am mad now!
The population didn’t increase. The cap on the number of layers got reduced.
Blizzard created the que. Not the players. It goes away when Blizzard either gets people to move or they raise the layer cap
Layers has nothing to do with the queue. Layers on a server is like dividing a room. The room size stays the same, and can still only hold a it’s limited capacity. Layers would not make the server any bigger.
It’s literally going to get worse once wrath hits lol
Yeah, no, that is completely wrong.
Blizzard used layers to allow MORE players. We had que issues on many servers at the start of Classic. They fixed it with adding more layers. Even made blue posts saying that is what they did to fix it.
Blizzard reduced the layers to cause this. They want more people on the server they pushed all the dead realms to.

The population didn’t increase. The cap on the number of layers got reduced.
Layers has nothing to do with the queue. l[quote=“Malace-grobbulus, post:3, topic:1325440, full:true”]
The population didn’t increase. The cap on the number of layers got reduced.
Blizzard created the que. Not the players. It goes away when Blizzard either gets people to move or they raise the layer cap
Layers has nothing to do with queues. Layers only make it so everyone can be in the same world without being effected negatively: IE: NPC’s not loading in, herbs being impossible to find, AH’s actually being useable. Layers are like dividing a room. The room still only holds x amount of people, it didn’t get any bigger than you divided it.

Layers has nothing to do with queues. Layers only make it so everyone can be in the same world without being effected negatively:
Clearly you don’t know what laying does then.

Layers has nothing to do with queues. Layers only make it so everyone can be in the same world without being effected negatively: IE: NPC’s not loading in, herbs being impossible to find, AH’s actually being useable. Layers are like dividing a room. The room still only holds x amount of people, it didn’t get any bigger than you divided it.
Let’s see how your understanding of layers holds up.
The circumstances of the last few weeks have led to an unexpected increase in both the numbers of players that have been playing WoW Classic, as well as the length of their play sessions. This has caused some of the most-popular realms to see queues again. While free character moves can act as a relief valve for players who just want to play a particular character regardless of the realm it’s on, that’s not the only tool in our belt.
It is possible to temporarily raise the population cap on a given realm by turning layering back on. While I can only name half-a-dozen realms in this region that really have extended queues right now, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a few more realms experience queue growth during this remarkable period we’re living in. So my question for you is this:
- If your realm was experiencing one-hour (or longer) queues during peak play times every day, would you want your realm temporarily increased to two layers, to shorten the queue? How do you think that would change your gameplay experience?
As always, thank you for your feedback.
Clearly, neither do you.
Search ‘Layering’ on the WoWpedia and you’ll ex an explanation of what layers ACTUALLY DO for WoW. You’ll see this entry:
“Layering is a game design tool that prevents player overcrowding in outdoor areas of World of Warcraft, but covers the entire outdoor world of a realm.”
Do you think servers have a limitless capacity? That Blizzard can just add infinite layers to increase their server size? No. That’s not how layers work. In order to make the server capable of handling a bigger population on at once, Blizzard would have to update their ancient infrastructure.
Layering are simply a copy of the world that allows everyone to play in the game world without feeling such negative downsides like not being able to quest for example. Layers also have their own sets of NPC’s, including rare spawns. So where a rare spawn might be dead on lays 1, 3 and 4, it might be alive on 2 and 5. Layering a server does not make it BIGGER. Layering on classic is similar to sharding on retail.
A few weeks is a lifetime in “wow years”
If your realm was experiencing one-hour (or longer) queues during peak play times every day, would you want your realm temporarily increased to two layers, to shorten the queue? How do you think that would change your gameplay experience?
You’re misunderstanding the post. They’re asking if you would be okay with 2 layers because if they shoved everyone onto 1, people would really feel it. If they allowed additional layers, they can decrease the queue because they now have a second player to shove people in. The layers do not make the server any bigger.
lol actually he’s right. I think you read something that lead you to believe server size can be increased by layers when in actuality, that’s not the way it works. Just because you were able to cut the cake into 100 pieces does not mean you have more cake.

You’re misunderstanding the post. They’re asking if you would be okay with 2 layers because if they shoved everyone onto 1, people would really feel it. If they allowed additional layers, they can decrease the queue because they now have a second player to shove people in. The layers do not make the server any bigger.
No I am not. Blizzard has, several times, increased the player cap on a server by increasing that number of layers. This was only 1 blue post. It’s been done more than once.
If you don’t think Blizzard is imposing these ques you are wrong. They can make them go away at will. The que is the stick and people don’t want the carrot.
Perhaps, but the tourists will leave just as quickly as they came, especially if they have to sit in queues. This too shall pass.
Yes they can decrease queue times by adding more layers, but what you’re failing to realize is EVENTUALLY YOU STILL REACH A CAPACITY. The server size still only holds so many people. Layers are not infinite.
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