I love playing Rogue I’ve done it since vanilla and this is the weirdest its ever been it saddens me to see all classes getting cool reworks and Rogue gets no changes and most of the patches I’m not asking for it to be op I just want to be able to play and have fun I’ve done some bgs and some arenas I’m not the best player but as of right now you cannot 1v1 most classes
Tbh with you. We can almost 1v1 any class before and post nerf with Sub. I dont play Sin but Sub is even stronger post 10.1. We cant top damage BG like hunter or evoker but we can kill any class if you play it right. I am afraid it will get nerf again. You need to use your cd correctly.
Almost means we still lose.
You have to be bad to get 1v1 by a rogue after 10.5.
How does it feel? Like every other class was given a better version of our kit and 1.5-3x damage. Sub and outlaw feel smooth to play but the numbers are dog after numerous nerfs in season one. Assassination is trash outside one or two targets, it’s clunky and disjointed with cds being long and on different timers.
Feels like I’m playing a completely different game than the people I play against. Easily the worse version of rogue I’ve ever played. Horrible balancing, and even worse class design that keeps getting doubled down on. Only class in the game that is completely team mate reliable. If you’re not supported with cross cc or damage in your goes you’re destined to lose. Unlike other classes in the game we can’t mess up our cc (ie missing a trap, not polying, not fearing, etc etc) and 100-0 someone out the gates with little to no effort.
I landed 6 saps in a round of solo shuff and still lost the round, nothing feels rewarding anymore. Just hope you can get them out of the match with your sec tech that can reliably only be decent when cd stacked with cold blood (and on use tbh).
Playing rogue in s2 of dragonflight is almost as fun as CBT, good luck brothers
Too bad you weren’t playing a Hunter/Paladin/Demon Hunter/Monk/whatever, those 6 globals would have easily killed whoever.
Hmmmm… listen to the forums… or listen to one of the best rogues in the world…
I think it has potential but the talent trees just need to be fixed.
if ER becomes the meta for Sub, im simply retiring.
If the tier two-set ER combo winds up being as potent as that video suggests, I think we can expect a nerf. It’ll be the cold blood secret tech situation all over again.
At the end of the day we’ll end up in the same boat. Class is rotten at the core, literally relying on gimmicks and borrowed power. Imagine playing a spec that revolves around playing one comp in the game (rmp).
Core abilities just need to do damage. Enough dang gimmicks already.
Fat ambushes + fat backstabs + hemorrhage + fat freakin FW to crank fat eviscerates instead of slot machine mini game nonsense.
What happened to just pressing your abilities and they did X everytime instead of casino style nonsense? Other classes don’t randomly do jack crap.
Evoker presses silly ish and you get hit for 232k guaranteed. Moonkin pulling off 80k overall in matches. Warlocks doing 140k chaos bolts, ferals doing whatever and slamming an entire dang match. Hunters with 105k KS procs etc.
This ain’t rogue man, it’s a gimmick and will get nerfed again. Instead of reveling in it all, all of the nonsense just needs to seriously go away. really tired of shadowlands 2.
He’s one of the best rogues in the world, and a glad every season. Who’s input on performance do you think is more valuable?
p.s. this is a spectacular way to show you have no idea what you’re talking about. Several other classes have rng procs baked into their performance in pvp, e.g., how do you think an enh can randomly dump someone’s hp by most of their healthbar? Yeah, that’s called a proc. Learn the game, get better, and quit being another forum whiner who blames the class and not their poor performance.
PvE rogue feels okay. Damage could be just slightly better but it’s… okay.
PvP feels like absolute trash.
Ok but then there is this, which tbh I trust more cuz the second rogue is ‘good’ Nahj usually says its op and needs nerf.
Not what he says here, worse than last season. Rogues are riding coat tails of other specs in solo that are either over tuned or taking advantage of under tuned specs. Not sure which it is at this point.
BTW I lift. I’m 40 and I can do 400 on Deadlift no straps and no belt. It’s easy any one should be able to do it.
There is the exact logic from your post my guy. Get lifting. XD
First, if you’re going to bring someone else into it, it should be someone remotely close in skill to the person’s opinion you’re trying to rebut. He isn’t even remotely on the same level as Palumor.
This just makes you look like a fool.
So the number 1-2 rogue on the NA ladder in solo and reg 3’s isn’t worth listing to,
Your quote says it better than anything I could rebut with. Also what your responding to is me pointing out a bias.
Glad I stepped on your weak troll. Beat it rat.
5 seconds looking at the ladder - lying only makes you look even more foolish.
P.s meh meh meh meh
Core abilities return to doing good stuff
Still didn’t address any of this.
Being glad and other ego-stroking achieves has nothing to do with this. Sub rogue is gimmicky and reliant on comps like rmp and rls.
Anything else or you wanna keep hype manning Palumor? A single rank one rogue out of many,