Does WOW just hate paladin mains?

Why does WOW hate paladins? RET is getting a rework and is much needed, holy just got nerfed and prot needs work as well. So does wow just hate paladin mains?


Not as much as they seem to hate themselves.


“Ret is getting a rework”

“Does WOW hate just hate paladin mains?”

Well, no, if they hated you that much, you wouldn’t be getting a rework.

Boomkins got a half-baked version of what you’re getting and largely only suffered for it, with it fixing none of the spec’s issues. Be happy yours is actually looking great.


I think its a product of paladins having BoP/Bubble (granted there is an excess of purge these days, and quick MD is toxic), but it makes the class problematic to balance.

I don’t think removing either of them is the answer. But if they have to much damage or to much healing its problematic unless they change BoP/Bubble to stop melee attacks or reduce damage done while in them.


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Come back when they say we dont want you playing demo lock, all damage nerfed 25%, then reworked next xpac.

Ah… The good ol’ days…

Back when we had dev Q&As.


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yeh good ol’ fun demo, nerfed while expac was still current so we don’t get used to the playstyle :open_mouth:

Idk about wow but I sure do. (minus 2 exceptions to the rule)

i know the guy who asked the question (he used to be a general discussion regular) and he said that response crushed him emotionally for a bit
he has retained an undying hatred for demon hunters for taking meta from demo

I knew a demo lock who loved nuking pepple with chaos wave in PvP.

That really added salt to the wound, seeing meta taken away and given to another class.

You must be new here, OP.

From where and when I grew up, (Ret) Paladin was synonymous with “TO THE GROUND!”

You gotta rememeber who laid down the baseline design philosophy for WoW classes.

Tigole & Furor. Two major players in an Everquest raid guild called Fires of Eternity? … Heaven? Who cares.

Anyway… They HATED Paladins and Paladin players in EQ and when they came onboars for WoW Vanilla, that translated into Paladins being treated as second class citizens from 1.0 until 3.4. There are still echoes of that baseline design philosophy visible today.

  1. outside DShield Paladins have next to no noteworthy defenses.

  2. their best spec has ALWAYS been Holy. Prot has come close a few times but Holy has always been the Class Powerhouse.

  3. they have been the offensive wheelchair spec since 1.0. The one time they had reliable, useful offensive mobility their damage was crushed so bad it didnt matter

  4. the bandaid that gets thrown at them for any issues has always been MOAR DAMIJ, which inevitably gets overnerfed (TO THE GROUND, BABY) leaving them crippled offensively.

  5. their entire class is balanced around their primary defensive - Divine Shield - which now has multiple hard counters which they have zero realistic answer to.

I dont blame Paladin players for feeling hated and i never will. Dev Team has a decade+ long history of :eggplant:ing them in the :peach:

Ret Players specifically. They just want to be allowed to enjoy the game with the spec they like. But Blizzard openly hating on and mocking them for as long as they did ingrained that same hatred into the playerbase by showing them its ok to hate Paladin players openly.

well pallies were OP for so long so I don’t care if your weak TBH.

WHAT I DO CARE ABOUT although, is that pretty much every class is wonky and not paid attention to for example my poor Shaman. Neglected for over 10,000 years. NEGLECTED SINCE WRATH and was strong in CATA then got neglected again ever since.

I’m sorry, while this is more or less true, this talking point makes me cackle every time, because boomkin’s only notable defensive CD is literally worse than Divine Protection after its recent buff.

Wish we had Divine Shield to complain about. Or Lay on Hands.

buff boomkins defensively pls


Theres already a boomkin thread. Dont hijack.

It just needs to be reiterated because paladins got attention for being incessantly whiny all over the forum while boomy’s “attention” is talent tree downgrades, despite being worse off defensively. Sorry not sorry.



Well, that’s just a silly assertion that’s stuck in the distant past. I literally played ret before its ruinous redesign in Legion, which removed so much of the skill cap involved with Empowered Seals (RIP WoD ret).

Believe me, I’m happy ret’s getting a redesign, even if it looks to be a potentially obnoxious one. But paladin players have been loud af over their defensive state which is objectively better than boomy’s, which has also been the victim of poor design choices since WoD/Legion.

It just makes me laugh when Divine Protection is rightfully considered a nothingburger, but is 10% stronger than our lone defensive CD. That’s all. Wry amusement.

distant past


This crabs in a bucket mentality youve got works only to your detriment. Trying to pull them down wont bring you up.