Does/will Yrel invade our timeline is it possible?

The second the Angels start dying to Mortals is the second the Angels turn out to be Alien Popes not actual Angels of God nor their Fallen Counterparts!

It’s been argued that we’ve already had fel (Legion) and void (BfA). So that only leaves 3 more.

I’m not sure if it will be Yrel, but I do think the army of the Light will gain followers and be used to help defeat Anduin and the Jailer in 9.2/9.3.

Few key things here:

  1. The “veil” between worlds was shattered/opened for a reason. Good chance we won’t be staying in the Maw all expansion.

  2. Torghast is being “destroyed” during our fight with Slyvanas, along with it seemily poking through the veil into our world. On top of us defeating quite a bit of the prominent forces in the new raid, Torghast has either served it’s purpose or will collide into ICC.

  3. The Jailer stated “Death comes for your World’s Soul” during the intro to the Maw, indicating he has plans to escape the Maw and access Azeroth somehow.

  4. Few of the Old God whispers that indicate the Light will be major problems for the champions of azeroth eventually.

My guess:

1.) Zo’vaal gains all his power back after getting his Sigil from the Arbiter.
2.) The “secret” he discovers is the location/ability to raise fallen Parthenon, to create his own allegiance of doom!

3.) He sets out to create his pantheon, we meet Elune and she helps us in defeating 9.2 end boss: Argus the Familiar, boss.

4.) He escapes the Maw and the shadowlands into ICC, where death follows.
5.) Alleria returns to the maw to search for Slyvanas’ good fragments.

6.) Turaylon, and the Light, come to the aid of the players and help contain/push back the undead and assure victory.
7.) Alleria’s son dies in the conflict.

8.) The light now demands loyalty.
9.) Alleria is void infused pissed.

10.0 WoW: Legacy of the Void

Decades seemed to have past in the brief period from the end of WoD through BfA, so who knows how far in the future AU Draenor will be if/when they interact with the MU again. By that stage the AU Draenei will be totally ascendant, and all the races of AU Draenor will be Lightbound, plus bolstered by however many naaru and likely the Lightmother.

I … doubt it will work that way, as we arrive on AU Draenor in the Mag’har recruitment in the same time as it is in the current MU. Its less “time moved fast” and more “we’re just not gong 35 years into the past anymore”. On top of this, the Lightbound had from all indications already finished converting and conquering AU Draenor. As far as we’re aware, there were only two holdouts. The Mag’har located in Northern Gorgrond under AU Grom, and the Garrison under AU Draka in Nagrand. And the prior was completely decimated or evacuated at the time we left.

Regardless, as “for what they can do”. They have an entire Unified Planet under their control. And if they are able to convert by force (“bind to the light”), then all the more power to them. They also at least have a Prime Naaru in their wheelhouse, and many lesser Naaru. Not to mention, they didn’t start out with a Convert or Die Crusade. They compelled or enticed the willing first. And unless they oust themselves, there is absolutely no reason for the MU Alliance not to trust them; least of all if Yrel and her people arrive with all the peaceniks locked away.

ONLY the Horde has a window into what happened on that world. If the Lightbound show up as friends of the Alliance for a time, I’m certain after all the pain the Horde races have submitted the people of the Alliance to … a “Save the evil races from themselves” message would really resonate with the Blues. The Lightbound could also tip the balance of power on the planet so far in the favor of the Alliance, a “Faction Conflict” would barely be a “conflict” tbh. And should the Lightbound truly be able to convert by force (and they might very well be able to) … they could truly build their own forces from the people of Azeroth (willing and unwilling) VERY quickly.

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