Don’t chicken out on a Support role!

I understand Augmentation being nerfed. That is completely fine. What concerns me is that I see personal damage being increased to compensate.

That is not okay.

It is cowardly design that voids the purpose of the entire play style.


It’s still a support role, just shifting some numbers around. It doesn’t change how much it supports your team, it just adds slightly more personal responsibility for killing mobs but you still support your team with defensives, cc, and off heals. Along with the tank and healer buffs. Besides, I’m glad they’re not making us just a walking stat aura, that’s not how the game should be.


There are dozens of different specs for you to play. The whole point of Augmentation is that you are a walking stat aura. It’s in the name. Every shift to personal power from party power is a step closer to making it just like every other class.

I don’t want another Enhancement Shaman on our hands with a spec that has had everything unique about its mechanics culled just because they didn’t look great on the meters.


Because it’s still a damage spec.


With how easy it is to swap specs these days, I’m alright with a spec being designed and tuned exclusively around grouping. What was once a nightmare (trying to quest as a prot warrior), is now a simple UI click to fix.


The stats are too strong though for how little effort you have to put in as a class. It’s literally unbalanced. I think this is a good direction they’re taking, and an expected nerf. Most classes are too strong when they first release. This shouldn’t be a surprise and it plays the exact same still.


Again, the numbers are inconsequential to me. It’s the balance of personal vs. party damage.


Unless they completely rework combat from the ground up, support roles are a pipe dream. It’s clearly broken and will always be until Blizzard goes all in, which I doubt they will.


Nerf it all they want, but don’t shift the power to the Evoker. They can reduce the party power without shifting it to the Evoker, robbing Support players of a playstyle WoW has never genuinely embraced in favour of just another generic DPS spec.


We were below healers in some cases. It was too far of a gap when we’re still damage dealers. Doing less damage than my teammates is what I want, but I still want to feel like a DPS that, for how much I’m attacking the enemies, I wanna feel like I’m not just tickling them.


Bad news, Blizz already shifted it. It was an expected change either way.

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Which is completely fine, since your personal bar on the DPS meter is inconsequential to the playstyle.


Ah, the appeal to authority. The entire premise of this thread is to voice discontent with that decision. The fact that the decision has been made is immaterial.


And they aren’t to Blizz. I just quoted their vision of Aug for you.

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I think it’s unhealthy for a DPS to give that much stats to other players while providing very little. If a DPS dies, then what? It makes no sense to be so heavily leveraged towards the other players. There’s a healthy balance of supporting your team and relying 100% on your team to do everything.


Then it clearly isn’t a spec intended for you.


Bingo. Which is why it’s being re-balanced.


But I love it’s playstyle.

Edit: You can enjoy something and still think it needs a nerf. I want a symbiotic relationship, not a parasitic relationship.


You literally just said you find its playstyle to be unhealthy.

Shuffling around damage like they’re doing doesn’t have any rotational changes, you buffing other people is still BY FAR the most important thing for you to do. You still want to buff, fire breath at max, upheaval at 1 (higher if you need a larger circle), and spam your eruptions while ebon might is up.

They’re not making your filler more important so you can continue to use it to fish for procs or ignore it and just spam azure strikes. They changed it in a way that still allows you free time to use your green spells without feeling like you are messing up or focus on your CC to stop casts.

This is by far the best possible outcome and if anything it’s directly in line with their pre-release interviews. Blizz wanted their personal DPS to be closer to tanks and they missed that mark several times over.

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