Does this season feel better or worse than last?

Funny how all the FOTM warlocks and boomies are the only ones who are saying its better than S1… kind of ironic dont ya think ?

It’s better than World of Retcraft I suppose, though I’m still salty that outlaw has been bottom of the ladder for an entire season, and still is, and we still can’t get a single buff. DKs too. The favoritism blizzard shows towards certain specs and lack of care put into others is rather tiring.

Precog also has some very toxic interactions that were not well thought out. Balance druids are a prime example - having the best CC in the game that is also an extremely fast cast thanks to Owlkin Adept, then combined with precog - it’s a bit much.

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Who are you referring to?

Not really. Several classes are significantly stronger than they were last patch.
Sub, enh, moonkin, aff, destro, fury, survival, mm, fire mage, mw, feral, spriest, ele sham, disc, rdruid, fdk, and devoker all got buffs or are better off overall because of the crit damage change.

To be perfectly honest, the only classes that seem worse are ret, demo lock, and arms warrior, which were the three strongest dps specs last season.

It really seems to me that the majority of people who complain about this season are ret/war players who are getting punished for the first time in 5 seasons.

IMO, RSS feels worse than pre-Ret S1 RSS.

Blizzard still hasn’t done a PvP tuning pass.

One shots (e.g. sub rogue) just annihilate people and healers can’t do anything (because yay shadowy duel).

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I believe you got to the heart of the matters rather quickly.

Very few are paying attention to the monsters being created on PTR atm if balance (not the spec) is handled quickly

Do you mean those 1800 welfare rewards that no one will ever wear ? Obv outside of priests.

feels the exact same, massively dislike: not a fan of rss at all

“Feelings are for cattle, and love play” ~ Jordi, original Dune movie. If you rely on feelings you will always require other to cater to you. No one is that caring that they would listen to every emotion produced by everyone around them.

Pally and priest set look really really cool tho

The 2100 enchant is really cool as well.

People love wearing the 2400 elite title aswell

whats stopping you from climbing then?

blazing boost customers

oh right lol.

better because it’s not a melee meta like its been for the past 2 years. still sucks because caster meta, but at least it’s a change of pace.

cool not chain fighting garbage ret warrs for a change.

Yeah, feels better to be hardstuck 2600 than 1700. :dracthyr_yay_animated: Even if your place on the ladder is the same.


the middle part of last season right before the rets felt great. my class wasn’t as strong as it is now but rogues weren’t as much of a problem as they were earlier in that season, and neither were the dhs.

right now casters like destro are completely insane. i know people are complaining about sub rogues again but thankfully i have seen any that are that good. i assume the good ones are in 3s where sub shines best and i haven’t played many 3s.

of course there are also boomies, spriest, and casters in general but the meta right now feels very unpolished and i dont expect we’re going to see actual balance until a couple months from now.

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unironically, ya lol. they just had to nerf a few things and the meta would’ve ended in a decent spot. 10.0.7 ruined the whole season and blizz is hoping to make the same mistake of adding an entirely new spec mid season.



Hopefully the season doesn’t end a month after the next set of reworks. :melting_face:

agreed. rets came and ruined everything. and most of the things that were causing issues had gotten several minor nerfs (first ones that come to mind are assa rogues and dhs).

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For me I don’t really care about the meta (although I really hated the rogue/mage thing). People will always complain there’s an OP spec because they are 0.1% better at healing or damage than their favorite class. That class will get nerfed and then the complaints just move to the next class.

I just hate the damage spikes. I thought it was bad last season and this season was supposed to be better. I think the damage spikes are way worse. I hate that if I try to spend one global as a healer to do something other than heal, my team is 10% health.

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