Does this season feel better or worse than last?

Feels worse imo. hopefully this gameplay is more attractive to newer players and im just whining. MMR feels garbage tho.


basically anything is better than last season’s ret/demo meta

I think so far it feels worse. I have done a disgusting amount of damage on fury today, and watching an ele shear into my spell reflect for precog even one more time probably would have caused me to blow a gasket.

From a healer perspective, the one shots absolutely feel worse, and mortal strike effects are rough. Then you have specs like ret where you just explode without one, so… :grey_question:

Hoping for changes soon

Edit: also ftr, I started healing in prepatch and this was not how I wanted the game to change going from end of SL to DF


Does it feel worse because shuffle doesn’t auto give free welfare rewards instantly like last season?


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Worse in many ways.

Diagnosis, “gitgud-iosis”

feelings are for ppl without any life xp

it feels bad that mmr is capped and there hasnt been any tuning at all, as well as catalyst still being closed.

other than that, not too bad. just like any other season. I definitely feel like blizz could have popped in with some damage tuning to some overperformers and underperformers, along with some healing/mana buffs for healers like hpal, hpriest, rdruid.


This season is absolute garbage. The balance feels so off, the gearing feels so much more powerful, the issues that were present in the last season seem magnified.

Hey, at least they can rely on classic wow and hardcore. Where the people 20 years ago made a better game.


I’d say it feels better balance wise, but the gains within RSS being very low do kill my interest in the game mode. Not that we needed 60+ CR again for wins, but the losing like 60 CR for 2/6 losses still is what feels bad.

I do agree that tier should be disabled, but at my low standings, I don’t think it’s made too significant of a difference.

I have tried 2s out now though, per Doors mentioning it so much. Turns out it’s really fun!

This is really it. Everyone would be having “fun” if they were 2700 again.


From what I’ve seen, the other related aspect to this is that people are playing against more skilled opponents than they normally would at lower ratings. I haven’t really que’d enough to see that myself outside of the usual glad mounts, but I can see how it’d be true

Well they will float to wherever they belong eventually fighting similar skilled players where they go 50-50. It’s early in the season still so they may see the occasional Vanguards alt rip through their lobby with a 6-0, but overall everyone will settle to where they belong.

I think a lot of players are just frustrated because they thought they’re a 27/24/21/1800 player last season and now they’re 1000 rating lower and the “game sucks” now. They may main a strong spec and were probably initially excited when doing their first shuffle games then got quickly disenchanted with it all when they realized they’re stuck at X rating. I’m not even saying the mmr cap isn’t a problem (I think Blizz artificially holding it back is demotivating), but I’ve seen people try to say x, y, and x are bad when it’s really they’re just upset that they’re not at the rating they want and if they were they’d be enjoying the game. Which honestly is fine but I just want us to be clear about that.

my pve friends having 4 set on 3+ chars while pvp players beg for scraps on the street still blows my mind. running into people with 4 set when you have none is the worst feeling in the game especially if they are the same spec and around your skill level or higher. they just blow you out

I actually have 5 set. (chest piece in my bags for mw) It’s silly how easy it is to get tier with a guild group in pve. It was week 3 of the catalyst last season before I got my 4pc doing pvp.

Feels better! Active changes by devs, and way more options on what to play. But it’s too early since last season before retdamnation it was also pretty good

but , If I were a :sheep: and :parrot: what certian canadain streamer says online vs what he really thinks then I would think this is the worse season of all time (clickbait)

This season is definitely worst than last. Balance is meh. Boomkins are out of control and its been three weeks and no balance changes. Precog makes it almost impossible to play melee when pretty much every single game is Mistweaver + casters and melee have garbage alternatives to precog. Very few healers playing the game and healer balance is meh majority of the ladder is only disc priest and Mistweaver. Deflation is the worst I have ever seen 1500mmr you facing r1 players and multi glads new players won’t stand a chance even at low mmr. PvE players do not need to PvP anymore because there are no incentives for them to do PvP. RSS Defaltion is also garbage… 30 Points for 5 wins and lose 70 points for 2 wins… Just my opinion but I think this season has got off to a awful start. But I still enjoy WoW and just playing my main for now and getting cap each week. May take a while for the season to pick up speed but its pretty rough right now.

Every caster had it to begin with as talent options, for some it was mandatory (like aff). now its just basically baseline and allows people to use other talent options or pick it if they normally wouldn’t have.

Precog is the solution to melee having too much up time, gap closers, and micro cc ontop of interrupts.

Feels way better.
S1 was good prior to the retpocalypse, but healers regularly cycled through balance highs and there were way too many one shots.

This season has significantly fewer one shots and it feels like the only real outlier spec atm is sub rogue.

Doesn’t feel like there’s a single class without access to an S tier comp/spec and there are fewer falling by the wayside.