Does/will Yrel invade our timeline is it possible?

What is this? where can I get more info on this?

So far the only confirmed entities that are not affected by timeslines are the Legion, and this “rope” metaphor used for the Shadowlands afaia.

There is an implication, that “they are outside the cycle” refers to the Old Gods, so they would also be (likely).

But each timeline has its set of same naaru it seems.


gl hf

Who knows? But with Death being outside the timelines and the Legion being outside of it (which means both Order and Disorder), I would be shocked if the Light was not. We also have no idea what the Light Mother is. She could in fact be a Prime Naaru, she might be something of that cosmological force thats of higher quality? I just cannot fathom a sufficiently powerful cosmological entity would settup a unify under a single vision of the Light crusade … for it to be just stuck on a dead world in a dying timeline.

In Babylon 5 there is a group of Precursor Races called First Ones which include the First Born, the Shadows and the Vorlons.

The Vorlons embodied the Light(taking on the form of Golden Angels) while the Shadows(a Bug-like Race) embodied the Darkness.

The presence of the First Ones in Shadowlands heavily suggests that the Expansion is going to draw upon Babylon 5.

The Arbiter’s Sigil being a Golden Light Sigil as well as the fact that the First Ones’ attacks are a Whitish Golden color and called Hyperlight suggests the First Ones of WoW in all likelihood are Vorlons.

Xal’atath also mentions that the Naaru are beloved brethren who have wandered from the True Path and will return to their masters in time which suggests that not only have the Vorlons AKA the Hyperlight created Death and Holy Light but also created the Void which the Naaru mistook for the Shadows’ influence due to being Dark Purple.

The fact that N’Zoth mentions the Light striking a bargain with the Enemy of all implies that the Holy Light is pretty much filling the same role as the Centauri: a vibrant race who strikes a bargain with the Shadows to dominate their rivals.

Centauri have hairstyles that reminiscent of the tops of the Naaru’s Bodies…

Of course if the Holy Light is the Centauri then the Void is the Narn who discovered the presence of the Shadows influencing the Centauri and warned the other Races only to be ignored.

What did the Narn want in regards to the Centauri?: “To suck the marrow from their bones. Grind their skulls to powder. To tear down their cities…blacken their sky, sow their ground with salt. To completely, utterly erase them.”

Sounds very similar to how the Old Gods work…

What if Yrel was added as an avatar because she IS in Shadowlands expansion?

The light has made a pact with the enemy of all.

The jailor wants to unmake the entire system…seems like an enemy of all. What if the jailor and the light have a deal going?

Edit - this and the light bound army light is evil thing is only furthered by the new dreadlord lore…and seeing that previously a dreadlord was also in charge of the scarlet crusade…another evil lightmongering organization.

I mean, Turalyon has a Dreadlord as his literal right hand man.

So, I’m sure that will go well if the Light comes a-calling.

Maybe they can villain bat Turalyon as part of Yrel’s recovery arc with Liadrin

I doubt she would need to invade she would probably be welcome by most of Azeroth except the Mag’har. However they don’t really get a say considering “they” have invaded us before.

I suspect that it will be the Mag’har that will initiate Hostilities cause they cannot control themselves. Thus giving the Lightbound a reason to go after them again.

It is really depends on what future threats we face if she will have time to try convert the world over to the light. I suspect we will let her know the truth of light/void and she will see reason, Especially when she meets our Velen.

Yes, nothing like propogating Good Race/Evil Race mentalities. Especially with how utterly suicidal it would be for the Mag’har to do that in their current absolutely horrific situation. And I would wager (as the Horde PC and Eitrigg were privy to what was going on in that world) … the Horde as a whole would be very suss about the Lightbound if they showed up. ONLY the Alliance have no reason not to trust them, unless they gave them one. As they have no windows into the events of that world 30 years later, and with all the peaceniks gone … there probably isn’t alot of communication between faction lines right now.

But … naw. The Alliance are the Mary Sue faction. They’re perfect, flawless, and pure. Just a bit stupid sometimes. And that means even the offshoots of their races like Yrel must be included. They can never be goaded into succumbing to the absolutely massive amount of motives and grievances they should have against the Horde; to the point where Blizz HAS to default to subtextually racist Evil Race tropes to compel a Horde race to “start it” every time. Because who cares if the AU Mag’har are so destitute or desperate right now if they tried anything it might actually result in their extinction, they’re a Horde race. The Blues also can’t be tricked, manipulated, or tempted into doing anything untoward, because they’re supposed to be infallible after all.

I mean, i cant speak for everyone but at this point im so tired of this bs that i just want to move on from this plot and forget about it. Am i happy about it? No, just emotionally drained.

Also that image Wenzli posted sounded pretty sweet ngl.

