Does unlocking Zandalari trolls require the raid?

I’m pessimistic about blizzards inept development cycles these days. But I doubt they’d push it to another expansion.

They’ll just release them unfinished before they will risk another complete show of incompetence if it comes down to it.

Wouldn’t be the first time they did it, given how azerite is.


The point is that they might as well… Crucible of Storms will have been unlocked for quite some time by the time we get the ability to start the Zandalari unlock quests… That’s three raid tiers deep into an xpac before a former “launch” feature is actually live…

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Two Raid tiers.

Crucible is a mini-raid like Onyxia or Obsidian, not it’s own tier.

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What’s that they say about a difference that makes no difference?
Considering Crucible appears to have be more important and long-lasting in terms of its impact on lore and story-line, I’m going to go ahead and consider it a full raid. Is it going to have higher ilvl gear than the raid that came out today? Is it going to come out at or around the same time as a new PvP season?

Fine - maybe it’s not the third raid “tier,” but it’s still the third raid… which is no less absurd. Semantic arguments don’t change that.

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Considering we all just got the achievement for the war campaign that unlocks the races, it would’ve been nice.

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Found your problem.

Three raid tiers has been the content of an expansion, it’s not a semantic difference.

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No; my problem is still not having access to the race-change I switched mains for 8 months ago.

But yea, you’re so right. Silly silly me. Instead of it becoming available 3/3s of the way into the xpac it was an advertised launch feature for it will be 2/3 of the way into it. Sooo so much less ridiculous, you’re right.

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Good of you to admit it.

If the change is pending you can have it refunded.

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Seriously, the allied races should just be available when you buy the expansion. This hoop jumping is ridiculous.


yeaaaa you’re not even worth the attention.
Troll someone else, kid.

I’m not trolling. If I were trolling I’d be baiting you into replying.

For what it’s worth I like the name reference to .hack

It’s amazing how we’re months into this expansion and you still utter the words “We will have more information on the Zandalari and Kul Tiran soon!”


Ran what new content I could today. and it ended with this:

Sorry, not gonna do it. (5 days left)

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Before that. New hearthstone for noblegarden

Congratulations you have everything for zandalari

I.E. put a carrot on a stick and hopes people will still follow said carrot on a stick; or better yet… Blizzard doesn’t want people to know about theser special black covered glasses, if they do, they will surly see the truth as well as hidden messages…

For Reference above see “John Carpenter’s - They Live!” Enjoy!
Note: Glasses are no longer for sale.
See Ebay for more details. Good luck! xD

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Do you feel no shame in taking a major selling point for BFA and not releasing said selling point until BFA has been out for half of it’s life cycle? Just admit you’re using Zandalari and KT as a carrot on a stick to prevent sub numbers from cratering even harder than they are.

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I expect it is quite the opposite. They take pride in not shipping an unfinished product, which if you play either race on the PTR, you will see they are.

BfA will likely have a 24 month life cycle, btw. We are only just over month 5.

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just do it in LFR

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which is 5 months too late

If they can’t deliver finished product 5 months into the expansion, may be it’s time for Blizzard to get off their diversituh bandwagon and hire some competent people for a change.

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