Does/will Yrel invade our timeline is it possible?

TO try and spread the holy word or what. After doing the mag’har thing I hate her so much

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There was a legiondary that make it sound like it’s possible to cross here if they would want to.

Or Khadgar might lead them here.

Or bronze dragons will do another shady thing.

Depends on how the events of Shadowlands go too. Since, you know, only 1 Shadowlands for all timelines. Might be a gateway to many things.


gl hf

I mean, probably? I think it would be quite the waste of energy for this “Light Mother” to build up a Unity Under a Single Vision of the Light crusade, for that crusade to be stuck on a doomed planet, in a doomed timeline. Plus, despite never seeing them in this capacity, Naaru ships are supposed to be Transdimensional. Theoretically they could be used to bring the Lightbound and Yrel over at some point.


If the First Ones who built the 6 Cosmic Forces are indeed the Vorlons(likely considering the color of the Arbiter’s Sigil and the First Ones’ Magics) and if the Shadows are indeed released from the Sepulcher said Shadows would indeed benefit from having the Lightbound invade Azeroth which would be answered by a retaliation by Azeroth’s denizens as well as a Vorlon Planet Destroyer that will blow up AU Draenor!

It’ll happen, and it’ll be easy to pull off with the groundwork already laid. As long as the Lightlands spans the multiverse like other planes of reality, Yrel can just jump up into the Lightlands with some help from a Light-deity, then hop back down into the MU from there.

Done. Clean, easy, no significant new lore to justify it.

A lot of people seem to think the Draenor AU can just slip away into irrelevance, but it’s implied that most AU’s are so fleeting, that there is likely only two meta-stable universes in the lore: the MU, and this oen singular AU. The Light, and other cosmic forces, won’t just waste the added troops from this semi-stable AU.

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Maybe if certain Mag’har hadn’t given the Draenei a taste of the Iron Horde first, the Draenei might not have given them a taste of holy war in return.

That aside, this is definitely not the last we’ve seen of Yrel and co.


God I hope not. I’d rather just go there and get the expansion we were cheated out of half a decade ago.

30 years have passed and it seems Yrel and her forces largely control the planet now. We should have an inverse of WoD where the Draenei wage a war of extermination/conversion against the remaining Orcs and rebel Draenei factions.

And this time, the devs stick to their guns and don’t drop development on it. There’s plenty of new stuff we could get from that world.(Faralhon, Goria, ect.)

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We’re talking about the Draenei here.
Nothing interesting is gonna come from Yrel at this point. They’re gonna have to pull another rift in the sky move to justify how the heck Yrel transcends timelines without the Bronze Dragonflight or some other unexplained chronomancy nonsense event occurs.,


Pretty sure that Draenei ships are constantly referred to as “Transdimensional” fyi. We’ve never seen them used in such a way, but its really not that big of an a*spull. Especially if a Light being like a Prime Naaru (or even above) is guiding those ships. And its not like Blizz forgot about Yrel. With her HoTs appearance, as well as her getting a battlenet avatar alongside several batches of exclusively Shadowlands relevant characters.


We’ve also gotten a ton of Starcraft stuff but hardly any Starcraft content since then too. I really wouldn’t put this much effort into Yrel at this rate. My enthusiasm when it comes to content post Pandaria has become shrug-worthy.

they have alluded to Yrel’s interesting future but Blizzard has proven time and again to waste good potential.


Sigh … they’ll do whatever they want. Hell, even if she does show up I’m not convinced Blizz wont be as non-committal with aggression as they always are with Alliance-ish content and races. But, at the very least, I do expect some form of Light Cosmology expac if Blizz doesn’t eat itself before it would come out.

I mean, you got optimism which no shame there. But frankly I’m done with cosmic nonsense at this rate. We’re already throwing the whole kitchen sink to make Shadowlands work, if we keep going cosmic rather than going back to a more grounded story, heck. Something that is more relaxed and bring WoW to a more grounded and less high threat story would be nice.

I want to go back to Azeroth, where the actions we take may actually impact us. Where both factions have good reason to go. (Not just extinction, but resources and expansion of settlement). Where we can relax and chill with some new people or relax a bit. Why don’t we go enjoy a little local threat?



They are. But it raises another question coming from the current dev team decisions: naaru do not transcend the timelines, but their tech does?.. /wutface

At this point I wish they would.

Devs in practice listening to the feedback? idk, would be nice, but so far the’re stuck in “it’s our story to tell”.

Sadly even then there is no guarantee that Azeroth story won’t be handles as usual. Most notable example for me being the Night watch story line. (aka look at how they’re handling Baine in 9.0 - same principles of “intorduce an element, then leave it aside without resolution / progression for who knows how long”)

gl hf

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Naaru are beings of the Light Cosmology, which means they exist outside of the “timelines” … just like the true entities of the Death Cosmology. There is nothing saying that they can’t traverse between timelines (especially in this universe where all “false” timelines will eventually just disappear), or even use the Cosmology of Light as a center point to make those journeys. If DEATH facilitates all souls from all timelines, then LIGHT must interact with all of them too. So must all of the Primal Cosmological Forces.

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Well, it would be nice, but I do not see that happening for the next expac at least.

