Does this sound like your guild?

I’m a casual player who focuses on leveling, achievements, farming, and sometimes dungeons. I don’t do raids due to the stressful nature of my life. The thought of screwing up and feeling like other players are disappointed or mad at me isn’t a situation I want to put myself in anymore.

I don’t care if you are the only member of your guild. If what I wrote sound similar to you, message me.


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If you’re looking for casual guild to play however you want you may enjoy my guild.

Alliance side: contact a guild member via /who Pénsive (to get the accent press alt and type 130)

Horde side: contact a guild member via /who Pensive

Either side:
Co-GM Asch @ Bnet Aschien#11798
Co-GM DOC @ Bnet Brighthammer#1121642
Assistant GM Frah @ Bnet Inzania#11304
GM Briar @ Bnet Briar#1421

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Alliance side, Virture Prevails, or the horde side of the same guild, Kindness Prevails! Large family of players!!