sub looks pretty good, but ive been maining assa since bc and it feels really bad right now, at least in shuffle.
it takes way too long to ramp up compared to other melee classes. so until other melees get nerfed it just doesnt feel very good, you have to play pretty insane to not die to all the mongo dam from ret/ww/arms/dh/destro atm.
arms/ww/enhance/ret all have pretty crazy survivability when compared to their dps output and uptime. assa feels more squishy than last season, i wish they would revert the leeching poison nerf even tho it wont do too much
but yeah, i dont wanna be forced into playing sub, but i guess ill do what i gotta do.
I benched my rogue after the Outlaw combo point nerf.
Imho, the class has to juggle and spin a lot of plates to get mediocre results. Full combo point spenders feel lackluster.
Rogues do have some utility
Idk, they are due for some updates
Yet you dont even have “step into the arena” achievement on your whole account. So you’re here to gloat and D-ride another player and brainlessly vomit out what they say because they’re a great player? How does that pair up to if you even know how to play the class at all? That’s what we in the real world, call a sheep. Judging by your comments, you may as well put your foot into your mouth.
Oh honey, the irony
The problem is that the talent that would make Dispatch feel beefier (Summarily Dispatched) is completely awful and does not synergize with the spec at all.
Because Outlaw has to juggle a stupid amount of plates just to waste it on combo-builders instead of spenders, it will always feel unrewarding to use the spenders.
Would love if Roll the Bones got the axe, but apparently people just love rolling over and over again just to get a decent damage gain.
all glass and no canon, yeah its awesome
Other classes fight the entire match in pvp while you are hiding for stun drs and dance + other abilities
You blind for 5 sec and someone uses a defensive - your go is over
You cc a healer and do no meaningful contribution (blind + sap + gouge / stun whatever combination)
It aint fun watching ferals / warr / dk /dh / enhancement etc slam 30-50k an entire round while you’re being a goon putting things on dr to win.
Then when you do damage and blow someone up because they were at 60% life from a team mate, you get nerfed.
You only game when things are off dr, team is stable, and cross cc is out for 6-8 sec.
I can’t speak for assassination or outlaw but sub is feeling great again. Even with the cc nerfs somehow they feel even better now.
Honestly? The person who isn’t getting paid.
Go a step further, feel good and perform well are different benchmarks. It’s a contortion of whether the class feels good—which it doesn’t. Going from 20-30k crits on my Rogue to 105-120k crits on my Warrior is night and day.
Have any opinions of your own to share, or come to try and poison the well?
Sub has a very straightforward playstyle, unlike Outlaw, where it has on demand burst that you have control over.
Outlaw, on the other hand, feels like you’re flailing combo-point builders for no reason; where your spenders are so lackluster even at seven points that you don’t even bother trying to hit 7 points a Dispatch/Between The Eyes because you’re simply wasting time when you could be spamming Ambush.
My rogue in Classic is very unstoppable. I even will sometimes go out of stealth and will go face to face with people and win by stun lock, cc, dots, and superior skill. I win almost 100% of the time vs anyone I encounter on my rogue… I try the same or even similar tactics in retail and I get wrecked as easy as someone throwing a rock thru wet tissue paper.
Rogues have been complained about nonstop by multiple people in WoW for many years now. They are not even a half of what they once were.
I only ever do Sub. And sometimes will go assass. It is partly an Rp thing as well. I only will ever do certain specs on certain classes and nothing else ever no matter how viable it is. IDK. Rogue should be performing much better than it is currently. Out of the multitude of MMOs that I have played, WoW still does rogues and paladins better than anyone else even with how bad they seem to be now compared to what they used to be.
Just getting back into my rogue for DF.
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You want to know how good it feels to play a rogue.
Gloomblade hits for 45k. Feels bad.
7 point Eviscerate hits for 42k. Feels really bad.
Chaos Bolt hits for 200k, I die. I don’t have words to express this feeling.
Sub pvp’s, Assa Pve’s in pvp. I don’t want to play a spec that’s going to get nerfed so I’m playing Assa fighting classes that do more dps than me. In order to compete (solo shuffle that is) I have to dot up everything because it’s really like fighting a raid boss.
I don’t understand why a cc that can be removed, not spammable lasts for a while 5 seconds.
I lose more games trying to play the way I been playing for years than straight raiding in solo q.
This pertains to Assa. Sub feels so strong (feels so good) I don’t want to play it
Sub is oneshotting people right now, while on shadow dance. It gets even better with 4 set.
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Are you doubting me?
Those numbers might not be exact, but they are close. I actually had a 7cp Eviscerate hit for less than a Gloomblade. That’s pathetic by any measure.
If you’re getting one-shot by a rogue, all I can say is stop walking around naked.
Yeah man, watch out for those 600k eviscerates 
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Or maybe you’re just bad at it.
Ofc i don’t mean literal oneshot, but you can kill people during 5 second window most of the time with just symbols dance and Technique.
Sub is in very good spot right now.
No you can’t. Tech hits big if you build up danse stacks so at a min you need dance → trinket → st → ks → ss → evis → kyrion → tech. In arena with buffs you usually also need a crafted proc (boots, shoulders or devotion)
Right now that will 100-0 a lot of classes if they don’t use trinket or defensives but:
- You should be able to 100-0 classes that don’t use trinkets, defensives or get heals and
- Most DPS classes right now have a 100-0 burst if no defensives or trinket are used. fire mage, enh and Dh all as much or faster ramp up than rogue.
Also, what are you hitting for that screenshot? I did an 800k+ tech on a target dummy but that’s not realistic.
I agree sub is in a good spot right now though.
No, you dont. Try playing with cold blood instead of reprimand and flagg.