Does reporting the same ad multiple times do anything?

See title. I’m sick and tired of seeing ads with formation times of over a day ago in premade group finder and want to see them deleted from everyone’s listings, not just my own. Does reporting them multiple times [That is, by reporting them, exiting the game, then logging back in and reporting them again] do anything at all to get the groups taken down quicker?

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No, trying to report the same thing doesn’t work as it’s per account, not something that can be spammed. More to the point, it takes time for GMs to get to the reports and there isn’t a mean to forcefully shove something to the top of a given list other then people reporting things as well.


One account = one report. Blizzard handles reports in the order they are received. An advertisement in the group finder would only take one report for it to be actioned. The only way to get a higher priority on the handling it is to have more players report it, not one player repeatedly reporting it.

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This. It’s been said that more unique reports may move it up the queue faster, so if you get others to join you, that may help. But I will also add the caveat that getting people to join you in reporting ads could be seen as abusing the report feature.

So, just make sure you’re reporting in good faith. You don’t need to justify your report, just don’t cross the line into using it as a weapon, so to speak.


Just for clarification, Etamalgren, do the entries into group finder actually violate our policy, or do they just appear to be old? If they are just old, those don’t actually violate policy so nothing would be able to be done regardless of how many reports they receive. It would be better to submit feedback about changing the functionality in group finder to help avoid those.

Beyond that, everyone was accurate in that your report counts once when reporting something. Multiple reports in a short period of time will only count as one.


Are the trade channel ads for selling arena ranking for gold only and AOTC for gold only still allowed? I’ve been reporting this left and right barely get any feedback.

In Trade chat, yes. The one advertising them must be participating in it on the character doing the advertising.

Individuals and guilds selling items and services for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade chat channel. Advertisements are not allowed in the Group Finder. The Group Finder is intended to help players find active groups that are being formed and advertisements make it difficult to find relevant groups.

Organizations who offer boosting, matchmaking, escrow, or other non-traditional services, including those offered for gold are prohibited, especially those who operate across multiple realms.

They can be reported for spam if you find they are posted a lot.


As Rufflebottom noted, those mostly are not against policy and haven’t been. We prohibit “organizations” from doing so, but individuals and guilds may still do so a single realm from the participants who are running it.


They’re definitely ads, not legitimate groups.
The group names, for reference:
->> 20% OFF FAST 262…
>> Mythic +15+25 (which has a website link in the voice chat field…)
[WTS MYTHIC+FREE LOOT] (typed in a different font, making it impossible to find when searching for, say, “free”)
[WTS] M+15-20 LOOT NOW
>> Zavaal fastkill… (with pretty much every other character having accents or tildes over them)

All of which use the voice chat listing to show the website they’re linking to, though many also put the website in their description. EDIT: And yes, they all appear to be 1-2 days old.


An example of the ads that I’ve reported yesterday. …with the website and group leader’s names blocked out for obvious reasons.

The group listing states that it was created three days ago. That would imply that it’s been up ever since weekly maintenance ended. (And yes, I reported them again today to get them off my list…)


They honestly sound like the gold sellers and as quick as they get banned and blocked they come back with new shiny stolen accounts to advertise more. So keep reporting and this is what your dealing with, Not a small group but a very large criminal group

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Same ad, Same group creator, Group is now two days older. (Again, with the website’s link and group leader’s name removed for obvious reasons.)

What do I have to do to get rid of these ads, multibox to the point that the auto-removal for mass reports gets triggered? I’d have hoped that these ad makers would’ve had to at least use a new account by now…

Just right click report and move on with your life. Normal tickets are like a day atm, they are probably dealing with actual issues right now above some listings in the group finder. The reports will get looked at in order they are received.

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Well, that’s what I do. I right click report. And then I see the ad again a day later, a day older. (This time, I actually reported so many ads that my reporting ended up throttled – I had to wait a minute to report the last four groups until they’d finally be temporarily removed from my LFG searches.)

If ticket response times are a day or two, why are ads in group finder staying up for five days, soon to be six?

It’s demoralizing seeing absolutely nothing happening for a legitimate report on such an open and shut case like posting an ad for RMT in group finder.


The new report mentality is just creating alot more reports. Between every swear word etc being reported, its going to gum the timeframes up. Posting here wont really change anything, this is a player help player forum. If you want to provide feedback either use the in game methods or general forums. Because while the blues here do pop in they dont forward feedback to the devs.


Only so much you can do! They once blizzard stops them from the one account they switch to a new account and post again. The only way to stop them is to have your fellow players to not use their services.


I thought that while guilds could still do this for gold, they can’t do it through group finder. Did that change? I thought they had to use trade chat.

That is what I said. :slight_smile:

Since Rufflebottom already quoted the correct section (quoted below) and linked the Support Article, there wasn’t a lot I could add, but I was responding directly to the question: “Are the trade channel ads for selling arena ranking for gold only and AOTC for gold only still allowed?”.

I was reinforcing what Rufflebottom quoted, specifically the section below.

Individuals and guilds selling items and services for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade chat channel. Advertisements are not allowed in the Group Finder. The Group Finder is intended to help players find active groups that are being formed and advertisements make it difficult to find relevant groups.


Thanks, I missed his response :slight_smile: