Does your Warband have any headcanon?

For the longest I’ve always RP’d my characters having some sort of relation to one another. Whether’s my Pandaren hailing from the Steelpaw Clan, my Tauren being cousins amongst the Grimtotem, my Gilnean characters tied to a now defunct criminal cabal, and so forth. I was already making mental connections and stories to my roster of toons-which has only grown increasingly more complicated and larger as the game has gone on.

I remember SWTOR emphasizing this literally with the Legacy system, where you could make a graph of your character’s family, rivalry, and other ties to each other.

But now in WoW that’s going to be less of an imagined thing and directly in our face. We get to see our characters kicking it by the campfire, polishing weapons, idling about, telling stories, etc. Do you see them with the Warband’s feature even more connected? Were all your characters pretty independent and this feature is making you reconsider some stories? Or are you not giving it any thought at all?


Juspion wouldn’t know any of my Horde characters, if he has met any of them, it would have been in passing. Probably around Dalaran or some place like that.

My Horde characters, at least Incomplete and Versca are definitely connected to each other. Versca is a Deathstalker and Incomplete is Versca’s Handler.

Otherwise, it’ll probably continue as it is right now. Juspion could be friends with my Horde characters but I don’t really have any real thoughts or plans around that…yet? Maybe inspiration will hit me as I continue to login and stare at my guys standing around a fire.

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I’m planning to put as many versions of Kirsy on my warband as possible. So take that as you will. Kirsy lore?


I want to see Sef’s login screen tbh


All of my characters are interconnected through various shared alliances, mutual businesses endeavors, and cult association.

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I really don’t do Alts except for a Kiethoo that’s a hunter.

My only other alts are a Monk Kiethoo and a forsaken I made for a pair of friends who did Eastern Lordaron/Forsaken rp stuff.

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My Warband members all know each other because most of them are in the same guild. They are an order comprised of both Alliance and Horde characters who joined forces to combat the true threats to Azeroth, much in the same way as your typical neutral factions operate.

Thanks to this expansion and the big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff, I was able to fully embrace several of my old character origins which made me very happy due to the Bronze and Infinite dragonflights’ story arc. I’m curious to experience Warbands and all it has to offer both now and in the future.

I’ve been playing since Vanilla and killed off my original main, a Dark Spear Troll Hunter, in WotLK. When they released Troll Druids, I created her daughter as one. Then with the Shadowlands open, I brought back my original main as a Death Knight. I imagine it’s a little awkward hanging out around the campfire with your dead mom after so many years. Probably more so cause they share the same name. :laughing:

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My queldorei mage is cousins with my blood elf hunter. The mage’s sisters are a priestess of the Light who went with her to Dalaran. And a Rendorei Warlock who was exiled during BFA.

My Nelf Warden is the younger sister of my Nelf Sentinel.

Everyone else doesn’t know each other.

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At one point, all my Gnome alts were just different versions of Norman depending on the day, but then I gave them all their own personalities.

I have (2) subs, so I’m excited to have (4) of my Gnomes, squad up.

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Insert Loki Season 1 “GLORIOUS PURPOSE!” meme here


I have a feeling that my planned PvE main won’t be in that scene of four characters :frowning:

I wish they made it 5 characters. That’s a party in WoW. Smaller group comps are 2 and 3 for PvP. Where does 4 come from?? Only someone going “oh this looks nice”. ffs

But I’d also love more slots of 4 to make a few little groups ^ _ ^

Since we can’t, it’s probably going to be 3 elves and a human – with my main Evoker at the top of the mega list because I think that’s what I’m gearing.

This can be arranged haha

BRB transmogging all Kirsys into green Loki armor.

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I exclusively play insecure, neurotic scumbags, so it’s always been a latent belief of mine that all my characters are in agitated, paranoid working relationships with each other.

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Update: I’m not going to use the campfire the scene thing, I have a way I like to list my characters and it’s messing with that :joy:

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OMG I’m hating the character list sooooo much right now. I’m sure I’ll get used to it, but for now it’s harshing my mellow.


Same! For a moment, I even considered firing up an alternate account to reduce my panic. Seeing the results of my altoholism all at once is confronting. Really glad it’s just per account and not Bnet account ; _ ;

I’m looking at all these alts like “oh wow… I really shouldn’t have done that” haha

Yeah, I think I’ll be trimming back some alts. But I also have a use now for some of my MG alts. When my guild wants to go to a more crowded realm, we can use MG Kirsy or MG Larisi to pull them there (at least I assume that it’ll work like anchoring).

Edit: Oh hey, you can drag and drop your character list.

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Presently, my Warband consists of several of my Pandaren avatars, most of which are characters of varying relation, primarily my Cloudpaw Shao’din characters, mostly those tied to the Winterclaw Clan. That was actually largely coincidental, as three of those where already filling the spaces when I logged in. There are several characters are ic together in actual groups that I could make my Warband, but it remains to be seen if I’ll ever do that.

I don’t think I’ll grow to like it. It’s big and bulky. Not a fan at all.

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