Does the "Soft Foam Sword" toy not work anymore?

I’m trying to complete all the quests in a zone before I leave, and I have several quests that require me to wound the target but NOT kill it. Any hit from my current toon I’m leveling up, kills the targets. Previously on other toons in the past I would use the soft foam sword to wound but NOT kill the target. Now when I try and use it, it does NOTHING and says, “Invalid Target”.

So, is there an alternate way to complete the quests now that the soft foam sword that was made SPECIFICALLY to not kill low level targets, no longer works? Why would Blizzard make it not work anymore or is it just glitched?

Soft Foam Sword toy… {Use: Mortally wound an enemy of trivial difficulty}


I am experiencing the same issue for the same reasons… Doing old content and running into the “Invalid Target” message.
So… how do I “wound” without killing?? I’ve even tried it completely unclothed (my toon, not me, but if that works…)


I just tested it on the boars outside Org on this character and a level 60 alt; its still working for me. Maybe the mobs aren’t considered trivial to your alt for some reason.


Tried removing everything also and no luck. One hit kills everything.

Im glad i got loremaster when i did then, if this is no longer working :frowning:


If it’s an ‘invalid target’ message then that means the game thinks the mob isn’t trivial to your character. That could be because your character’s actually not overleveled enough compared to the mob, which is hard to determine these days given all the level scaling present both naturally and with Chromie Time; it could also just be a bug, since just about every patch/update these days would include a bug list that’s longer than the patch notes lol


maybe it only works for horde?

Nope; just tested it on my 70 NE priest and it worked.

OK I guess i’ll shut down for today and try again tomorrow. This game is getting buggy again.

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Again? :pensive: That’s just modern WoW, the devs who inherited the game from all the devs who’ve left the company don’t even know how to work with the code anymore and seemingly don’t care about learning it either.


Given how often this issue comes up, every class should have a standard, non-lethal attack. Maybe a nice backhand.


A couple things to note about the sword. It won’t work on elite enemies - seeing as you’re getting an invalid target error, this is likely the case.

For the issue of them dying in 1 hit, make sure they are at full health when you use it. I noticed in my experience, it takes a % of max hp. So, if they’re at, say, 50% health, they’ll probably die.

Seems to be working for me, so confirm the above. If it’s still not working, maybe try disabling addons.


There are generally two different things that can cause this.

The first is that it won’t work at all on elite mobs.

The second is that you’re not high enough level for the game to see the mobs as trivial to you. (I think you need to be 10 levels higher, which can be an issue as you start getting the overlevel bonus at 5 levels over. It basically creates a level deadzone for those types of quests.) Every time I run into this, I submit a bug report hoping they’ll change the foam sword to 5 over.

If the character is a clothie, then picking up a 1 damage wand from a vendor can often work on such quests. (There are very few things that scale wand damage, so you’re mostly just dealing with the overlevel bonus and not stuff like your Int bonus for them.) The Whole Body Shrinka toy can be used to weaken yourself enough to not kill stuff for other classes, but it also dramatically nerfs your movement speed, so make sure you’re where you need to be when you use it.

Character at 60 or lower can turn on Chromie Time as well. You can also find someone and use party sync to scale yourself down.


it does not work on elites.

Try the Whole Body Shrinka

Sometimes I think Blizzard is trying hard to steal the crown of “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!” from Bethesda.


This may be a long shot, but do you have your poisons applied by chance when you’re trying it?

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Another alternative method to complete the quest, should you run out of other options, is to group up and level sync with a lower level character.

Maybe try the ‘fruit basket’ toy? I once accidently pulled WoD-era Gruul with that because I threw it for fun and it crit for 1 damage.

They were not elite targets. This was the stupid quest where you have to have the fat guy ride the spiders and if you kill the spiders he whines about it. Standard spiders and none had any damage prior to me trying. And why would any addons affect a toy? I don’t have any in use anyway but still…