But beyond that, I think enough Alliance players have made it clear, there is no “Relax and Chill” on the table. They were so blueballed in BfA that their agenda is to strike back against the Horde and reassert their power fantasy. To get their BIG win they’ve convinced themselves the Horde got. To install THEIR consequences, on top of the horrific ones Blizz already slammed the Horde with. In short, to pass the buck and bill for BfA more onto the Horde’s shoulders. And with that, I expect more deliberate shaming of Horde players for “picking the wrong faction” all those years go. Didn’t we know that the capacity for tangible flaws = EVIL, in this setting? Didn’t WC3-WotLK prepare us for the realities that Races are either born good, pets, or evil? Sigh…

Bluntly, even if Blizz were willing to invest in such an Anti-Cata expac, I don’t see it happening until 11.0 at the earliest. I’m getting strong Vol’jin death (and Sylvie’s forced ascendance into Warchief) vibes with the characters Blizz has deliberately brought into the lands of the Dead. There is likely a purpose to it. TOO many, FAR too many peaceniks are away in the Shadowlands conveniently right now for something not to happen back on Azeroth.

Make no mistake. I too, am not pleased with how the fourth war went down and how unfulfilling it has made the Alliance feel when it comes to war. But I doubt Blizzard would go whole hard-on for the war alone again. It wouldn’t go well regardless. We’re already unsure what is even going on with the “Rampant scourge” back on the home base. There’s little to no detail about the Scourge alone since Shadowlands launched.

If a new expansion were to come along and the war was to continue; I want it to not be the sole focus. It has to have presence but as long as both factions come out with something useful and lose something. The Alliance needs to do something that feels like we actually won and the Horde feel less for it. In the same sense the Horde can also return the same impact. We don’t need to kill important characters to achieve that weight.

As long as the story reflects the victories and losses presented. They will feel like they have their impact.

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The Horde has absolutely zero legs left to stand on in a Faction Conflict narrative anymore. That Plot Thread (that we’ve repeatedly been turned into a motiveless plot-device to settup future content and villains for) has utterly left us in ruin. On a Meta-Level (to Faction Identity, Racial Fantasies, and Character Roster) the last two rounds of villain batting and decade of MASSIVE neglect outside of that has left the faction essentially destitute. Truly, it would not take much more to narratively sterilize us in this game. And that doesn’t even get into Blizz’s compulsive noncommittal nature with Alliance aggression during that same period. Where their kneejerk reaction is to whitewash, dilute, handwave, or bury under mountains of justifications ANYTHING the pure, flawless, and comfortably European inspired Alliance do. And they do it often.

Blizz would need to fundamentally shift their writing philosophies for the Horde (where we once again become a Faction again, not a Plot-Device) and the Alliance (where they are allowed to people again, not an idyllic purity test) for any such story to have even a chance at working. And even then, the Horde and its people are so legless in that narrative to start … it might be impossible to have us participate in it without it coming off like "beating up our victims we’ve been shamed for being forced to fight for 5+ years). And I just don’t see that shift coming. Especially when ONE of our TWO reps we were “allowed” the luxury of in SLs was discarded as worthless garbage by his own kidnapper, and seems like he couldn’t stumble upon a meaningful story of his own if he tried. Despite being the main rep of arguably the single most Spirit Worshipping PC race in all of Warcraft, in the Lands of the Dead. Its all “By the Light” and “Human Deathknights” instead.

To be honest, what makes me nervous about an Azeroth based, Light zealots as enemy expansion is the opportunity to villain bat the Blood Knights pretty badly. Their growth from BC would be an excuse to portray them fanatically. BFA already portrayed them as either dumbly fanatical (Liadrin in the warfront) or basically BC Sunfury (along with Blood Elves not working with Lor’themar).
Remember, meaningful flaws other than a bit of stupidity means you one step away from fascism at all times in this story.


Oh, absolutely. Despite their more agnostic relationship with the Light when compared to other Light practitioners. They very much show that “conviction” over “faith” is the more important part of Light practice … which is exactly why they’re primed for villain batting. Those devoted to the Light as actual Faith (all those pure and righteous Blue races) can never fall to fanaticism. It HAS to be a Horde race. Evil monsters.

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Most likely.

I’m kinda indifferent about it though. If you played Redside during BFA you’ve already fought the LForged and the yellow glowstick legion gets pretty samey pretty quick.

And this time there wouldn’t even be the novelty of fighting them with Darkspear magic. Must be more than a little embarrassing to train as a galactic demon destroyer for tens of millenia only to get slapped to death by a giant flying wooden mask.

Nothings really topped the Scarlet Crusade for Light themed baddies, imho at least. There’s few things that motivate like Faith, and when it becomes entangled with terror, prejudice and violence it can make for some real bad times. That mixed with the obvious influence of IRL groups like the Inquisition gave the Scarlets an all too human feeling of evil. They hit close to home in a way most baddies fail to.

I’d much prefer if the Scarlet Onslaught had rebuilt itself and found some mcguffin that let them launch a Crusade. They wouldn’t have to be the bbegs of an expansion.

But I could picture them just blind siding the Worgen and Forsaken. Who now have to put up a tense truce to deal with this mutual threat that sees them both as inhuman filth that must be purged. Be a good an excuse as any to update and revisit Silverpine, Gilneas and perhaps Hillsbrad and Alterac.