That being said, if Yrel ever does come to main azeroth, id probably join (if i had the choice) her to crusade your asses- lux vult and all that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well, she’ll start with us. But the thing about ideologues … they tend to be the types to not be fond of even slight deviations from their ideologies eventually. This “Unity Under a Single Vision of the Light” by the sounds of her sermon would overly tolerate groups like the NEs and their Elune Worship once the more problematic and obvious cultural deviation groups on the Horde. Unity of Vision. Unity in Faith. Unity of Purpose. And the Nail that sticks out gets hammered down. Once the Lightbound/Alliance “Save them from themselves” crusade breaks the back of the Horde, I wonder how long it will take for that forced conversion to apply to most Alliance races? Even other sects and brands of less extreme Light Worship?

EDIT: The Lightbound show up as Friends of the Blues. Finding many willing converts among the Alliance due to so much pain and hardship the Horde has caused them. With their “save them from themselves” really resonating after the 4th war. While putting subtle pressure on the VElves for obvious reasons. Then we have our Bladewind Incident, to push the Alliance to action. And with the combined powers of the Alliance and Lightbound, they push the Horde to the breaking point; bolstering their ranks with ever more forced converts (those BOUND to the Light). And by that point, the Lightbound have a massive following and foothold on Azeroth. Using our own people against us.

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Id be down for that, lets burn everything down baby, get a perge going!

(its not like everyone hasnt earned a kick in the teeth by this point)

Also, you’re missing a vital component here: If Yrel aligns with Alliance even temporarily she’ll calm down just like Jaina, the worgen and Tyrande, etc did. Because the Alliance is never allowed to have edge nor be gritty



That’s why Xe’ra exists. She’s the common thread behind all this, the power behind the Lightforged/Lightbound, and likely the ultimate BBEG we have to take down in the climactic raid.

They’ve also playing up the Scarlet Crusade recently. I expect them to add to her Lightbound forces and do the WORST stuff.

The Alliance may ally with them briefly, but it seems pretty likely that the story will ultimately end with the Alliance and all the more sympathetic Light themed characters like Anduin, Velen-and quite likely a remorseful Turalyon and possibly even Yrel-opposing the less sympathetic ones.

That said, I do like surprises.

I would love it if we could look pro-active for once, even if they have to kill Turalyon or Yrel off. Like there should be no Alliance race at the moment that doesn’t want to destroy the Horde.

We’d also make the Horde feel like they somewhat have something to be afraid about/of from our side. Since post WotLK, they’ve just been the edgy lancer to the Alliance’s protagonist, once in a while needing to be beat up to regain their identify.

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You know, the funniest thing about Xe’ra IMO is how tightly she is connected to the players.

In the House of Light and Shadow
Xe’ra says: The pain will subside, champion. You now carry my mark, and through it I am able to see and feel as you do. Return to me when you are able. We have much to do.

So, on paper, that could be Xe’ra who that way could bring the mortal ideas, feelings, “imperfections” and stuff like that into the hypothetical “lightlands” or whatever will the name be for the plane of Light.


gl hf

I found her theme song. Yrel is gonna come and set those sinners free. Praise the Light!

Now I am not opposed to the idea of making Yrel the villain of an expansion. Would be a nice break from all these super-powered-gods and titanic beings. But, as much as I would love her to become the “Father Seed” of Warcraft I have my doubts that Blizzard could actually pull it off. The writers haven’t really convinced me during the last expansions.

What about the Scarlet Crusade? Even if they later went rogue they started out as Alliance.

As I’ve said ad nauseum, I’m fine with Alliance as the baddies, I just don’t like that it’s happening through the “fanaticism” route (making a bad guy faction by using religious fanaticism… outside most sci-fi, a significant part of urban fantasy, “historical” fiction, parts of the superhero genre, certain fantasy and post-apocalyptic stories… [sarcastic tone] never seen that before, how original!)

Plus if Blizzard wanted to use Xe’ra as a Light baddie, they shouldn’t have let Illidan edgelord her to death. They’re just trying to have their cake and eat it too. They’re so desperate to have MORE Light baddies they’re resorting to alternate universes AND time travel.

Blizz have already said in an interview they’re bringing Yrel back for a cautionary tale about dogmatism (bo-ring!)

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I don’t think it would ever happen. If Yrel attacks Azeroth for any reason it would with a Light endorsed mandate. Naaru at her side every single paladin, light based priest and nation that worships the Light like Humans, Dwarves, ect would be obligated to support her to whatever end.

I think it would be really interesting to have Yrel show up, do her hardcore soldier of the Light thing…and have it turn out that she’s completely justified. Yes, she’s doing all these terrible things in the name of the Light, coming down harder than the Scarlet Crusade, but whatever it is she’s fighting is so terrible that it makes her decisions right in context. Sort of like the Imperium of Man, where the Catholic Space ‘National Socialists’ are the heroes “by comparison.”

…does Warhammer 40K have more nuanced factions than WarCraft? Good grief.


So the Mag’har would be considered “bad” or something like that?