Does Scarcity make loot “Meaningful”?

It usually gets you a quick and dirty set of tier.

I would argue mythic plus needs to drop mythic track gear though and not just the vault.

Im very much if you got the skills you should pay the bills over time gating.

I 100% disagree though.

How come? Just slot it on 12s or something. I ain’t got time to wait weeks and weeks. Let my people grind.

Gear of a decent ilvl has never been easier to acquire in this game.


It kinda just gets worse and worse for the high end though. No one cares about heroic raid gear. They give that stuff away each week in lfg

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Mplus is already too rewarding. Getting myth track items for failing would be dumb.

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Hmmm 2 people requesting to be able to farm mythic gear endlessly with no lock out… in content they don’t do. Is it Sunday today?

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In 12s…

My man you can 10 man the first mythic raid boss. What are you jibber jabbering about?

How dare they ask that they have challenging content that gives them relevant rewards to their difficulty level.

Someone tell the principal

They already do. It’s delves

What…? What does that even mean?

Basically we get good gear from turning in weekly quests from doing outdoor content or 5 normal/tw dungeons. How somebody feels it is not “reaching a wider audience” is beyond me. Between the weekly zone events, the weekly quests, the vault, delves, crafting and world bosses it’s raining good gear on players outside of dungeons/raids.

You don’t even win things for completing a mythic half the time.

Maybe that is the actual problem.

People cap out on the best gear they can get so quickly from other content that it becomes impossible to upgrade outside of the mythic/raid and that is what somebody is complaining about.

Which is insane because how much gear do you need to do world quests.

Maybe it’s time for them to start pushing themselves into harder things.

Right … and what does that have to do with someone wanting to gear a mythic raiding alt up quickly.

delves arent over rewarding gear

you get 4 chances a week maybe 5 or 6 and not safe from repeats.

i get mostly repeats

Nothing? I was talking about the ops post.

I made this character three weeks ago and can do mythic raiding. Tbh if I wasn’t only pugging my groups and had a team I played with, it would be a cakewalk…

To at least GET to that point.

Mythic raiding is hard for me still. lol I don’t have progress on it like I wish I did.

I guess… I don’t know the player base is weirdly protective about time locks on gear and I never got why.

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No gear is meaningful to me anymore. Season resets killed that.

Frankly at this point i wish gear acquisition was less investment time-wise so i can just do w/e content to get rewards i want. Like my main 2-3 chars i play right now are ~610 because i cant be bothered to grind. Its the worse first season of a new xpac cause of ilvl reset.

But rpg gonna rpg and gearing extends time in a patch by not being able to jump into and 100% the rewards you want so it aint changing.

The more important question to me is “am I enjoying doing this content with the gear I have?”


Bruh you’re not half as smart as you think you are.

I just have super super hurt your feelings if you have to follow me into multiple threads and make little snide comments :joy: