Doing the Legion order hall for paladins for the first time

Holy moly, the order hall is absolutely gorgeous


Yes, but she’s even more beautiful!

Oops! That’s me in the mirror. blush


It makes me regret having an actual sewer for my order hall during legion


The Paladin, Shaman, Mage and Monk halls were my favorite ones. So well done. It’s sad there’s no reason to use them anymore.


Warrior was dope too.

Valhalla was the perfect theme imo


No one appreciates natural beauty? Dreamgrove is the best!


Too bad it is only relevant in a single expansion :upside_down_face:


Honestly I liked just about all of them except for DK, that one was kind of disappointing. All the other ones were super unique.

Well, at least you aren’t a gnome like your guild leader!

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the class order halls should have been a mainstay from legion onward. theyre just too good.

theyre so good, i cant believe this was a thing blizzard concieved


Rogues didn’t have an order hall bud.

Yea it’s sad they’re kinda defunct now. Although some still have transport usage. The Paladin order hall is great for alliance players needing to get to the north of the Eastern kingdoms fast.

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also useful to see your failure in obtaining the mage tower appearance and kicking urself over it

Ugh. Don’t remind me. I rejoined late legion and so wasn’t able to get geared enough for it. Stings to this day :pensive:

Also missed out on the mythic ToV mogs.

Never hire rogues for a construction project. You always end up over-budget and get a sewer. Then find there’s plumbing issues because Wizards floated the whole thing away and now they “got a buddy” who can “fix” that for a “fee”.

Always hire reputable Dwarves.
And they call it a basement, a basement!


Don’t forget to rescue Light’s Heart or whatever it was called. The Paladin quest chain requires it.

Felt this way when I did the Mage campaign. Hall of the Guardian is legit beautiful

I really liked the Warlock one. As a demonology fan, having a giant army of demons looked fun. :smiling_imp:

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The row of demons saluting you just hits different.

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Shaman/Pala/Priest were my favorites. I still go to them to do missions for gold.

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