Don’t listen to sweats when they tell you naxx is too easy

Sweat lords almost ruined AQ after they convinced bliz devs that AQ was too easy. As a result they made AQ so difficult barely any raids could complete it,

Well here’s hoping blizzard learned their lesson and when the sweat lords tell blizzard naxx needs to be harder they rightfully ignore them


Donkey post. AQ’s difficulty wasn’t due to sweats, its difficulty was due to bugged mechanics/bosses. Maybe try to have any clue what you’re talking about before you go on a public forum and humiliate yourself.

You sure they didn’t make it difficult because…

a) They had to, last-minute, change how the raids were going to work

  • I fully believe they intended to have a “risk it all” loot mechanic, where if you didn’t cash-out on loot and kept rolling it over and died too many times you’d get nothing; there was to be no loot on the bosses and only if the chests that spawned.
  • I also fully believe there was to be NO checkpoints.
  • I also-also fully believe that AQ hardmodes were set to reward higher ilvl versions; it specifically stated “better rewards” in the initial blog post. Having ‘void touch’ visuals isn’t “better”…not in WoW. Better has ALWAYS meant “higher item level” (see Warforge/Titanforge).

b) Made it intentionally difficult so it wouldn’t be completed by 90% of the raids ‘first week’

Ope. Sweat Chad got offended. :rofl:

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Everything in A) was your very own speculation. You’re entitled to speculate whatever you’d like. B) however is completely untrue. Nothing was “intentionally difficult”. The difficulty people were experiencing was due to the HM mechanics being buggy or the boss itself having bugged dmg values on specific abilities. I.e. Twins unbalancing hitting for almost double the intended amount, or twins room not resetting upon a wipe locking people out, or tentacles spam spawning in cthuns room. This goes back to not knowing what you’re talking about.

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I remember it differently.

I remember a few streamers got together with a bunch of hardcore sweat lords and raided AQ40. Inside they laid waste to everything and all the bosses. The streamers were like “oh wow this is so easy, blizzard needs to increase the difficulty”

Then 2 weeks later it was changed to be extremely difficult.

Then blizzard released AQ in that state. Most guilds couldn’t get passed fankris, the rest were stopped at twin emps.

People were outraged and many quit saying this was the last straw. blizzard then nerfed AQ repeatedly until it finally ended up where it original began on the PTR

I dunno dude shooting purple balls at people out of my bow def feels better.

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They great visuals… “oh look 3x Kill shots just went out”. Target dead! lol

Just because you remember something differently doesn’t mean you payed attention.
The AQ raid was so easy for the streamers because Blizzard unintentionally loaded ERA health pools

My guild is pretty damn casualdad and we still cleared it 2nd lockout. Did it with all hardmodes on the 3rd lockout.

Stop being bad.

There were 41 guilds that beat AQ HM first lockout. Thats ok, even if the nerfs didnt happen by the time most guilds got their 2p online the clears would have been way higher its progression. I would say by 3rd lockout even without nerfs most decent guilds would be clearing pretty easy. AND THATS OK. I hope naxx is the same, nothing wrong with not full clearing first or second week. AQ is a joke now, i feel dirty after beating twins now its a joke, feels like a strat run at this point lol.

By week 3 you cleared all HM’s? Thats like a below Avg guild to me. I had full pugs clearing it the 2nd week.
“Stop being bad”

lol you really shouldn’t be flaunting your cleared any HM, this dude started the crying on the forums for nerfs first week. Atleast Astro did the actual progression doing regular runs until his guild could do HM. Make sure you stock up on hygiene pads for naxx, focus.

Says the guy who didnt even clear all HM’s week 1 or 2. I had full pug runs clearing all HM’s 2nd lockout.

AQ40 was definitely way harder on release and bugged. It needed to be nerfed. If they have the same bs happen with Naxx it will be time to quit.

This is SOD. Its supposed to be easy. You want hard go play retail. Probably the easiest mode on that would be too hard for all the brain rot you have

Listen kid, they said sod was easy yeah… but then they introduced HM for players that actually want a some difficultly. It’s supposed to be best of both worlds. Dog A players like you can be happy clearing and decent players can do HM. Its not hard to figure that out.

Oh man ya got me. Oh wait, no you didn’t? We weren’t able to full clear HM because… wouldnt ya know it… Twin Emps room bugged after a wipe where unbalancing one shot me and wouldn’t allow us to re-enter it until we reset and dropped HM. That truly was a brilliant attempt though. I have zero clue what you’re even attempting to argue? I’d assume you’re arguing on behalf of the OP, but then you proceed to claim you cleared all HM’s week 2 in pugs, so there goes that. But then you contradict yourself in the second half of your post claiming it was “too hard on release and needed to be nerfed”. So idk what angle you’re attempting to take. What I AM able to tell however, is that you’re a complete moron. Have a nice night though! :slight_smile:

What??? plenty of guilds can complete it. even with the hardmode each boss has like at most three mechanics besides cthun, and hes basically easier then classic due to power creep.

Wasn’t C’thun supposedly made to be mathematically impossible to beat back in OG AQ; at least based on the game knowledge at the time?

As for A’s speculation. 100% accurate on the speculation. But it’s based on what they said in the AQ blog vs the other’s (MC and BWL). Plus the rumblings I’ve heard that some aren’t happy with the “payout” of Hardmodes…‘more loot’ and cosmetic effects aren’t enough it seems.

There’s also the change in how the Hardmode worked. MC and BWL just added more loot. AQ’s would incentivize “holding out” on loot to get an even bigger payday.

Also, there was no mention of ‘checkpoints’ in the original post. That’s a pretty big ‘mechanic’ to just “forget to mention”.

Then there’s the abruptly postponed PTR right after announcing the date of it. We expect that for ‘finished product release’, but for a ‘test our product’ to need a postponement? Seems like they had needed to make some major changes.

The bugs that people are/have reported, I think, are lingering mechanics that they hastily patched over (see the previous bit).

I’m also giving them a large helping of Benefit of the Doubt. Because the bugs…it’s just wow.

Side Note: You mentioned your team got stuck on Twin Emps because of a reset bug. Since I haven’t done AQ, is there a checkpoint before or after Twin Emps? I heard these checkpoints were spaced out and not ‘at the end of each fight’.

((I’m getting at perhaps the checkpoints were added ‘after the fact’ and were causing these reset issues.))

My pugs are verified with logs from bwl or AQ40. Idk how your saying it was easy when you couldnt even clear twins. First lockout i did 6 aq40’s and 3 of them beat heroic twins. The bottom line is, this is SOD. It should be easy no matter what. Heroic should be easy and normal version should be easy to random pugs and incredibly easy for guilds. No one wants to die over and over again or spend hours in game. Majority of the player base is old classic players who are used to brain dead original classic. If its not easy or requires too much work people will just stop playing. Thats why Majority of players quit SOM instantly. Complaining about how you want it harder when you couldnt even clear the “hard” content is dumb af